Failing Definition and 86 Threads

Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success. The criteria for failure depends on context, and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system. One person might consider a failure what another person considers a success, particularly in cases of direct competition or a zero-sum game. Similarly, the degree of success or failure in a situation may be differently viewed by distinct observers or participants, such that a situation that one considers to be a failure, another might consider to be a success, a qualified success or a neutral situation.
It may also be difficult or impossible to ascertain whether a situation meets criteria for failure or success due to ambiguous or ill-defined definition of those criteria. Finding useful and effective criteria, or heuristics, to judge the success or failure of a situation may itself be a significant task.

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  1. W

    Courses Failing a course in my first year

    Hello, I'm going to fail a first-year university course ( but it's non-math ); how badly is this going to affect my math grad school prospects? Would I still be able to get into good graduate math programs as reasonable possibilities? ( i.e., not under the condition "just get 100% on every...
  2. T

    Probability of x failing before y

    Homework Statement hi, i have a problem and i really want you to help me with it. we have X and Y that fail independently of each other. density of X : f(x)=exp(-x), and density of Y : f(y)=2*exp(-2y) what is the probability that X component fails first? (it should be a number) thank you
  3. T

    Probability of x failing before y

    hi, i have a problem and i really want you to help me with it. if we have: density of X : f(x)=exp(-x), and density of Y : f(y)=2*exp(-2y) (independent components), what is the probability that X component fails first? (it should be a number) thank you
  4. marcus

    String non-theory failing its tests -we need a replacement

    String non-theory failing its "tests"---we need a replacement String Theory Fails Another Test, the “Supertest” ==sample excerpt== Wednesday’s CMS result finding no black holes in early LHC data has led to internet headlines such as String...
  5. L

    Failing and Sliding Masses: Solving for Upward Acceleration in a Pulley System

    Homework Statement Mass m1=25.3 kg is on a horizontal surface, connected to mass m2= 5.10 kg by a light string as shown. The pulley has negligible mass and no friction. A force of 201.7 N acts on m1 at an angle of 30.9o. The coefficient of kinetic friction between m1 and the surface is...
  6. F

    Programs How bad is it that a Physics/Math hope-to-be major is nearly failing Chemistry?

    You guys read my last rant on the unfair midterm, which by the way, still "locked". Our professor promised us that she will throw the exam away if we do better on the next upcoming one. I can handle that and accept it. In case you are wondering, I did asked for an appointment on the subject, but...
  7. B

    Failing Calculus Dont know if i want to be an engineer

    Failing Calculus :( Dont know if i want to be an engineer I am posting this because i wanted to be an engineer at one point,but now I am not too sure. At one point during this course i was actually on the brink of being homeless. I had no job, no food or anything. As a matter of fact i was...
  8. E

    LaTeX Latex Preview Failing: Troubleshoot the Issue

    I think there's a problem with latex when previewing a post; it comes out all garbled.
  9. P

    What to do after failing to get a PhD placement?

    Dear fellow Physicists, I have failed at obtaining a place on a PhD studentship this year, and would like your advice on what to do next. My mind is set on doing researching with the T2K experiment (particle physics), and I am to finish a Msc in physics this...
  10. F

    Easy probability question (brain is failing me)

    I'm getting a masters in pure math so my family assumes I know everything there is to know about numbers. My dad asked me about something he ran into at work...something straight out of freshman stats, and I didn't have a clue - it doesn't have enough delta and epilsons. Imagine a widget...
  11. L

    Failing Calc Midterm: Overcoming Setback & Moving Forward

    I just failed my last calc midterm, which likely means that I'll fail the course, or get a D. This sets me back an entire year, because I lose four courses. I'm going to try to take it again next semester. Has anyone had to deal with this sort of thing? Any tips on how to handle it?
  12. L

    Schools Failing a physics class. Grad school?

    I can think of at least one negative thing about having a physics final exam worth 60% of the overall grade. Namely, you can perform well year-round only to receive a bad case of test anxiety when it matters most. I just took such an exam, and am now almost certainly (>95% chance) going to fail...
  13. U

    Overcoming Test Anxiety: Failing Tests Despite Understanding the Material

    Failing tests... So far in my honors pre-calc class we have taken 3 tests. My grades on these tests have been 57%, 73%, and 63%. i understand all the material in class and have no problem on the homework, but when i take the tests i get so nervous i rush through the test and i make stupid...
  14. S

    Fairly basic integral failing to become solved. O:-)

    "Fairly" basic integral failing to become solved. O:-) Hi, I'm having trouble with an integral where I simply do not know where to start. I just need a little nudge in the right direction. I've tried integration by parts and by substitution, but I'm really just stumbling in the dark and should...
  15. L

    Failing as an Astronomy Major: Advice Needed

    Or at least... that's how it seems... I'm an Astronomy Major. In the summer, I'm all 'I can't wait to study x y and z!' and then two weeks into the semester, I'm just, 'meh. My homework can burn in hell' Completely unmotivated and don't know my future outlook. I pass my courses with average...
  16. K

    Failing trigonometry = the death of a amatuer physicist

    I feel so shamed of myself. I don't know who to blame. The teacher gives the exact same lessons on the book, but never follow how you should answer your trig. problems. I studied all through the week and even late at night. I got a C in the class, but I really want to be a physicist because I...
  17. P

    Why is my DVD-R Drive Failing to Burn Discs?

