Eddy current Definition and 84 Threads

Eddy currents (also called Foucault's currents) are loops of electrical current induced within conductors by a changing magnetic field in the conductor according to Faraday's law of induction. Eddy currents flow in closed loops within conductors, in planes perpendicular to the magnetic field. They can be induced within nearby stationary conductors by a time-varying magnetic field created by an AC electromagnet or transformer, for example, or by relative motion between a magnet and a nearby conductor. The magnitude of the current in a given loop is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, the area of the loop, and the rate of change of flux, and inversely proportional to the resistivity of the material. When graphed, these circular currents within a piece of metal look vaguely like eddies or whirlpools in a liquid.
By Lenz's law, an eddy current creates a magnetic field that opposes the change in the magnetic field that created it, and thus eddy currents react back on the source of the magnetic field. For example, a nearby conductive surface will exert a drag force on a moving magnet that opposes its motion, due to eddy currents induced in the surface by the moving magnetic field. This effect is employed in eddy current brakes which are used to stop rotating power tools quickly when they are turned off. The current flowing through the resistance of the conductor also dissipates energy as heat in the material. Thus eddy currents are a cause of energy loss in alternating current (AC) inductors, transformers, electric motors and generators, and other AC machinery, requiring special construction such as laminated magnetic cores or ferrite cores to minimize them. Eddy currents are also used to heat objects in induction heating furnaces and equipment, and to detect cracks and flaws in metal parts using eddy-current testing instruments.

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  1. C

    Eddy current damping - Analysis?

    I'm trying to damp an oscillating metal plate with a neodymium magnet. Things I know - Remanence of the magnet - The magnetic flux density at distance z (from the distributors site) - Dimensions of the magnet - Plate material (Aluminium) - Distance to the plate. What I'm trying to find out is...
  2. P

    How Do Eddy Current Losses in Transformer Cores Work?

    Hi, I have been trying to understand eddy current loss in transformer cores but seem to have run into a bit of a misunderstanding with one of the books I have read, and I was wondering if someone could just clarify if I have got this all right. starting with the beginning, if the magnetic...
  3. AJKing

    Calculate Torque of Eddy Current Brake for Rotating Disk with Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement Refer to Figure attached. A disk of conductivity σ and thickness b rotates around an axis through its center with a magnetic field B applied perpendicular to the plane of the disk over a small area a2. Find the approximate torque tending to slow the disk at the instant its...
  4. M

    Eddy current losses in core of a electromagnetic motor

    Hi here, I am trying to make an efficient ribbon microphone motor. My target is to get a highest possible output voltage so it can be plugged into a regular mic pre-amp. It should have possibly flat output on frequences 20Hz to 20KHz. I know that electric output depends on magnetic field...
  5. J

    How to include a capacitor to an Ansoft Maxwell 3D eddy current design

    Hi experts, I wonder anyone of you have an idea on whether we can include a discrete component (specifically a capacitor) into an "Ansoft Maxwell 3D" eddy current design. Little more description: I do have a specific eddy current design with a coils. I need to add a series capacitor and...
  6. E

    Eddy Current Braking of a Simple Pendulum

    I'm setting up an experiment and I 'd like to somehow quantify the effects of magnetic braking on a simple pendulum. At the moment, I have a curved sheet of Aluminium that I will swing freely between two magnets set up in yoke (horseshoe magnets). The magnets induce eddy currents in the...
  7. L

    Induced Current and Eddy Current

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  8. Y

    Can varying magnetic field cause eddy current in aluminum?

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  9. H

    Eddy current in an infinitely long cylindrical conductor in an solenoid

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  10. V

    Displacement current vs eddy current

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  11. M

    Maxwell 3D eddy current simulation for a cylindrical wire

    Hi, I am trying to do a simulation for the current distribution in a cylindrical conductor wire using MAXWELL 3D. I used eddy current solver and assigned excitation of current 1A at both ends of the round wire. (I set length L=2mm, radius R=1mm) The field plot seems ok, having highest current...
  12. M

    How can I calculate eddy currents in a changing magnetic field?

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  13. O

    Calculating Eddy Current Power Loss in Solenoid System | Copper Plate Experiment

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  14. O

    How to calculate power loss due to eddy current formation?

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  15. D

    Eddy Current in a rotationg disk

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  16. D

    How does eddy current circulation occur in a moving conductor?

