Feynman lectures Definition and 100 Threads

The Feynman Lectures on Physics is a physics textbook based on some lectures by Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate who has sometimes been called "The Great Explainer". The lectures were presented before undergraduate students at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), during 1961–1963. The book's co-authors are Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands.
The Feynman Lectures on Physics is perhaps the most popular physics book ever written. More than 1.5 million English-language copies have been sold; probably even more copies have been sold in a dozen foreign-language editions. A 2013 review in Nature described the book as having "simplicity, beauty, unity ... presented with enthusiasm and insight".

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  1. codelieb

    The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Online

    Have you ever wished there was a high-quality up-to-date version of The Feynman Lectures on Physics available online? One that could be read with a browser so you could study FLP on your smartphone, tablet, notebook or desktop computer, whenever you felt like it? For free? Well, now there is...
  2. V

    Feynman Lectures Volume 3 Equation 9.41

    I don't understand how the last equation in the attached picture is derived from equations 9.40 and 9.39, can anyone help?
  3. I like Serena

    Classical The Feynman Lectures on Physics by Richard P. Feynman

    Author: Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton and Matthew Sands Title: The Feynman Lectures on Physics Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0201021153/?tag=pfamazon01-20 http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/ (free) Prerequisities: Contents:
  4. J

    Why Are the Feynman Lectures so Good?

    I know this is an odd topic. The Feynman Lectures seem to be universally acknowledged as a great way to learn and grasp some of the simplest and most difficult concepts in physics. I am almost done the first volume and I really am enjoying the lectures. The odd thing is, I can't put my finger on...
  5. J

    Why Are the Feynman Lectures on Physics So Revered?

    What is it about the Feynman lectures on physics? Everywhere I hear about them they're refer to as great, awesome for science and what have you. But what makes them so revered? What sets them apart from say the Suskind Lectures or MIT OCW? Perhaps I am to young in my career to have learned...
  6. G

    Are the Feynman Lectures the Right Choice for Self-Studying Physics?

    Hi, I live in the U.S. right now, but in a few months I'll be moving to another country. It will be much harder to get books like the Feynman lectures there, so I was wondering if I should get them now (or even at all). How good are they? Are they very difficult? How advanced should I be in...
  7. C

    Feynman Lectures - Anything similar for Mathematics?

    Last year I got volume 1-3 of the Feynman lectures but as a soon mathematics major I think it'd be appropriate to read more mathematics lectures (and more enjoyable). Is there anything similar I could ask for for my upcoming birthday? Thanks,
  8. E

    Are there any EE textbooks comparable to the renowned Feynman Lectures?

    Hello, I'm wondering if there are a series of books, analogous to the Feynman Lectures, for Electrical Engineering. The Feynman Lectures (as many of you know) are clear and concise, and nutshell a great deal of typical undergraduate study. A student can read these lectures from cover to...
  9. J

    Prerequisites to truly enjoy the Feynman Lectures?

    Hello all! I'm just out of high school and have got a few months before college begins. I think I'm fairly good in high school math, and now I've just started self-learning Single Variable Calculus (Calc I) from MIT OCW Scholar. I love Physics, and aim to be a physicist someday. I...
  10. Z

    Feynman Lectures on Physics - Rotation in 2 dimensions

    This isn't really a 'problem', I'm just trying to follow Feynman's reasoning in section 18-2 of Volume 1 The Feynman Lectures on Physics. I've attached a png of the paragraph in question. I have 2 issues with this: 1. If the length OQ = OP, how can there be a right angle at P(x,y)? 2. I...
  11. H

    A question in the Feynman Lectures on physics,chapter 15-4

    In 15-4,Feynman tried to explain why the rod perpendicular to the motion does not shrink."How do we know that perpendicular lengths do not change? The men can agree to make marks on each other's y-meter stick as they pass each other.By symmetry, the two marks must come at the same y- and y'-...
  12. P

    Query on explanation for electromagnetic field - Feynman lectures on physics

    In 2-5, an analogy is given for electromagnetic field: two corks in water, and the effect of jiggling one cork on the other (probably the up and down motion). Now, that sounded more like water is a medium propagating the energy. But the electromagnetic waves require no medium for propagation...
  13. D

    Question on Feynman lectures volume 1 (wavelength and frequency)

    in chapter 32 section 4 on electromagnetic waves, near the end he writes since \lambda = \frac{2\pi c}{\omega} then \Delta\lambda = \frac{2 \pi c \Delta \omega}{{\omega}^2}. i understand the first equation he writes but then the second one i am having trouble convincing myself how he came up...
  14. J

    Is the current paperback version of the Feynman Lectures the latest edition?

