What is Electron gas: Definition and 40 Discussions

An ideal Fermi gas is a state of matter which is an ensemble of many non-interacting fermions. Fermions are particles that obey Fermi–Dirac statistics, like electrons, protons, and neutrons, and, in general, particles with half-integer spin. These statistics determine the energy distribution of fermions in a Fermi gas in thermal equilibrium, and is characterized by their number density, temperature, and the set of available energy states. The model is named after the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi.This physical model can be accurately applied to many systems with many fermions. Some key examples are the behaviour of charge carriers in a metal, nucleons in an atomic nucleus, neutrons in a neutron star, and electrons in a white dwarf.

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  1. Matthew_

    I Issues in understanding screening effects in the Jellium model

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  2. kakaho345

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  3. Y

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  4. T

    A Properties of Degenerate Electron Gas

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  5. SQUB

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  6. P

    A Half filling? Free electron gas? 2D tight binding lattice?

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  7. B

    A Are there phonons in a free electron gas?

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  8. P

    I Free electron gas band structure?

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  9. QuarkDecay

    When is the Boltzmann equation applicable in a Fermi plasma?

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  10. amjad-sh

    Thermodynamics of the free and independent electron gas

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  11. DrClaude

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  12. C

    Does electron gas in metals experience viscosity?

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  13. B

    What is the pressure exerted by an electron gas in white dwarf stars?

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  14. L

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  15. R

    Total energy of free electron gas

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  16. P

    Current density free electron gas

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  17. A

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    Consider a slab infinite in x,y direction but very thin in z direction. As a classical model assume that we displace the electron gas surrounding the static iron cores slightly. With this picture, does the electron gas then consitute a harmonic oscillator? The electric field from an infinite...
  18. A

    Density of states free electron gas

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  19. D

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  20. V

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  21. T

    Ground-state energies of electron gas

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  22. H

    Electron gas and Pauli principle

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  23. M

    Calculating Total Energy for 1-d Electron Gas

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  24. L

    Free electron gas model or classical theory

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  25. M

    What are the properties of electron gas in the Sun?

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  26. K

    Fermi Electron Gas in 2D Crystal Planes

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  27. P

    What is the Normalization Constant for a 3D Electron Gas in Free Space?

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  28. R

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  29. C

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  30. D

    Lindhard RPA Dielectric Function Electron Gas

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  31. L

    Question on integration, in the Hartree-Fock theory for free electron gas.

    Hi all, I am trying to learn Hartree-Fock theory on free electron gas. But I am stumbled on one integration that I cannot seem to figure out. Here is the integral: \int_{k'<k_{F}}\frac{d\textbf{k}'}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{4\pi e^2}{\left|\textbf{k}-\textbf{k}'\right|^2} I cannot figure out on...
  32. L

    Energy of 3D free electron gas.

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  33. V

    Equation of state of an electron gas

    Could anyone tell me the equation of state of an electron gas, or where I could read it from? By equation of state I mean a relation between pressure, density etc etc.
  34. N

    Pressure of an electron gas at 0K

    What is the pressure exerted by a Fermi electron gas at 0K? I know that from Pauli's exclusion principle there must be a non zero pressure even at 0K, but what is the quantitative relation between this pressure and the electron concentration? How do I go about to derive this?
  35. B

    Fermi-Dirac statistics valid for electron gas in metals?

    Hello! In my course of solid states physics we use the fermi-dirac statistics for a free electron gas in metals. The fermi wave length of the electrons is about 1 Angström. Now, the wavelength may be intepreted as something as a coherence range - the electron should forget about the state of...
  36. N

    Does Bragg Reflection Cause Resistivity in 2D Square Lattice Electron Gas?

    Hi all, I'm struggling to understand the relationship between electrical conductivity and Bragg reflection in a 2D square lattice free electron gas with lattice spacing a. Is it the case that Bragg reflection in the electron gas results in electrical resistivity? My understanding of...
  37. F

    Density of states in 3d electron gas

    Hi! I want to calculate the density of states in the 3D, free electron gas, but I don't know how to do this. Can somebody help me? Thanks!
  38. S

    Neutral electron gas in galaxy halo?

    i was thinking this for few days suppose glouds of neutral particles ne (m=0,5Mev) exists in galaxys halo. ne would easily decay to electron or positron near atoms nucleus or if its disturbed some way. (so it wouldn't be found in high energy lab) - ne could be produced only by direct pair...
  39. P

    How to do first principle calculation in electron gas condition

    I try to to some first principle calculation in the environment of free electron gas. For intance, the total energy of one atom or a cluster in the free electron gas. What kind of calculation program could I choose ? I only know that VASP provide an opion to create charged background...