    Homework Statement I understand that when a conductor ( we assume that it is a thin square sheet with no resistance) move say with a constant velocity perpendicular to a uniform B-field, there will be a current induced in the conductor (eddy current). This induced current will oppose the...
  17. O

    Defining dimensions of a linear eddy current brakes permanent magnets

    I am designing an eddy current brake system for use in roller coaster design. I have the flux density required to reduce the speed to what i want it to be. what i need to do from that is work out the dimensions needed to obtain his flux density. the configuration is for identical magnets...
  18. B

    What is the difference between eddy current and induced current?

    what is the difference between eddy current and induced current? and how could eddy current cause energy loss? does the induced current cause also energy loss? what is the difference between back emf and induced emf? all these things are confusing me. thanks in advance
  19. T

    Eddy Current Brakes: Explaining the Mechanics

    Hey guys, our professor did a demo for us after the class since they just received new equipment, and unfortunately he didn't want to explain to us all the mechanics of what we witnessed because I'm currently following the mechanics course, but this was an E&M related demonstration. I know a...
  20. S

    Eddy current losses - solid/laminated cores

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  21. P

    How Can I Calculate the Eddy Current Force on a Moving Slider?

    Homework Statement For my internship I need to solve a problem with eddy currents involved. The problem shows a U-shaped aluminum slider (see attachment) with steel plates on the left and right side mounted on it. In this aluminum slider there are 10 magnets (5 at each side) with a...
  22. G

    How does eddy current affect two magnets spinning at 2000 RPM?

    Hi guys I may have posted in the wrong section. If I have 2 magnets pushing away from each other (one is fixed) the other is on a crank. And the crank is spinning around 2000 RPM (33.33 crank rotations every second) how will eddy current effect the 2 magnets? I have Wikied "eddy...
  23. J

    Is Maxwell 2D Eddy Current Solver Computing Induced or Overall Magnetic Field?

    Hello, I am using Maxwell SV to model the magnetic field inside a solenoid coil. I am currently using the eddy current solver as I have an AC source (167 kHz). When I map the H field in the post processor is the software computing induced magnetic field due to eddy currents in the conductor...
  24. E

    Eddy Current Pendulum: How Does it Work?

    I am trying to understand how the Eddy current pendulum works. I know that the changing magnetic field will generate the eddy currents in the pendulum due to Faraday's Law, and that these currents will align so as to oppose the magnetic field. But where does the force come from? If its due to...
  25. A

    What Differentiates Eddy Currents from Resistance in Physics?

    Increased lattice vibration impedes the flow of electron. This in turn, increases temperature and resistance occurs. So, the temperature is a form of heat energy loss. Eddy current caused by EMF leads to energy loss. When revising, I seem to get confused with the differences and mix Eddy...
  26. T

    Energy losses through hysteresis and eddy current losses

    Homework Statement I would like to know how the energy loss happen in a tranformer and it would be very helpful if an example was provided. Energy loss in tranformer through hysteresis losses and eddy current lossess, how does it occurs Homework Equations Is this equations used...
  27. F

    Eddy Current Braking: Answers to Common Questions

    Hello all :) I'm doing some coursework on eddy current braking atm and I just need to clarify that I have the right idea about how the concept works. Right, I know that when a conductive plate passes through the poles of a magnet, the change in magnetic flux induces eddy currents in the...
  28. R

    Hydraulic pump and eddy current

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  29. R

    Eddy current pipe force equation

    When you drop a (strong) magnet into a copper pipe, it slows down. Is there an equation for calculating the force? I have searched and searched Google, but all i found was F=[(B^2)(l^2)v]/R, where B = magnetic field, l = circumference of tube, v = velocity of magnet, and R = resistance of pipe...
  30. B

    How to Design an Eddy Current Braking System for a Roller Coaster?

    I have to try and design said system for a university project where we're designing a roller coaster. Basically its going to be a copper fin that will move between two magnets but I have no idea how to calculate the mass of copper and strength of magnet I'll need to decelerate the car...
  31. H

    Eddy current equation question

    Whenever you stroke a magnet against a plate of copper or another good conductor of electricity you always get a force that opposes the movement of a magnet called and eddy current. What i want to know is can you calculate the repeling force of the eddy current? and if so how? I know that the...
  32. N

    How Can We Measure Vibration Amplitude with an Eddy Current Displacement Sensor?

    how can we measure the amplitude of vibration of a sheet with and eddy current displacement sensor?:confused: :frown: :cry: my course work is : how the time taken for the amplitude of vibrating sheet of aluminium to halve,varies with the magnetic flux density of the field in which the...
  33. N

    Designing Coil of Eddy Current Sensor - Get Tips & Solutions

    I have some problems designing the coil of an eddy current sensor. I've been searching for some information in different pages and each of it has some criterion for the desing. I would like to know if anyone knows which criterion must I follow to achieve a successful desing. for any...