Hi, as test of GR I'm aware of there is the "anomalous" precession of the perihelion of Mercury.
My question is: in which coordinate system are the previsions of GR verified concerning the above ? Thanks.
Hello all,
I have a question on a pivotal concept of GR that I've never managed to fully grasp.
In what coordinate system is the Einstein's Field Equation set up and solved?
I've always assumed it's an Euclidean 4D space, whose metric is irrelevant because we are dealing with scalar...
About a week ago I was reading about Cartan's geometric interpretation of the Einstein Field Equation
Gij + Λgij = κTij
According to Cartan, this equation expresses the idea
(sum of moments of rotation for the faces of a little 3-cube) = 8π * (amount of energy-momentum within that 3-cube)
What I've done is using the TOV equations and I what I found at the end is:
##e^{[\frac{-8}{3}\pi G\rho]r^2+[\frac{16}{9}(G\pi\rho)^{2}]r^4}-\rho=P(r)##
so I am sure that this is not right, if someone can help me knowing it I really apricate it :)
in video "Einstein Field Equation - for Beginner!" by "DrPhysicsA" on youtube, in 01:10:56, the christoffel symbol equation is written, then i see in "Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky" video with title "Einstein's Field Equations of General Relativity Explained" in minute 05:02 on how the...
I've coded Riemann tensor in python successfully. However, I recently stumbled onto another Riemann equation for the valence (0,4) as shown in the following link: Riemann (0,4)
I'm having troubled coding the last part after the partial derivatives and the plus sign. Can anyone help me? Thanks
Hi everyone. Could you help me to find the way to prove some things?
1)Changing of body velocity or reference frame don't contribute to spacetime curvature
2)On the contrary the change of body mass causes the change of curvature in local spacetime
I use the assumption that if we have the same...
Actually from the Einstein field equation I am trying to compute the R00 component and get at a point
now I am trying to apply the weak field approximation ,how will I proceed?
Basically the video talk about how moving from A to A'(which is basically A) in an anticlockwise manner will give a vector that is different from when the vector is originally in A in curved space.
$$[(v_C-v_D)-(v_B-v_A)]$$ will equal zero in flat space...
∇2g00 = 8πGρ
According to drphysics, as this is not a tensor equation, we need to change it such that it fits general relativity.
Gμv = 8πGTμv
T00 is the energy density. The conversion of the density(ρ) to T00 is it done through E=mc2?
And since is T00, it will be over c4 instead of...
Hello I'm new here on this forum and on physics too.
I have problem on Einstein famous equation
I have a problem on the last component Tαβ I know that tensor name is Einstein stress-energy tensor and I know that Tαβ...
How does efe takes into special relativity? Is it due to efe been based on spacetime which takes into account the time component? But how does it takes into account the limiting speed of light?
What happens if you apply EFE to a small particle like electron? Is it where efe breaks down and have to be replaced with quantum gravity? My apologies for such a dumb qns as I just started.
Is EFE an equation to help us find the curvature cause by mass? Like the schwarzchild metric? In addition, is it a must to use polar coordinate for EFE to work since it contains dr? Can we used the ordinary Euclidean coordinate in minkoswki space for EFE? If we can't is it because there is no...
The swartzchild metric, the kerr metric etc. where constructed with specific goals in mind, how does one go about doing that with goals in mind? Any help or comments appreciated. I don't expect a guide, I doubt one exists,
Hi guys. I am trying to understand einstein field equation and thus have started on learning tensor. For metric tensor, is it just comprised of two contra/covariant vectors tensor product among each other alone or does it requires an additional kronecker delta? I am confused about the idea...
This question is on the construction of the Einstein Field Equation.
In my notes, it is said that
>The most general form of the Ricci tensor R_{ab} is R_{ab}=AT_{ab}+Bg_{ab}+CRg_{ab}
where R is the Ricci scalar.
Why is this the most general form (involving up to the second derivative...
I got some trouble from this question:
For a given metric: ds2 =t-2(dx2-dt2), derive the energy-momentum tensor which satisfies the Einstein equation: Rαβ- 1/2Rgαβ=8\piGTαβ.
I got the Ricci scalar R=2, but Tαβ=0 for all α,β. Does this means a curved spacetime without any source(energy-momentum...
I want to prove that Euler Lagrange equation and Einstein Field equation (and Geodesic equation) are the same thing so I made this calculation.
First, I modified Energy-momentum Tensor (talking about 2 dimension; space+time) :
T_{\mu\nu}=\begin{pmatrix} \nabla E& \dot{E}\\ \nabla p &...
I want to show that ∇2ϕ=ρ/2, which governs gravity in Newtonian physics?
I found solution of this question in [General Relativity for Mathematicians, R.K.Sachs and H.Wu, 1997, page 112&271].
Solution refer to optional exercise as follows:
Let R^ be the (0, 4) –tensor field physically...
I just wonder is there good reference to show how to solve Einstein's Field Equation? It seems that his equation can generate many possibilities but what techniques that require us to study and solve it?
Gµv + Λgµv = (8πG/c4)Tµv
I have several questions. what is the µv? when we use it today do we use the cosmological constant even though the universe isn't static or does it mean something different than einstein orignally thought? what are we measuring when we use this if theyre all constants?