In an RC low-pass filter, low frequencies pass through the filter, and only signals with high frequencies pass through the capacitor (where they are filitered out), and that happens because for low frequencies, the capacitor is charging, so they are blocked, while high frequencies don't allow...
reading Griffiths - Introduction to Electrodynamics I'm confused about his claims in section 7.1
My point is that the job of electromotive force ##f## is actually produce the "movement/drift" of free charges against the electromagnetic field, so ##f## should not be given by the Lorentz...
I was reading Six easy pieces from Feynman and I got stuck what is electromagnetism 2 years ago. Recently I came across a video and I think I have figured it out.
The paragraph says like this:
“ If we were to charge a body, say a comb, electrically, and then place a charged piece of paper at...
The Lorentz transformations of electric and magnetic fields (as given, for example in Wikipedia) are
\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\parallel} & =\boldsymbol{E}_{\parallel}\\
\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\perp} &...
In Griffith's Introduction to Electrodynamics, chapter 12, he discusses how electromagnetic fields transform when we move from one inertial reference frame to another. On page 553, he claims
He then considers how the electric field inside a conductor made up of two parallel rectangular plates...
As a prior physics major (had to stop at my 3rd year of undergrad due to children and financial difficulties), there was something I was always extremely passionate about - finding feasible ways to travel faster than light. Obviously, the only feasible way seems to be to bend space-time, but I...
Summary: Mathematical and Physical queries in regards to Electromagnetic Fields and their manipulation of Space-Time.
I recently started looking into Einstein's Field Equations, to get a better understanding of how mass distorts and curves the plane of Space-Time, however from doing this I...
at a point they become plain waves, how much will they be attenuated when 'received' by a spiral log periodic antenna Vs another dipole? Would an H field created by a loop antenna have less attenuation?
A uniform beam of positively charged particles is moving with a constant velocity parallel to another beam of negatively charged particles moving with the same velocity but in opposite direction separated by a distance d. Then, how should be the variation of magnetic field B along a...
In the sources I have looked into (textbooks and articles on differential geometry), I have not found any abstract definition of the electromagnetic fields. It seems that at most the electric field is defined as
$$\bf{E}(t,\bf{x}) = \frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0} \int \rho(t,\bf{x}')...
I am working on a science project to generate electromagnetic fields. From what I understand, the simplest way to do that is to coil copper wire around an iron core. My initial goal is to create a magnetic field with a maximum strength of 500 microtesla. Can this be accomplished if I...
Homework Statement
In a reference frame ##S## there is a particle with mass ##m## and charge ##q## which is moving with velocity ##\vec{u}## in an electric field ##\vec{E}## and in a magnetic field ##\vec{B}##. Knowing the relativisitc laws of motion for a particle in an EM field, find the...
Homework Statement
Copy the following diagram and draw field lines for both magnetic fields. Then, use them to determine the direction of the force acting on the conductor. HINT: Check your answer, using the right - hand rule for the motor principle.
Their diagram:
2. Relevant equation
Suppose a gravitational wave propagating through space encounters a strong magnetic field (for example the wave might pass through a magnetar with a B field strength of 10^{11} Tesla). Would there be any observable perturbation in the magnetic field itself? In other words would the gravitational...
Hi, we know that the particles have intrinsic properties for them electric field and magnetic moment, but for what I mean particles, I mean quarks, the fundamental blocks of (protons, neutrons and mesons) with everything that nobody explained as electric and The magnetic field of a particle and...
What is the effect of electromagnetic fields on the Earth's magnetic field?
Electric energy in the transmission and use of the process, will produce electromagnetic field, the electromagnetic field will have an impact on the Earth's magnetic field?
I think it is possible to cause the...
Homework Statement
These is a problem from my textbook. You have an infinite solenoid with n turns per unit longitude, radius "a" and a stationary current I. In the axis there exits a uniform line charge with lineal density λ. Compute total electromagnetic momentum (lineal and angular)...
I am looking to find a combination of electric and magnetic fields that create something similar to the (d) crests
Currently, I have the cracks flipped clockwise 90deg, so that the crests are concave up. And each crest can be defined by a parabolic function (which are uniform with each new...
Homework Statement
What are the electric and magnetic fields due to a charge that is moving with uniform acceleration?
(Non relativistic)
Homework Equations
Retarded solutions for the vector and scalar potentials.
The Attempt at a Solution
My attempt might be an overkill because I'm using the...
I read in a book that Electromagnetic fields propagate at speed of light and carry energy and momentum.
Let's take electric field for example. Electric field is none other than a force per unit coulomb.So
1.How could a force(here field) move as force has no property of moving as force causes...
Homework Statement
Hi this is my first post I hope that my explanation is good.
Now this is the explanation. Now I will provide the known values.
So I start looking literature and some formulas to solve this and I found two different propagation constants. Gama and Beta.
I need help explaining that this assumption is not correct or correct:
A product uses Radio waves to turn on a LED. Radio waves can be a form of electromagnetic fields therefore, a Hall Effect sensor could be used in this device to turn on that LED.
