Extended essay Definition and 91 Threads

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year educational programme primarily aimed at 16-to-19-year-olds in 140 countries around the world. The programme provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education and is recognized by many universities worldwide. It was developed in the early-to-mid-1960s in Geneva, Switzerland, by a group of international educators. After a six-year pilot programme that ended in 1975, a bilingual diploma was established.
Administered by the International Baccalaureate (IB), the IBDP is taught in schools in over 140 countries, in one of three languages: English, French, or Spanish. In order to participate, students must attend an IB school. IBDP students complete assessments in six subjects, one from each subject group, and three core requirements. Students are evaluated using both internal and external assessments, and courses finish with an externally assessed series of examinations, usually consisting of two or three timed written tests. Internal assessment varies by subject: there may be oral presentations, practical work, or written work. In most cases, these are initially graded by the classroom teacher, whose grades are then verified or modified, as necessary, by an appointed external moderator.
Generally, the IBDP has been well-received. It has been commended for introducing interdisciplinary thinking to students. In the United Kingdom, The Guardian newspaper claims that the IBDP is "more academically challenging and broader than three or four A-levels".

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  1. P

    Physics Essay/Disertation - IB Extended Essay - ME

    Hello! I need some guidance regarding the topic of my essay. The EE is a 4000 word essay that has to have a specific, very narrow topic, relating to a specific subject. I've made up my mind on physics as my subject of choice, but not on the topic. After the IB course I'm looking to do...
  2. B

    Is a Dual-Stage Coilgun a Viable Topic for an IB Physics Extended Essay?

    Hello! I'm currently in my junior year at an IB school. It is time to choose the subject and the topics for our extended essays, and I am thoroughly convinced of writing an experimental paper in Physics. The point is that I need help on the topics. One fundamental problem is that they ask us to...
  3. M

    Help help Ib extended essay physics help

    Hey guys I need help. I'm doing a water rocket experiment for this essay. I have a single stage and a two stage rocket. My question is why two stage rockets work better as in go higher than two stage rockets. What measurments should I take? Please also consider equations i can use .like momentum...
  4. M

    IB Extended Essay Astrophysics Help

    Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right section for this. I am going to be writing an extended essay in physics for the International Baccalaureate and am in the process of trying to decide upon a topic. In an earlier post I was wandering about quantum theory general relativity and string...
  5. M

    Is a Theoretical Comparison Suitable for an IB Extended Essay in Physics?

    Firstly I'm not entirely sure as to where this belongs on this sight, but I figured that it was related to coursework. It's coming up to that time were I have to do an extended essay on an area of interested. For those of you who don't know an extended essay is it's an essay required by the...
  6. R

    Reynolds Number Extended Essay Ideas?

    Homework Statement At the moment, I am planning my I.B extended essay (last 2 years at school), and have chosen to do my EE on physics. I've done loads of background research about Reynolds Number and how it affects the type of flow present. There is an experiment I can recreate (Reynolds...
  7. 1

    Improving Your IB Extended Essay Topic on Propeller Boat Velocity

    Hello everyone I'm in my junior high school year and my school says it's time to plan for my Extended Essay I've decided on the topic below: The effect of the number, length, width and material of the propeller blades on the velocity of a propeller boat. I plan to build a miniature model of...
  8. A

    What Unique Variables Can Affect the Resonant Frequency in a Physics Experiment?

    Hi all. I am planning to do an IB extended essay on physics but unfortunately I am having some problems with coming up with a good research question that will allow me to conduct an experiment with high school equipment but involve theory and maths at the IB level. Originally, I intended to do...
  9. S

    Is an EE in Physics Worth It for University Admissions?

    This topic is not the first of its kind and for that I apologise. I am currently doing the first year of my IB program and I am in the progress of chosing my subject for the Extended Essay. I read few threads on this topic which were here earlier and apparently physics is not the easiest way how...
  10. P

    Find a Mechanics Topic for Your IB Extended Essay

    IB extended essay... Hello everybody.. I'm an IB Diploma student. and i need to write an extended essay to graduate from IB. This essay is supposed to be 4000 words, needs a specific topic (I'd prefer mechanics but i also need other suggestions..). and the problem is the topic! i have been...
  11. A

    Possible topic: What are some potential topics for a Physics Extended Essay?

    Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this..im just a noob ok i want to start my EE for physics.. can someone pls give me a topic to write on. I wanted to do sumthing on electric circuits or Simple Harmonic Motion its sumthing that shuld be possible to do in a school any suggestions...
  12. K

    How Can Differential Calculus Be Applied in Engineering?

    Hey All, (apologies, for not using the correct format, but this is a slightly different style of query.) First post on this forum, so.. Hey. Anyway, to get to the point.. I live in Ireland, and I'm doing a program called the IB. It more or less covers the last two years of American High...
  13. Q

    IB Extended Essay: Physics Topic w/ Home Materials

    Hi guys I'm planning to write my 4000 word extended essay based on physics, is there any topic that's easy to conduct a experiment with home-materials? I'm think something in electromagnetism would be great. please help
  14. H

    How Does Air Resistance Impact Projectile Motion in Sports?

    Homework Statement I have started my extended essay for the IB, My REsearch Question is "How does air resistance affect the projectile motion of sports balls?" i am collecting data by video taping the throws and measuring where the ball is in every frame. My supervisor tells me that i have to...
  15. S

    Extended essay about PEM fuel cells

    I am doing the IB and have an extended essay to write. I intend to write it in Physics. I am thinking of doing something with my PEM fuel cell. However, I've found it hard to constrain the topic into the core of physics as fuel cell theory is mostly electrical chemistry. Any suggestions for a...
  16. T

    IB Extended Essay in Physics, focusing on Fibre optics, any pointers?

    I am not entirely sure where to post this, please tell me if anything needs to be changed This is my first post so i'll introduce myself... My name is Joe, currently aged 17 and in year 13 in school in Kent, Uk doing the International Baccalaureate (Not sure how well known this is? Quite...
  17. J

    Choose a Topic for IB Mathematics Extended Essay

    Realizing that there are several other threads with similar inquiries, I need help choosing an appropriate topic for my I.B. mathematics extended essay. The extended essay is written on a topic of the (high school) student's choice and must be between 2000 and 4000 words. For some background...
  18. S

    IB Extended Essay topics in Physics

    Homework Statement I'm currently attending an IB school and as a part in our curriculum we have to write a college level essay in one of our subjects. I’ve chosen to do mine in physics. However I don’t have any ideas for what my physics topic would be. The topic must be: 1. specific 2...
  19. B

    Physics extended essay (not hwk)

    hey people! so I am an IB student who has chosen to do his extended essay in physics so I've done all the experiments that i wanted to do for my topic. but now I am just concerned if its too simple (is that something they consider?) well anyway, my case is that i investigated the effect of...
  20. J

    Physics Extended Essay: Robotics & Physics Ideas

    hi guys! I'm doing my Extended Essay in Physics for IB diploma. Im thinking of relating robotics with physics. Physics must be the main theme for the essay and i should relate robotics into physics. Please help me guys. What are the topics that i can do? Please give me some ideas!
  21. J

    How can robotics be integrated into a physics Extended Essay for the IB diploma?

    Hi guys! I'm new here. I'm here to ask you guys for your opinions. I'm planning to do my Extended essay in physics. I want to relate my E.E with robotics. Can you guys please give me some ideas??
  22. S

    What Are Innovative Physics Extended Essay Topics for the IB Program?

    So, I've browsed PF and found it to be awesome in terms of advice. I've already read some of the threads that about the IB Physics extended essay. Some basic information: Education level is Grade 11/12 I can handle quite advanced physics. The actual Extended Essay is a 4000 word in depth...
  23. D

    I need suggestions for my Physics extended essay

    I am an IB student and in grade 11 and I really need some suggestions for my extended essay on physics. I want to do something that is relevant to 'communications' or something to do with Electrical Engineering, because that is what i want to do when I go into University, so it will help a lot...
  24. P

    Physics Extended Essay Topic Question

    im not sure if this is the right place to ask but.. im currently taking the International Baccalaureate and I've decided to write my extended essay on physics the extended essay is basically a 3000-4000 word essay we write on one of the subjects we learn i've decided to write an...
  25. S

    Extended Essay, aero engine, help

    Homework Statement Hi, I am a IB G11 student in International School in Vietnam, I have chose aero engine as my extended essay topic. Though I know what I am going to research, I am stuck in choosing the experiment for this topic. Could anyone here help me and give some advices for what I am...
  26. P

    Resources for biology extended essay

    Hey everybody, I'm doing my International Baccalaureate extended essay (2500 to 4000 words) in Biology. please give list of resources for biology ee. Any suggestions for a research question welcome! thanks bi03
  27. P

    IB extended essay in Astrophysics

    Hey everybody, I'm doing my International Baccalaureate extended essay (2500 to 4000 words) in Astrophysics, which means basically i need to come up with a research question and hypothesis, then design and procede with a lab to answer this question. Any suggestions for a research question...
  28. N

    How can I expand my extended essay subject?

