Electric charge Definition and 274 Threads

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of electric charge: positive and negative (commonly carried by protons and electrons respectively). Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other. An object with an absence of net charge is referred to as neutral. Early knowledge of how charged substances interact is now called classical electrodynamics, and is still accurate for problems that do not require consideration of quantum effects.
Electric charge is a conserved property; the net charge of an isolated system, the amount of positive charge minus the amount of negative charge, cannot change. Electric charge is carried by subatomic particles. In ordinary matter, negative charge is carried by electrons, and positive charge is carried by the protons in the nuclei of atoms. If there are more electrons than protons in a piece of matter, it will have a negative charge, if there are fewer it will have a positive charge, and if there are equal numbers it will be neutral. Charge is quantized; it comes in integer multiples of individual small units called the elementary charge, e, about 1.602×10−19 coulombs, which is the smallest charge which can exist freely (particles called quarks have smaller charges, multiples of 1/3e, but they are only found in combination, and always combine to form particles with integer charge). The proton has a charge of +e, and the electron has a charge of −e.
Electric charges produce electric fields. A moving charge also produces a magnetic field. The interaction of electric charges with an electromagnetic field (combination of electric and magnetic fields) is the source of the electromagnetic (or Lorentz) force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in physics. The study of photon-mediated interactions among charged particles is called quantum electrodynamics.The SI derived unit of electric charge is the coulomb (C) named after French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. In electrical engineering it is also common to use the ampere-hour (Ah). In physics and chemistry it is common to use the elementary charge (e as a unit). Chemistry also uses the Faraday constant as the charge on a mole of electrons. The lowercase symbol q often denotes charge.

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  1. K

    Calculating electric charge from graph (capacitor)

    Apparently, we need to integrate the functions from 0 to the time when it is fully charged. However, I integrated in terms of t so the soultion (according to a graph programme) should be around 236 Vs but I don’t see how this could help me.
  2. C

    Why Does Positive Charge Exert Elec. Field Beyond Neg. Charge?

    I wonder how it is possible that a positive charge can exert el. field beyond negative charge? Shouldn't they "connect" and therefore positive charge should stop to have el. field beyond neg. charge? I mean, I am obviously wrong about that, but can someone please explain why/how el. field from...
  3. rwh2100

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  4. A

    I Calculating Total Electric Charge with a Capacitor and Battery

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  5. V

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  6. A

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  8. jackiepollock

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  9. P

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  10. H

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  11. J

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  12. S

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  13. J

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  14. F

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  15. C

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  16. C

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  17. Z

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  18. T

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  19. Mutatis

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  20. C

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  21. C

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  22. S

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  23. L

    Derivation of the Potential Energy of an Electric Charge System

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  24. nashikin58

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  25. S

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  26. Islam Hassan

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  27. J

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  28. J

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  29. Prof Sabi

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  30. B

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  31. M

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  32. Manolisjam

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  33. H

    If r=0 then will the electric charge of two points=infinity?

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  34. M

    Dimension of the electric charge in CGS and in SI?

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  35. Physics Dad

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  36. Const@ntine

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  37. Z

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  38. Tania Velarca

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  39. Go Nucelar

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  40. T

    Did i calculate the V/A/R of a plasma arc properly?

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  41. H

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    Hello, Does anyone have informations about a relativistic origin of the charge-to-mass ratio ?
  42. S

    A Electric charge as ##Q = T_{3} + Y##

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  43. F

    An electric charge feels its own self electric field

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  44. RoboNerd

    Question about work on an electric charge

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  45. killershek


    In case of wire(having uniform linear charge density), without assuming the wire infinite long, why we can't take electric field perpendicular to the curved part of the cylindrical Gaussian surface?
  46. F

    Question about electrical potential energy

    Homework Statement Two charged plate hold a charge of 3 coulombs with the upper plate being positively charged and the lower plate being negatively charged. They have a pd of 6 volts. There is a spacing of 20 cm between them. A positive charge q with a charge 0.4 coulomb is located at midpoint...
  47. Cimino54

    What is the Net Force on q1 in a Rectangle of Charges?

    Homework Statement Four charges, q1 = +145 µC, q2 = +55 µC, q3 = −150 µC, and q4 = +27 µC, are fixed at the corners of a 4 m by 5 m rectangle, as illustrated in the figure below. What are the magnitude (in N) and the direction (in degrees counterclockwise from the +x-axis) of the net force...
  48. C

    Calculating Tension Forces on Charged Balls Suspended by Strings

    Homework Statement Two identical balls (B and C) with a mass of .5 g are suspended from two strings as shown above. The balls carry equal charges +10nC each and are separated by a distance of 4 cm. A. Draw the free-body diagram and show all forces applied to ball C. B. Find the tension force in...
  49. C

    Electric Charge and Force free body diagrams

    Homework Statement A positive charge Q1 = 7.4 μC is located at a point X1 = -2 m, a negative charge Q2 = -9.7 μC is located at a point X2 = 3 m and a positive charge Q3 = 2.1 μC is located at a point X3 = 9 m. Draw free body diagrams for the electric force acting on Q1, Q2 and Q3. Find the...
  50. UseAsDirected

    B Why are two cellophane tapes attracted when ripped apart?

    Hello, I put two strips of cellophane tape adjacent to each other adhered onto a table. When I pull them both apart, they repel each other, both insulators ripped electrons from the wood. When I stack two strips of tape on top of each other on a table, rip the combined bundle off the table...