Homework Statement
Consider the charging capacitor in problem 7.34
(A fat wire, radius a, carries a constant current I, uniformly distributed over its cross section. A narrow gap of wire, of width w, w<<a, forms a parallel-plate capacitor)
a) Find the electric and magnetic fields in the gap, as...
Wikipedia define EM field as "a physical field produced by electrically charged objects"
But there are no electrically charged objects in between cosmic entities and yet Wiki states "The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space".
What am I missing here?
Hi everyone. I'm an electronics eng. student, and, during my studies, and my life outside university, I've heard several times of how electromagnetic fields could affect our body, in a way or another. There are also various resources talking about how these fields can attack cancer...
Consider a moving neutron passing by an electromagnet, will a neutron be deflected? This video seem to show that the neutron would have to be charged in order for it to move
Hi guys! I was wondering if someone could me help to get a free electronic copy of R. Wangsness book "Electromagnetic Fields".
I would like to point out that I am just looking for a book which does not violate copyrights.
Homework Statement
Question 1. General Plane Waves.
We may represent a general electromagnetic plane wave by (real part of the complex exponentials)
E=E_{0}*e^(i*k*r-iwt) B=B_{0}*e^(i*k*r-iwt)
Show that Faraday's Law becomes iwB0=-ik x Eo
Homework Equations
dB/dt=- curl of E
I'm stuck on this question, and it's really annoying me. I scanned the page so it has a bit more context.
It's question 3.7: "A long wire carrying a steady current is placed in a uniform magnetic field parallel to it's own length. What is the shape of the magnetic field lines...
Hi all,
can the angular frequency of a electric waves be used to determine the wavelength using the following;
rearranging for the frequency, and using the following;
or can this formula no be used as it is dealing with photons?
Homework Statement
The permittivity of a given medium is given by the equation
ε =
ε_1 & 0 & 0\\
0 & ε_1 & 0\\
0 & 0 & ε_2
A wave is traveling in the \hat{k} direction in this medium where the unit vector \hat{k} is defined as \hat{k} =...
Hi All,
Just wanted to know, is there any experimental or observational evidence today, that electromagnetic fields can cause spacetime curvature? Either direct or indirect?
Author: Roger Harrington
Title: Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory)
Amazon Link:
Prerequisities: Undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering or Physics, with appropriate...
Has anyone come across an example where electromagnetic fields have been applied
during crystallization processes. For example to modify crystal properties like magnetization or to change the polymorphism.
In principle the use of electric / magnetic fields should change the formation of a...
Just posting to ask if anyone has any tips to give for a student in a Junior level Electromagnetic fields class.
We usually get about 10-20 problems/week and I manage to only get 6-7 of them done every time. Also, though I generally do well with it, I'm struggling to find the energy to read...
Homework Statement
A solid sphere of radius a rotates with angular velocity ω\hat{z} relative to an inertial frame K in which the sphere's center is at rest. In a frame K' located at the surface of the sphere, there is no electric field, and the magnetic field is a dipole field with M=M\hat{z}...
Basically I couldn't understand Maxwell's equations during my college days mainly because I didn't understand divergence and curl intuitively.
I need some good book on Electromagnetic Fields (such as Gauss Laws and so on) and also I want to learn about Maxwell's equations. I want to...
Biot-Savart's law of magnetic field " electromagnetic fields"
Homework Statement
A rectangular loop carrying 10 A of current is placed on z=0 plane as shown in figure . Evaluate H at a) (2,2,0)
b) (4,2,0)
c) (4,8,0)
d) (0,0,2)
Homework Equations
the used...
I need some help with properties of electromagnetic fields in the presence of microwaves. specifically will a electromagnets field, powered by an external power supply, function normally in a microwave chamber?
Will the magnetron induce a current in the copper coil?
Would the external power...
Homework Statement
Two inflnitely long, straight, parallel Wires are embedded in an infmite medium of conductivity 2 Sm-1. The wires are identical, with a round cross-section of radius 0.25 cm. The centres of the wires are 1 cm apart. Find the conductance per metre between the wires.
I have skimmed relevant links in wikipedia, and some external links regarding electromagnetic fields, but would like a simple (I'm no physicist) answer to the following question that I have.
When one, for example, takes two strong permanent magnets and aligns so that there is repulsive/or...
The electrical circuits in a house run on alternating current. This is a current of electrical charges that oscillates back and forth at a frequency of 60 Hz. Do these currents produce magnetic fields? Explain. Do these circuits radiate electromagnetic waves? Why or why not?
I don't have any...
I have been wondering why photons can't go through matter and electromagnetic fields mostly unaffected while neutrinos can. Neither of them have an electric charge as a particle, and the basic description I see about neutrinos is always that "they are unaffected because they have zero electric...
Homework Statement
see attachment/picture
im having problems with fields inside matter. i get the left side of gaussian surfaces/ampere loops. but for example this first equation's right side i can't understand.
The Attempt at a Solution
i would think the right side should be
Homework Statement
Hello all;
i am trying to calculate the potential, inside a non conductive sphere of radius equal to a, in a point at a distance r from the center of the sphere.
Homework Equations
i know that:
where E and s are vectors;
and that the Eletric field inside the...