Electrodes Definition and 81 Threads

An electrode is an electrical conductor used to make contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit (e.g. a semiconductor, an electrolyte, a vacuum or air). The word was coined by William Whewell at the request of the scientist Michael Faraday from two Greek words: elektron, meaning amber (from which the word electricity is derived), and hodos, a way.The electrophore, invented by Johan Wilcke, was an early version of an electrode used to study static electricity.

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  1. I

    Graphing The ΔV between three charged metal electrodes

    Homework Statement Graphing The ΔV between three charged metal electrodes, in regards to x distance Here is the the picture I'm given with the problem. The hint tells me to assume that V=0 when x=0.Homework Equations C=Q/ΔVThe Attempt at a Solution I thought the electrodes looked kinda like a...
  2. H

    Why are carbon electrodes neutral in electrolysis of water?

    What is it about the atomic makeup of carbon electrodes that makes them neutral in electrolysis?
  3. S

    Electric field between electrodes of half-filled spherical capacitor

    Homework Statement Half the space between two concentric electrodes of a spherical capacitor is filled with uniform isotropic dielectric with permittivity ε. The charge of the capacitor is q. Find the magnitude of electric field strength between the electrodes as a function of distance r...
  4. jegues

    5 Parallel Large Flat Electrodes (Potential/E-Field)

    Homework Statement See figure attached. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My professor came up with this example in lecture and the way he went it about it was very confusing so hopefully you guys can help me clear up some of steps/thought process he took. We are...
  5. A

    Tunnel resistane between dissimilar electrodes

    Hi, I would like to evaluate roughly the tunneling resistance (Ohm.cm2) between an Al-aC (amorphous carbon)junction separated by a thin layer of PVDF polymer. I use the model developed by Simmons (Journal of Applied Physics, vol 34. N9, p 2581), and assume that aC is a metal (since the band...
  6. W

    Stainless steel electrodes act as battery?

    I have two probes. They consist of a stainless steel cylinder inside another, one held by epoxy and one held by acrylic. I can measure a voltage difference between them. I have placed them in tap water and applied a 5V difference across them then disconnected the voltage. The problem is that...
  7. E

    Mechanically controllable break junction electrodes

    Hi all :) There are some questions troubling me concerning mechanically controllable break junction electrodes. Generally, what happens is the bridge between the electrodes is opened by bending. At a certain point the bridge is broken and the two sharp electrodes are formed. So, my questions...
  8. B

    Electric Field, Potential Between 3 Charged Electrodes

    Homework Statement The book also asks for E versus x. Homework Equations dV/dx=-E E=sigma/epsilon0 The Attempt at a Solution This question seemed fairly straightforward: I assumed it could be treated like two +-50 nC capacitors, each with d=1 cm. According to my...
  9. G

    Capacitance between two coplanar electrodes

    Homework Statement I have two coplanar electrodes (180 deg between them) and one of them is under voltage causing circular electric field between them. The target is to calculate the capacitance. Homework Equations Using the capacitance equation C = \frac{\epsilon_{0}A}{l} I say that...
  10. M

    Chemical Electric CELL with graphite electrodes?

    In normal chemical cells, the electrodes are two different metals so that the more reactive one gives off electrons and create a flow of electrons and hence electricity. [the electrolyte is say NaOH aq or whatever] Just wondering - is it possible to have a chemical cell consisting of: a)...
  11. Z

    How to remember the charge of electrodes?

    How do I remember that anode is positive in electrolysis but negative in electrochemical cells? I always forget it :|
  12. I

    Electrodes for use in the electrolysis of water

    Ok so I just have a few questions. I've been reading up on the electrolysis of water and just read a few things about electrodes. The article I was reading supports the use of inert metals such platinum and stainless steel, but it also included carbon. I've actually used carbon to decompose...
  13. B

    How do I build a palm reader circuit using electrodes?

    Hi everyone, I am currently doing a project with a group of friends. The project requires us to build a palm reader which uses electrodes to read the hand's impedance and then do the things that the circuit was designed to do. My group's idea is to build a piano. We use the electrodes as...
  14. R

    Electric field between two electrodes with insulator/conductor between.

    Hi, I don't have a set question that needs answering, I'm just a little confused and need some clarifying if that's possible.. We've been investigating equipotentials and electric field lines between two electrodes with conductors and insulators between the electrodes. With a conducting...
  15. T

    Discharged electrodes and charges: electric slingshot

    Homework Statement working on feasability of a new satellite launcher that will save rocket fue. the design of the launcher is an electric slingshot. the launcher consists of 4 electrodes arranged in a horizontal square with sides 5 m long. the square of electrodes is mounted so that the...
  16. F

    Will the Voltage Split Equally Between Two Different Sized Electrodes?