    I am having trouble with my DVD-R drive. The computer is one year old. In the beginning all was well - and then I bought new CD-R discs which the burner rejected continuously. Assuming it might be that it just didn't like the discs, I didn't let it bother me and ignored it. Today I bought...
  18. R

    Failing at projection question

    let pf(x)= sum( from i=1 to k) <x, ui>ui, show pf is a projection. Ive tried to show this fact myself but i failed. Please some one help me out. thanks Note ui = u1...un an orthogonal basis of V where V is a vector space.
  19. K

    Failing Linear Algebra: Worried About Physics Major?

    So I think I'm going to fail linear algebra. Has anyone else ever failed a course? My worry is, is that I also didn't do very well in discrete mathematics. I realize linear algebra is very important, & I'm not exactly sure why I'm doing so poorly. Whether its me not being able to understand...
  20. M

    Schools High School Student failing pyhsics - could somebody me w/ my homework?

    High School Student failing pyhsics --- could somebody please helpme w/ my homework? i am so desperate and i have no idea how to interpret anything let alone be able to solve a problem. help would be very much appreciated. i am an A student with an 58% in this class. i really need the help.
  21. B

    Getting back up after failing? [Question specifically to Professors]

    Hey everyone, I was wondering, specifically if the Professors or teachers could answer this; as to whether you have ever seen someone who has failed a course in their first year of university but was still able to maintain a very good CGPA? Something in the 3.50 range, that is though after...
  22. K

    How can I improve in Math Analysis Honors and address unfair grading practices?

    hi, i'm a sophomore in high school and I am one or two years ahead in math with honors. (my school is two different towns combined, where I am from I am two years ahead) The first quarter I didn't try and got a 79.45 (80 is a B- she wouldn't round) The second quarter I got an...
  23. C

    Programs I am worried about failing a class, should I change my major?

    Hello, The last post I made included my life story, so this one will be more to the point in hopes that more will respond. I am worried I am going to fail the second quarter of mechanics (or at best get another C). I earned a 27/100 on the recent midterm. My homework scores are also below...
  24. N

    Ajax Validation Failing for Chinese Characters

    When I using Ajax to validate whether the username is exist my form , I can validate it when the username is in English character but when it is chinese character , it always can't find the username in my database eventhough the username is exist . However , when I submit the form , it can find...
  25. F

    What is the relationship between atomic clocks and particle waves?

    Would QM fail in the fast moving satellite or Int. Space Station if I conducted the double slit experiment in the space station, which is traveling allot faster then most jets. This would be like the clocks experiment where both times were different; the one on the plane being allot slower then...
  26. J

    Failing physics in dire need of help. PLEASE

    A worker pushes a wheelbarrow with a horizontal force of 50.0N over a level distance of 5.0m. If a frictional force of 43N acts on the wheelbarrow in a direction opposite to that of the worker, what net work is done on the wheelbarrow? how would i go about solving this problem?
  27. J

    Failing Physics. Need Dire Help. PLEASE

    A worker pushes a wheelbarrow with a horizontal force of 50.0N over a level distance of 5.0m. If a frictional force of 43N acts on the wheelbarrow in a direction opposite to that of the worker, what net work is done on the wheelbarrow? how would i go about solving this problem?
  28. JasonRox

    Is Failing Your First Course a Sign of Bad Teaching?

    I never thought this day would happen. I'm writing the exam in about an hour and I'm clearly going to fail. If I pass, it's clearly a miracle. I don't deserve to pass either. I don't know anything literally. I worked on it over and over again, but the professor just flat out didn't teach...
  29. Y

    Is Physics Failsafe? | Exploring the Laws of Gravity

    Hello, I wish to start this, my first post, by saying that I am NOT trying to upset anyone, nor are my questions hoaxes. I'm no physicist either, I used to take physics in high school, but since then, I have not pursued it further. My question is this... Is physics failsafe? Are its laws...
  30. B

    How Can Nocturnal Habits Impact Test Performance?

    I'm going to fail a math test tomorrow, all because I'm nocturnal. Any help?
  31. H

    Losing Confidence After Failing Thermodynamics Exam

    very depressed... Hi all.. Just finished my thermodynamics badly...not expected to be that bad... I used to score greatly in the first year...I got A+ in nearly all courses.. But this time...I am afraid that I would probably get a D or even can i accept this...sigh...
  32. B

    I am failing my 1st year physics

    Hi to all, Almost 2 months ago I started my first year at university in Ontario with intention to major in EE. From six courses in my 1st semester (compulsory) Physics II -Mechanics is impossible for me to understand. So far 1 quiz and 1 test i got 20% in each, total failure, total disaster. I...
  33. Clausius2

    Why Did I Miss the No-Parking Sign During My Driving Test?

    I'm ashamed. Brrr...Just that stupid examiner. :mad: He said to me "park where you can here on the right" and I was too sure of myself. I saw an empty place and I started to do the parking...till he told me: "stop boy, did you see that signal of parking forbidden here??". And that was the...
  34. JamesU

    How Can We Save the Failing Tiki Bar?

    we need to sell some more pot suckers! *paces back and forth like in an earlier moonbear post* SOS! I need ou to enter the national weelchair wheelies contest for $50,000! Astronuc! I need you to mix the best drink ever, even more powerful than flying zoobies! then sell the rights to...
  35. S

    Why Can't I Succeed in Classical Mechanics?

    This semester I will be taking classical physics for the 3rd time in my life. I have classically done badly in mechanics. I go to class, I take the notes, I do the homework, but I fail the exams. I just don't get it. Even if I have solutions to the homework problems, the exams always...
  36. F

    Failing at school my life will be over.

    Ok. Here are the facts. - I've spent two years taking GE classes and messing around... - I finally changed to Electrical Engineering... - I started the course thinking I'll get an A in every class, procrastinated, got OWNED in each first midterm. - Anxiety kicked in. I wanted to...