    Hi, I am wondering how different the Feynman Lectures editions are. I have the option of getting the 1964,1965, 1970, and 1989 editions. Obviously getting the latest of those editions is the best, however I heard that the 2005 edition is the best edition with all the corrections and the one...
  15. L

    Feynman lectures - elastic materials - eqn 39.22

    I'm reading Feynman Lectures on Physics Volume 2 Chapter 39 on elastic materials. Equation 39.22 relates the elements in the elasticity tensor to the Young's modulus and the Poisson's ratio. I have no clue on how to get these relations myself. For example, for C_xxxx, I think it should tell...
  16. codelieb

    Feynman Lectures Exercise Challenge

    Hello, all. My colleagues and I are currently working on an exercise book for The Feynman Lectures on Physics (FLP). This book will include about 1000 exercises from the original Feynman Lectures course as taught at Caltech, covering pretty much the entire range of topics in all three volumes...
  17. M

    Newton's Law of Gravitation Feynman Lectures

    Hi all, I've been reading the Feynman Lectures on Physics and I've stumbled on something. I understand the theory but not how they arrived at the answer. It's to do with firing a bullet from a gun and working out the speed it would need to travel in a curve around the Earth's surface in order...
  18. P

    Two problems while reading Feynman lectures (vector field))

    Question 1: solved! Question 2: Why it's zero? I think we cannot get zero unless it's an exact differential form? Many thanks.
  19. B

    Which Feynman Lectures edition is best

    I just took Electromagnetism and I want to solidify my understanding of the material. I want to order the Feynman Lectures, but I've heard some complaints about different editions (unnecessary edits, quality of print, etc...). Which edition(s) is the best? Also, should I get the audio tapes...
  20. S

    The Feynman Lectures on Physics?

    Ok so I heard that these are great and that a physics student should have them, but I don't know what version to pick. Like there's https://www.amazon.com/dp/0805390456/?tag=pfamazon01-20 And https://www.amazon.com/dp/0465023827/?tag=pfamazon01-20 So the 2nd one is newer, so maybe more up to...
  21. S

    Is Studying the Feynman Lectures Still Relevant for Modern Physics Education?

    I am getting ready to go back to school for physics this coming fall, but in the mean time I am doing a lot of study on physics materials simply because I find it absolutely fascinating and do not want to wait however many months (Not to mention how long it will take me to get past classical...
  22. L

    Feynman Lectures and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

    In Volume 1 of the Feynman Lectures on Physics, Feynman derives the ideal gas law from Newton's laws of motion. But then on page 41-1, he puts a caveat to the derivation he has just completed: "We have perpetually been making a certain important assumption, which is that if a given system is in...
  23. D

    What Does Feynman Describe as a Reversible Machine in His Lectures?

    Can anyone explain what Feynman means when he is talking of a reversible machine in the chapter four of his lectures? What exactly is a reversible machine? Please explain this paragraph : "If when we have lifted and lowered a lot of weights and restored the machine back to its original...
  24. B

    Exercises for The Feynman Lectures on Physics

    Hi, I just ordered the Exercises for The Feynman Lectures on Physics and although the exercises in them appear to be very interesting, most of them come without answer. I'm just wondering if there is someone with answers to all of them or if there is a book or website which has them. Thanks
  25. T

    Download Richard Feynman Lectures Free | Feynman Lectures

    Does anyone know where I can download Richard Feynman lectures free?
  26. Oddbio

    Most popular (best?) Feynman lectures.

    I hear a lot about "the feynman lectures", but is there any set of lectures that most people have in mind when they hear "the Feynman Lectures"? Or does that phrase really not point to a specific set of really good/popular lectures? I'm trying to find some to watch, but it seems like there...
  27. G

    Feynman Lectures Audio - Find Where to Listen

    Hi, Does anyone know where I can find the audio version of the "Feynman Lectures"?? I know not all of them are taped, but most are, I can't seem to find them anywhere. Help! Thanks.
  28. W

    Have you experienced the enlightening Feynman Lectures on Physics?

    Has anyone read the Feynman Lectures of Physics*? I've heard about them and they seem pretty nice. I'm thinking of looking into them but wanted some feedback from someone who has already read them. I already know some of the basics and so I mainly wanted these to better my understanding of...
  29. W

    How good Feynman Lectures are ?

    how good Feynman Lectures are ? and if learn basic physics what mathematical physics book should i learn to learn core course physics ? Is Mathematical methods for physicists good enough ?
  30. thrill3rnit3

    Halliday physics vs. Feynman lectures

    which is the better series one can learn physics from? I've personally read feynman's but I haven't tried halliday's.
  31. W

    So where can I get The Feynman lectures ?

    My library only had the first volume, I would love to read them all. Is it worth to buy them?. Its just that the shipping will be quite expensive to my country.
  32. I

    How to study the Feynman lectures?

    I got my final pick of books as extra readings/studying to supplement my rather deficient Physics C class. It's the Feynman lectures on Physics and Irodov problem book (and when my calculus is ready, I'll tackle Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow) How do you think should I...
  33. T

    Question about conservation laws & Feynman Lectures

    I just got a copy of Feynman's lectures on Physics the other week. They are very interesting. Near the end of the 4th chapter, he begins discussing conservation laws. One of the laws he gives is the conservation of baryons. I noticed early in the first volume, the lectures were published in...
  34. X

    Is self-study with Feynman's Lectures enough for UnderGrad physics?

