Fibre Definition and 88 Threads

Fiber or fibre (from Latin: fibra) is a natural or man-made substance that is significantly longer than it is wide. Fibers are often used in the manufacture of other materials. The strongest engineering materials often incorporate fibers, for example carbon fiber and ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene.
Synthetic fibers can often be produced very cheaply and in large amounts compared to natural fibers, but for clothing natural fibers can give some benefits, such as comfort, over their synthetic counterparts.

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  1. MalachiK

    Multipath dispersion in fibre optic cable

    Homework Statement I saw this question on this forum and the answer given At first I thought that it was obvious why reducing the width of the fibre would reduce the multipath dispersion. But having tried the problem with maths, I'm not so sure. Can anyone tell me where my maths...
  2. T

    Modes of Propagation in an Optical Fibre

    I'm having trouble understanding why only certain angles of propagation can transmit down an optical fibre. My lecturer produces this formula for the allowed angles: \sin \theta = p \frac{\lambda}{2dn} where \theta is the angle of the ray from the optical axis \lambda the wavelength of light d...
  3. R

    Principle Fibre: Definition & Examples

    Hello everyone! I'm fully aware of the complete and utter stupidity if this question, but I am also aware about how unable I am to find any text in which this is explained so that even yours truly can understand. (In fact, I have found NOTHING so far...another proof of my lack of mental...
  4. J

    What is the Yield Strength of E-Glass Fibre?

    I have every possible value and propertie for E-Glass fibre but i can't find yeild strength anywhere anyone know it?
  5. C

    Carbon nanotube reinforced carbon fibre composites

    I was wondering if there was a definitive chart/data table with the properties of such a material. Many time has been spent looking through many papers, yet I am yet to find a table with for instance ... max tensile strength, max toughness, max conductivity I know there are many variations...
  6. S

    How to built Carbon Fibre parts at home

    How Can i built carbon fibre parts at home work shop?
  7. P

    Maximum Number of reflections in optical fibre

    Question: An optical fibre is 1.0 metre long and has a diameter of 20micro-meter. Its ends are perpendicular to its axis. Its index of refraction is 1.30. What is the maximum number of reflections a light ray entering one end will make before it emerges from the other end? A) 18000 B)...
  8. C

    Optics fibre dispersion, pulse propagation

    Homework Statement A pulse train of Gaussian shaped pulses travels in a single mode fibre. The separation (T) of the pulse centres is five times the temporal width (\Delta \tau) of an individual pulse i.e. T=5*\Delta \tau. The dispersion of the material is D=200ps/nm/km. L=0.1km, n plastic =...
  9. O

    Calculating Stress experienced by fibre composite.

    Hi, I need to find the stress taken up by the fibres in the longitudinal direction, when a load of 25kN is applied to a continuous aligned composite with the diameter of 2cm. 60% matirx with E=2.8Gpa and 40% glass fibre E=73Gpa. Attempt at solution Known values V_m = 0.6, E_m =...
  10. O

    Continuous fibre composite transverse loading

    Why is the traverse loading strength of continuous fibre reinforced composites weaker compared to the longitudinal strength? I sort of arrived at the conclusion, that since the composite is in an isostress state and due to the fibre having a very low tensile strength in the transverse...
  11. S

    Electronics required for transmission of signals in fibre

    HI ALL Well i want to know the power electronics required to transmit signals for sensors,limit switches ,push buttons up to PLC, and if analog device signals like potentiometer could be transmit tted with these ,how can i do this . i am using Plastic Optical Fibre and please help me with the...
  12. S

    Usage of optical fibre in electrical wiring.

    i have a serious question for reducing the cables and cost of a machine i want to use optical fibre(OF) ,if we have approx.50 sensors,limit switches ,potenstiometers and vavles solenoids all together in one part of a machine can i convert the output of these to get a signal form or multiplexing...
  13. T

    Orthogonality between optical fibre modes

    Hi there, I've just read the following: The expression that is given is: \int_{A \infty} e_j \times h_k* \cdot \widehat{z} dA = 0 where * denotes the complex conjugate, and z^ is the unit vector in the direction of propagation (along the axis of the fibre). Can anyone explain...
  14. C

    Does the NA of a Fibre Change When Immersed in Water?

    1. What will the NA of the fibre be if it's immersed in water? Basically we know the NA = 0.30 and refractive index is 1.50 for the fibre's core. 2. Snell's law 3. My theory is that NA is the sine of the critical angle. n1 = 1.5, n2 = 1.333 NA = sin (theta_crit) = sin...
  15. L

    Fibre Optic cable vs Copper wire

    Is the fibre optic cable cheaper than copper wire for transmission? I believe there is still loses in a fibre optic cable. As the critical angle of glass is 42 degrees, thus about 50% of the signal would be lost. Is that true?
  16. J

    Any papers/ articles on carbon fibre?

    any papers/ articles on carbon fibre?? hey I'm looking to do a study into the acoustic properties of carbon fibre but haven't been able to come across any current papers dealing specifically with this topic. does anyone know of any journals that have had published articles or better still...
  17. B

    How Many Optical Amplifiers Are Needed for Sufficient Signal Power?

    I am undertaking a question that requires me to calculate the number of optical amplifiers that are needed to ensure that a light signal is of sufficient enough power to be read and understood at the receiving end. I have the maximum potential power input, the minimum required output at the far...
  18. T

    IB Extended Essay in Physics, focusing on Fibre optics, any pointers?