    Homework Statement Hi, I have chosen direct current measurement techniques as my extended essay subject. I've written only 2000 words, but I am completely out of anything to write. I can't do alternative current, because I don't have the necessary apparatus. How can I expand my subject so I...
  29. D

    Can anyonewe suggest an extended essay project for me in physics

    Can anyonewe suggest an extended essay project for me in physics. I am a grade 11 student in physics and want to do my thesis on. Any ideas please? Thanks
  30. H

    IB extended essay title tweaking help need ly

    IB extended essay title tweaking...help need urgently So right now I'm supposed to have decided my topic for my extended essay(part of the IB diploma), and as you can already assume I decided to do it on a topic in physics, more specifically mechanics. I made a research question (how does the...
  31. L

    How does lemon juice affect the color intensity of henna?

    For my IB chemistry extended essay, I'm investigating the effect lemon juice has on the color intensity of henna, an olive-green, tooth-paste like substance we apply to the body for either decoration or health reasons (image google it). I know that the lemon juice darkens the henna, but I have...
  32. I

    Possible IB extended essay topic

    hi. i was wondering if it is possible to write a well developed essay explaining the physics behind tae kwon do (korean martial arts). think an indepth version of the show "human weapon". do you think that the research will be too simplistic/ complex? how should i narrow or broaden this topic? I...
  33. Q

    Acoustics? (Yet Another IB Extended Essay Thread)

    Hi there, I'm sorry if this sounds incredibly vague, but I'm having difficulties narrowing down the research question for my Physics EE. I'm sure of the field I want to do it in: acoustics. The problem with most experiments involving applied acoustics (ideal room sound, etc.) is that, unless...
  34. C

    Desperately need suggestions for my IB physics extended essay

    Basically the extended essay is a piece of independent research done during the course of IB. I'm planning to do a physics EE, but now it's mid April and I still failed to find a simple yet specific topic to do reasearch on. My last few ideas were too complex or not specific enough. My...
  35. L

    Advice on Writing an Extended Essay on Henna (Morocco)

    I come from Morocco, and so I'm doing my essay on Henna, a moroccan product which you apply to either your hair or hand...At this stage, I don't know what's my research question, and thus I turn to you for some advice. If you wish to learn more about Henna, here's the URL...
  36. K

    Topics for Physics Extended Essay

    I apologize if this thread is in the wrong spot. I am new here, and I know how annoying n00bs can be... I was wondering if there are any possible physics topics to do on the extended essay for the IB diploma in aerodynamics. It is basically a 4000 word paper on anything you want, and I would...
  37. C

    IB physics extended essay HELP

    IB physics extended essay HELP! tis the season to start stressing over extended essay and i need help. i am planning to investigate how different angles of airplane flaps affect the lift of the plane when the plane is taking off or landing (because that's when the flaps come out)- you know how...
  38. G

    Aerodynamics-related extended essay

    Hi, I'm having some trouble with my IB Extended Essay. I want to do some flight testing in a Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk (carb. recip. single, fixed-pitch prop). The measuring equipment available to me is an airspeed indicator, altimeter (set at 1013hPa for pressure altitude), outside air...
  39. Q

    What are some potential research questions for an IB Extended Essay in Physics?

    Hey everybody, I'm doing my International Baccalaureate extended essay (2500 to 4000 words) in physics, which means basically i need to come up with a research question and hypothesis, then design and procede with a lab to answer this question. For example a guy at my school last year did...
  40. T

    Help for Extended Essay related to Fluids Viscosity

    Hi, I am Tsering and am studying in the Mahindra UWC of India. I am doing a physics extended essay on How the cross section area of an object(cylinder) will affect the rate of slowing down of the object when dropped from a certain height into a fluid (water in my case). I will try to find the...
  41. V

    What are possible subtopics for a physics extended essay on firearms?

    i'm starting [again] a physics topic for extended essay for IB...my last few topics haven't worked due to technical difficulties [ie: can't complete experiments, lack of avaliable resources, etc] so my new idea for a topic is firearms. the lab can easily be done by going to a shooting range...