Ethics Definition and 71 Threads

Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value; these fields comprise the branch of philosophy called axiology.Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. As a field of intellectual inquiry, moral philosophy is related to the fields of moral psychology, descriptive ethics, and value theory.
Three major areas of study within ethics recognized today are:
Meta-ethics, concerning the theoretical meaning and reference of moral propositions, and how their truth values (if any) can be determined;
Normative ethics, concerning the practical means of determining a moral course of action;
Applied ethics, concerning what a person is obligated (or permitted) to do in a specific situation or a particular domain of action.

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  1. D

    Exploring the Ethics of Alcohol and Drugs: How Can We Justify Their Use?

    How does one go about arguing against things of this nature? For me, alcohol is a way to reach a state of euphoria and to rid myself of my psychological barriers (such as shyness). Of course, i see the problem with excessive drinking, since that could result in some sort of addiction to the...
  2. L

    Can Mathematics Prove the Need for Ethics and Unity Among Elites?

    John Nash proved you have to think not only about yourself. Is possible to prove that people should be ethical with mathematics? If somebody proved that absolute truth exists and, for example, economists read another proof written in business language that they should choose to follow...
  3. cepheid

    Ethics as a framework for society?

    Since beginning my university studies in the area of Engineering Physics, I have heard many descriptions of mathematics. Slowly, a picture has developed in my mind of mathematics as a logic based, internally self-consistent framework...a solid foundation upon which the echelons of the natural...
  4. A

    Is It Legal to Replicate Web Content for Preservation?

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  5. C

    Finding the Physics Code of Ethics

    Can someone please tell me where I may find a page with the 'Code of Ethics' for Physics? In my Humanities class, we are required to bring in a copy of the code of ethics for our major...and mine is Physics; however, I have looked in a few places online with no avail. Any help, links, etc...
  6. Loren Booda

    News Kerry vs Bush: honesty, trust and ethics

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  7. Kerrie

    Morals vs Ethics: What is the Difference?

    Is there a difference, and if so what is it in your opinion?
  8. S

    Will World Peace Be Achieved If Violence Is Removed?

    I had a dream a little while ago. It was an amazing dream as sometimes dreams are. Here goes: Standing in front of me in a large stadium on a stage in front of the worlds TV cameras was a simple looking man that we have come to know as God. The world had known for sometime that this...
  9. O

    To do with the Philosophy of Ethics

    Does anyone know what "Paternalism" mean? This concept was adressed in "Causing and Death and Saving Lives" by Glover. So does anyone know? Thanks in advance...
  10. Dissident Dan

    Ethics of Immigration Restriction

    Has anyone ever considered the philsophy relating to restricting the immigration of people for reasons other than because a particular individual poses a threat? Right now, there are many people in nearby nations who would love to come to the USA, but can't. Is it right or acceptable to...
  11. agro

    Student Ethics in Class - Navigating Academic Day 2

    This is my second academic day in university (1st academic day is when the first class starts). I have some question, in which your opinion would be welcomed! 1) Sound Volume: A female lecturer talked with a very low volume. I already asked her to speak louder. She said "OK, I'll speak as...
  12. Q

    Are Ethics an artificial, man-made concept?

    Are Ethics an artificial, "man-made" concept? I'm going to present a few questions regarding ethics that I'd like people to answer. This will, perhaps, help me understand the topic better and it might help to prevent me from going over ideas that already exist on the topic of Ethics. 1. What...
  13. Another God

    Where do ethics come from and how do they shape society?

    This thread is an attempt to explain my personal concept of ethics. It has come about because of the number of ethics related threads that have come up lately, and the agreements reached by certain people in those threads. I am more interested in finding people who have objections to what I am...
  14. Another God

    Learning About Contemporary Thought in Ethics

    Hi everyone. Some of you may know (although most wouldn't) that I have some of my own quite strongly held beliefs about ethics, how they actually work, what they actually are, and how people continue deluding themselves into some sort of cosmic significance of the 'sanctity of life' and 'rights'...
  15. FZ+

    Should We Eat Meat If the Animal Wants to Be Eaten?

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  16. E

    Is it ethical to pursue a summer fling while in a serious relationship?

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  17. E

    What are Some Ethical Issues in Chemistry and Science?

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  18. I

    Is animal experimentation ethical?

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  19. E

    Ethics in Chemistry: Ideas for Undergrad Paper

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  20. E

    An undergrad course: Ethics in Chemistry

    I am constructing an undergraduate course that deals with ethics in science, particularly in the field of chemistry. Does anybody have any suggestions on material I should cover, and any good books that are thought provoking enough that ought to be used?
  21. Kerrie

    Do Scientists Have an Ethical Obligation in Their Pursuits?

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