    Well, I have got hold of Feynman's Lectures Volume 1,2,3... I am trying to understand UnderGrad physics through self-study at home... Are those 3 books enough to understand (at least conceptually) UnderGrad level physics?
  35. G

    How to read the Feynman Lectures (Question)

    I intend to refresh my knowledge in physics, and exercise a great deal of math. I will do some heavy calculus, dif, linear algebra work with some quantum mechanics added onto it. The thing is I also want to read the feynman lectures I bought long ago. Do you think that it is reasonable to...
  36. M

    Feynman Lectures: Is It Worth The Money?

    Okay I've just paid £50 for the feynman lectures on ebay, waiting for it in the post. Anyone here have it and can tell me whether I've wasted my money (i'm 17 and havn't even started learning particle physics yet, I've just finished AS levels). Am I going to understand it or not? Also is...
  37. S

    Feynman lectures volume II - how is it?

    I'll be studying electromagnetism next sem (January) and I thought reading Feynman before the proper start of course will be useful, but Feynman himself said( in the preface) that he did not do much creation in vol II. So, is there any other Feynman sort of book on electromagnetism or I should...
  38. P

    What's the maths equivalent of the Feynman Lectures?

    Hi, I've got a Masters in Physics, but always feel that I'm missing out slightly by not knowing and appreciating the beauty that there is in all the maths I never had cause to study in my physics degree. Is there a book (or set of books) that does for maths what the Feynman Lectures do for...
  39. T

    Feynman Lectures: Worth Reading for Fundamental Concepts?

    Has anyone read the Feynman Lectues? Is it worth getting if you are looking to further establish a good grasp of the fundamentals?
  40. R

    Download Feynman Lectures: Where to Find

    Does anyone know where to download the Feynman lectures at? Thanks
  41. D

    The Feynman Lectures Over my head?

    I have always seen these books in the stores, and such, and they're 100 on amazon (which is a heck of a lot better than B&N) and i want them, but then again they'll probably shoot right over my head. I'm working through my first year of high-school physics. I have read quite a few books on...
  42. E

    Which Edition of Feynman Lectures on Physics Should I Buy?

    Hello! The next academical year I am going to study physics on the university and I want to prepare for the challege. I am planing to buy the Feynman lectures of physics. At amazon.com there is three sets avalible, from 2005, form 1989 and from 1970. I can't choose, I don't know which is the...
  43. M

    Richard Feynman Lectures on Light

    Hey everyone, I found an AWSOME site that broadcasts science programs for free over the internet. http://www.vega.org.uk/index.php" If you go to Science Programmes > Vega Science Lectures > Richard Feynman you will find the lectures that he gave at the University of Auckland (New...
  44. D

    Feynman vs Resnick & Halliday: Mechanics for 11th Grade

    Hey, I am currently in 11th grade. Were studying Mechanics from Resnick & Halliday 7th edition. I'd like to know If Feynman does a better job with mechanics? (Volume one). Next year , were going to study electromagnetism, and I was planning on reading Feynman Vol II in the summer, should I or...
  45. M

    Where can i download the videos of the Feynman lectures?

    i.e. the Douglas Robb memorial lectures from Auckland University, They're available streamed here: http://www.vega.org.uk/series/lectures/feynman/ But i want to download the files. Can i grab them anywhere?
  46. R

    Are the Feynman Lectures on Physics books good?

    Are the "Feynman Lectures on Physics" books good? Are the "Feynman Lectures on Physics" books good? I'm going into my junior year next year and wonder if these books are any good to study over the summer?
  47. K

    Where can i find the Feynman Lectures in mp3 fomat?

    Hi , i am very eager to listen to feyman lectures on physics. i tried to listen to some at http://www.vega.org.uk/series/lectures/feynman/index.php . But i could not , as there is some problem with the site. So , can anyone suggest an alternate site or if anyone has the lectures with...
  48. T

    Exploring Physics: A Review of the Feynman Lectures and Their Broad Scope

    I'm in grade 11 physics, and I was wondering if I'd be able to get through the Feynman lectures without being totally confused. As a side questions, would those lectures give me an insight on a broad range of physics topics? That is what I'm looking for right now.
  49. D

    Feynman Lectures, Chapter 24: Transients

    Hello everyone! A question came up as I was reading Chapter 24 of the Feynman Lectures book. To more specific, it's the comments after Eq. (24.2) on the first section---called "the energy of an oscillator". I don't quite get it. Thank you very much! :smile: "Now let us consider the...
  50. N

    Feynman Lectures Physics Vol 1-3 MP3s - Find & Download

    hi all, I've been busy collecting the mp3's of the original tapes of Feynman lectures on physics during the 1960's. So far - using mainly Kazaa and dc++ - I've found nearly all the lectures of Volume 1 and 3. The lectures of Volume 2 are quite hard to find. Does anyone here know a database...