    I have been thinking about the following situation, without getting the physical understandig straight: Two electrodes, one twice the size (area) of the other, are connected to a voltage generator to obtain a voltage difference of 100V between the electrodes. The question is if the voltage...
  17. N

    What factors are important in designing pH electrodes and metallic electrodes?

    I have not searched enough/researched, but my immediate need is to clarify the following in the context of pH electrodes, metallic electrodes and conductivity cells, particularly as regards the way they are conceived/ designed, [WARNING] my queries may be naive [WARNING]: (1a) Often a vendor...
  18. A

    Neon Ions Acceleration in Tube w/20kN/C Field

    A section of an advertising sign consists of a long tube filled with neon gas having electrodes inside at both ends. A uniform electric field of 20 kN/C is set up between the electrodes, and neon ions accelerate along the length of the tube. Given that the ions each have a mass of 3.35 X 10-26kg...
  19. C

    What will happen if CuSO4 is taken as electrolyte.Zn & Cu are two electrodes.?

    What will happen if CuSO4 is taken as electrolyte.Zn & Cu are two electrodes.?? If we take copper sulfate as an electrolyte and zinc and copper as two electrodes...and allow the current to flow...Wat will happen... Here is till where i have understood... When we will start current...
  20. X

    Field line near the electrodes for the different electrode

    1. Can someone explain the density of the field line near the electrodes for the different electrode. 2. How would the different field densities described above affect the force on a charge?
  21. H

    Comp Sci Electrodes on a Grid in Fortran 77

    1. Question Statement: Create a 40 mm by 40 mm two-dimensional grid centered on point (0,0) (grid size 1mm by 1mm so the grid is 41 points by 41 points). On this grid, put four circular electrodes, one centered on each corner, each with radius 15 mm. Fix the electrodes on the upper left and...
  22. D

    Multiple electrodes - capacitance.

    Hey, I have a length of pipe. Inside the pipe walls I have placed four electrodes. If one is giving out x volts, and I know the dielectric constant of the material between them, is there an easy way of finding the capacitance on the other three electrodes? I'm looking for hints as well as...
  23. electronic engineer

    Electrodes Impedances: Replacement of Galvanometers

    I need a clarify for this statement: Replacement of galvanometers with high-gain amplifiers allowed smaller electrodes with higher impedances to be used and potentials of smaller amplitudes to be recorded .
  24. S

    What happens when you put inert electrodes @ 220V/50Hz in tap water?

    Anyway ... a long long time ago, my father told me a story how when he was in college, they used to heat water just by putting putting 2 inert electrodes (graphite) in tap water and it would instantly (in a few seconds) boil. He said they used to make coffee and pasta that way :) Now that I'm...
  25. M

    Battery short circuit electrodes question

    In battery, after finishing of its construction and positive & negative electrode creation, why we will need an external electrical lead (for example copper wires) for transmission of energy between two poles? Why no short circuit occurs between positive and negative electrodes through...
  26. M

    How to Better Share the Current between Electrodes

    I have an electrolytic cell with 10 (graphite) anodes and 1 (steel) cathode. The steel cathode in placed in the center and the 10 carbon-rod anodes are placed in two concentric rings around the cathode (4 rods on the inner “ring”, 6 rods on the outer ring). I have electrically connected all of...
  27. G

    How to calculate resistance between two electrodes filled with water

    Hello , Can someone from this group help me ,how to calculate resistance between two electrodes filled with water with a known conductivity solution. In my case I have two experimental conditions. First there are two rectangular plates separated with a gap of 30 mm. In second case...
  28. D

    Experimenting with Electrodes in Water: Physics Theory Needed

    Hi, i am doing an experiment involving electrodes conected to a circuit and the electrodes submersed into (a) stationary water and (b) flowing water. i am measuring how the current in the curcuit is affected by changing the distance of separation betwwen the electrodes in the stationary and...
  29. P

    Fusion Experiment: Cylindrical Electrodes in Electrolyte Solution

    Anyone trying this experiment? Put a solid cylindrical electrode (anode/cathode) inside a hollow cylindrical or tightly coiled electrode (cathode/ anode) so that there is only a minimal ‘potential space’ between the two electrodes, and immerse them in a suitable electrolyte solution. The...
  30. Q

    Two electrodes dipped in a solution of sulphuric acid

    "When applied for a few minutes after a potential difference is applied, it is observed that the current through the specimen increases substantially although the applied potential difference remains constant. Explain why the current should increase in this way." Could I be correct in...
  31. Ivan Seeking

    Brain Electrodes Improve Motor Skills of Parkinson's Sufferers