    I am not entirely sure where to post this, please tell me if anything needs to be changed This is my first post so i'll introduce myself... My name is Joe, currently aged 17 and in year 13 in school in Kent, Uk doing the International Baccalaureate (Not sure how well known this is? Quite...
  19. T

    Continuous fibre reinforced polymer

    Homework Statement For a continuous fibre reinforced polymer, use a diagram to explain how the Young's modulus of the composite varies with fibre orientation and fibre content. Anywhere i could get any of this information? I've been googling with no success for a while
  20. haushofer

    Exterior derivatives on fibre bundles

    Hi, I have a small question about exterior derivatives d on defined on principal bundles P. We have the Ehresmann connection on a principal bundle P, represented by a Lie-algebra valued one-form omega. We can use the section sigma to pull this one-form back to our basemanifold, where the...
  21. pellman

    How does a fibre bundle differ from base space X typical fibre?

    Let's take a simple example. Both a cylinder and Möbius strip consist of a circle with a line segment associated with each point of the circle. The cylinder is considered truly equivalent to the direct product S1 X line segment while the Möbius strip is only locally like S1 X line segment...
  22. haushofer

    Elementary questions about fibre bundles

    Hi, I'm a little stuck on Nakahara's treatment about fibre bundles. I hope someone can give me a clear answer on this; they are quite elementary questions, I guess. We have: * A principal bundle P(M,G) * A fibre G_{p} at p= \pi(u) Then the vertical subspace V_{u}P is defined as a...
  23. M

    Exploring the Definition of a Fibre Bundle

    In the definition of fibre bundle we have a structure consist of (E, B,F, G, p, phi) E:total space B:base manifold = E/R where R is a relation p:projection map from E to B F: fibre G:lie group acting on F etc. the relation between E and B is obvious but i don't get connection between F...
  24. D

    What are the Sources of Dispersion in Fibre Optics?

    I'm confused as to sources of dispersion in a fibre. Any clarification would be appreciated. Modal (Intermodal) dispersion: pulse spreading due to different group velocities of different modes in the fibre. Each mode has a slightly different n-effective hence the different Vg for each mode...
  25. N

    Carbon Fibre Flywheel (for energy storage)

    Is it difficult to make? as a complete beginner, what do I need to know, and am I way in over my head? :) any help would be appreciated.
  26. B

    Refraction/Smallest curve of optical fibre.

    Homework Statement "figure 3" (below) shows an optical fibre bent in a curve. The diameter of the fibre is 4mm. If light is not to escape, calculate the smallest radius of R of the curve round which the fibre can be bent. Assume that the fibre is surrounded by air (refractive index 1) and...
  27. L

    Affine space or fibre bundle: spacetime formalism in Newtonian mechanics

    Hi, I was wondering, which spacetime model do you prefer for Newtonian dynamics? VI Arnold constructs it on an affine space \mathbb{A}^4 with an Euclidean space \mathbb{E}^3 defined on each time cross-section. The construction of time is somewhat cumbersome, involving defining \mathbb{R}^4 to...
  28. A

    Calculate Power & Energy Loss in Optical Fibre: 0.8dB/km @ 1250nm

    Hi guys, can anyone help me with this question?- An optical fiber has a loss of 0.8dB/km at a wavelength of 1250nm. If 120uW of power is injected into the fibre at the transmitter, how much power would be lost at a distance of 20km down the fibre, also calculate the energy loss over a 24hr...
  29. kakarukeys

    How can the isomorphism of pullback bundles by homotopic maps be proven?

    Chris Isham said (Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists) it's fairly easy to show that the pullback bundles of a (locally trivial) fibre bundle by two homotopic maps are isomorphic. But I haven't had a clue. Can somebody tell me how to prove?
  30. M

    Extra dimensions and fibre bundles

    Hi, this is my first post. Congratulations to a very interesting forum. The issue, I want to bring up, has probably been discussed already, but hopefully at least not in exactly the same way. I have read the book "Road to Reality" from Roger Penrose, which by the way I found quite interesting...
  31. M

    Why Must the Projection Function in Fiber Bundles Have a Specific Form?

    I try to understand the notion of connections on fibre bundles from the lecture notes" by George Svetlichny. On page 27 stands what the attached picture shows. (I don't know whether the attached picture will be visible, so I copy the text here: )...
  32. H

    How Can I Grind Wasabi Fibre Into Powder?

    I have bought a few wasabi plants recently, I have been trying to grind some of the stem of the wasabi into paste (as shown in the supermarket), the trouble I am having is gridingthe fibre down. First thing I tried is using a blender, it works fine on most part, but I just can't grind the...
  33. A

    Help: Application of Optical Fibre In Astronomy?

    I'm doing a presentation in this topic and I find it very hard to look for information on the web. Please, point me to any website or resources that have information about this topic? Thank You~! :confused:
  34. C

    Why Do Fiber Optic Cables Need Less Frequent Signal Boosting Than Copper Wires?

    Electrical and fibre optic... Why is it that a fibre optic cable must boosted less frequently than an electrical signal in a copper wire, I understand that there will be resistance in the wire and thus the voltage will drop the further you go, but surely there will still be the changes in...
  35. Monique

    High-Fibre Foods: Alternatives for Wheat & Rice Allergies

    Which foods contain a lot of fibre, or which foods are not digested? If you have an allergy to whole wheat bread and rice, what alternatives are there? Corn is not an option either, and I don't think salted sunflower seeds is a good option either :wink: How would potatoes do?
  36. S

    Carbon fibre is used in formula one cars

    Carbon fibre is used in formula one cars to decrease load and increase aerodynamics. Is there a bearing which also works in a similar means ( re: light weight, as strong as current auto specs)?
  37. A

    Fibre Optic Amplifier: What Is It?

    fibre optic amplifier?? anyone heard of fibre optic amplifier before or not?
  38. Greg Bernhardt

    Unbelievable Natural Fibre Optics

    How cool is this!?