Hi All,
Anyone willing to help out in explaining what eigenfreuqncy for this oscilatory system, would be? Also if anybody knows the equation to calulate this stuff please, if you're willing to share I'd be greatful!
Thanks, regards.
I am confused with this concept. So if a system possesses multiple possible eigenfrequencies (and therefore modes), how does the system "know" which eigenfrequency will it want to vibrate on? Does that depend on the initial condition you give the system? Is there any mathematical relation...
I have a question concerning eigenfrequencies:
Let us assume we examine a beam that is fixed at one end and free at the other end. It is possible to get an analytical solution in form of a unlimtied series: sum_i=1..infinity eigenfunction(i)*exp(i*eigenfrequencie(i)*t). (something...
If I have a system where the following is found to describe the motion of three particles:
The normal modes of the system are given by the following eigenvectors: $$(1,0,-1), (1,1,1), (1,-2,1)$$
How can I find the corresponding eigenfrequencies? It should be simple... What am I missing?
I know that a beam suspended in two ends can have many modal shapes. However, when it comes to unsupported free beam its first three eigenfrequencies are 0, why? And why should it have eigenfrequencies at all if it is free to move? Is eigenfrequency characteristic of every material? Why is it...
Homework Statement
This problem is from the 1992 GRE. A tube is free to slide on a frictionless wire. On each end of the tube is attached a pendulum. The mass of the tube is M. The length and mass of the pendula are l and m, respectively.
Homework Equations
It is given that one of the...
Homework Statement
I have solved for the eigenfrequencies of a system composed of two particles of masses m connected to each other by a spring of constant 2k and where one particle is connected to a wall by a spring of constant 4k and the other particle is connected to a second wall by a...
Homework Statement
Someone studying a dynamical system in another field of science tells you that when they
attempt to model the experiment they’ve been examining they obtain the following set of
coupled ordinary differential equations.
\dot{x}= -Ax + By
\dot{y}= -Cx
In what follows you...
Homework Statement
(M + m) \ddot x + m l \ddot\theta - ml \dot\theta ^2\theta = 0
\ddot\theta + \frac{\ddot x}{l} + \frac{g}{l}\theta = 0
I am not quite sure how to get a x(t) and theta(t) that actually fit for these equations...
For the second equation, I was thinking something like
x(t) =...
Homework Statement
Hello everyone. I'm trying to find the eiegenfrequencies in a problem.
We have a particle of mass m, charge e, that is subject to a linear restoring force
\textbf{F} = -k\textbf{r}
and the particle is in a magnetic field [tex]\textbf{B} = B\textbf{k}[/itex]
(in the...