Has anyone here used software to solve the Einstein field equations? If so, what software have you used, or what software do you recommend? Is it possible to use something like MATLAB to play around with the field equations?
Here is the action:
##S = \frac{1}{16\pi} \int d^4 x \sqrt{-g} (R\phi - \frac{\omega}{\phi} g^{ab} \phi_{,a} \phi_{,b} + 16\pi L_m)##
the ordinary matter is included via ##L_m##. Zeroing the variation ##\delta/\delta g^{\mu \nu}## in the usual way gives
##\frac{\delta}{\delta g^{\mu \nu}}[R\phi...
I am back to my writing desk and I was looking up different and (hopefully) relatively "basic" derivations of the field equations.
I found a nice little derivation of the Proca (and Maxwell) equations by Gersten (1998, PRL, 12, 291-298 is the reference, but I got it from the web so what I have...
First, my ignorance... I know there are classes of equations: Laplace, Poisson, Wave, Diffusion, etc.
(I suppose Laplace is a subset of Poisson, but that is not the issue).
Into what category of mathematical equations would you place the field equations of elasticity (stress/strain/displacement)?
So, we have A, the magnetic vector potential, and its divergence is the Lorenz gauge condition.
I want to solve for the two vector fields of F and G, and I'm wondering how I should begin##\nabla \cdot \mathbf{F}=-\nabla \cdot\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\mathbf{A} =-\frac{\partial}{\partial...
[Moderator's Note: Thread spin off due to topic and level change.]
For a spherically symmetric solution, if SET components were written in terms a single one of 4 coordinates, in a way plausible for a radial coordinate, the I believe solving the EFE would require spherical symmetry of the...
Let's say I want to describe a massive box in spacetime as described by the Einstein Field Equations. If one were to construct a metric in cartesian coordinates from the Minkowski metric, would it be reasonable to use a piecewise Stress-Energy Tensor to find our metric? (For example, having...
My questions is:
Depending on which metric you choose "east coast" or "west coast", do you have to also mind the sign on the cosmological constant in the Einstein field equations?
R_{\mu\nu} - \frac{1}{2} R g_{\mu\nu} \pm \Lambda g_{\mu\nu} = \frac{8\pi G}{c^4} T_{\mu\nu}
For example, if you...
While viewing a recent lecture on Einstein’s Field Equations, the presenter made the association between the various quantities like mass, energy, momentum and pressure directly to the four dimensions of spacetime. Depending on which derivation of the FE he was explaining, he would make an...
I would be grateful if some one would consider my following thought and indicate to me the likely mistakes, which I cannot do.
Following the paper “Why the Riemann Curvature Tensor needs twenty independent components” by David Meldgin UC Davis 2011, I understand that with a coordinates...
What do I have to do if I want the EFE's to approximate a weak gravitational field, where for example, an inversely proportional to the cube ( ##1 / r^3## ) of the distance law between the masses applies?
I'm trying to understand Einstein's field equations conceptually, does it describe space density in a region of space by any chance? Like there is more space in this region compared to this other region. Thanks.
I am not familiar with tensors and I would like to know if it's possible to understand GR without using them. I imagine we use them to describe four-dimentional space-time, because a regular vector or matrix wouldn't be enough.
Is there an analog of Einstein's equations for a 2D space (plane)...
I read Chris Hirata's paper on gravitational waves (http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~chirata/ph236/lec10.pdf) where he performs a multipole expansion of the gravitational source.
I got most of it, apart from the part where he expands the inverse distance function into a series :
More specifically...
This past semester, I just took an introductory course on G.R., which translates to a lot of differential geometry and then concluding with Schwarzschild's solution. We really didn't do any cosmology. However, one of the themes that kept creeping up again and again is that in 4-dimensions...
I have read that Albert Einstein was quite (pleasantly) surprised to read Schwarzschild's solution to his field equation because he did not think that any complete analytic solution existed. However, of all the possible scenarios to consider, a point mass in a spherically symmetric field (ie, a...
Hi all -
I am trying to follow a derivation of the above. At some point I need to find gαβ for
gαβ = ηαβ + hαβ
with |hαβ|<<1
I am stuck. The text says
gαβ = ηαβ - hαβ
but I cannot figure out why. Can anybody help?
Let us consider the FRW metric for flat space expressed in terms of conformal time ##\eta## and cartesian spatial co-ordinates ##x,y,z##:
As in the standard FRW co-ordinate system one can see that if two observers are separated by a constant...
I have read that:
In 1915 Einstein presents to the Prussian Academy of Sciences the General Theory of Relativity; it includes a set of Gravitational Field Equations; at this time he does not present any solution to the equations.
In 1917 he considers a greatly simplified case; presents a...
I've been have been done some research about Einstein Field Equations and I want to get great perspective of Ricci tensor so can somebody explain me what Ricci tensor does and what's the mathmatical value of Ricci tensor.
Does anybody know a link where the Einstein field equations are fully written out, i.e. in terms of only the coefficients of the metric tensor and derivatives on the left side? I'm just curious how huge this must be.
Homework Statement
Provided an action:
S[A_\nu] = \int\left(\frac{1}{4}(A_{\gamma,\mu}-A_{\mu,\gamma})(A_{\zeta,\alpha}-A_{\alpha,\zeta})\eta^{\gamma\zeta}\eta^{\mu\alpha}+\frac{1}{2}\nu^2A_\mu A_\gamma -\beta A_\mu J^\mu\right)\sqrt{-\eta}~d^4x
How would one go about finding the field...
This is my first post in Physics Forums.
I am trying to a dimensional check of Einstein's field equations. Unfortunately, most books consider c = 1 or sometimes even G = c = 1, when presenting the field equations. This makes it very difficult to do a dimensional check.
In spite of this, I...
can somebody please help me understanding the following.
Action of general relativity consists of two terms: action of gravitation, dependent on metric tensor and its derivatives; action of matter, say one freely moving point mass particle, dependent on particle coordinates and metric...
I'm looking for a derivation of the Einstein-Cartan Equations from varying the Einstein-Hilbert Action. I've looked around the internet but can't seem to find one, so if anyone knows of a pdf or book reference that goes through the derivation, that would help a lot. The wikipedia page for...
Hello dear Physicists,
I am very curious about understanding the math and the nature properties of the Einstein Field Equations.What I need to know is,what concrete mathematical operations I need to know and understand,and have experience with to understend this theory.I'm a quick learner and...
How do you represent einstein field equations with levi civita symbol or jacobian determinant? I saw a lot of work that involves this but I don't know how and why.
Besides how is the jacobian determinant related to the levI civita symbol?
Hello everyone!
I have a "great" problem with EGB action. First of all, I'm used to work with potential and scalar field, but now I have the following action
##S=\int\sqrt{-g}\left(2\beta +R+\alpha GB\right)d^6 x##
where GB is the six-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet term, R is the scalar curvature...
I know that the metric tensor itself utilizes Einstein summation notation but the field equations have a tensor form so the μ and ν symbols represent tensor information.
I'm trying to wrap my head around how Einstein used summation notation to simplify the above field equations but it seems...
In the Einstein-Hilbert action wikipedia page, the following paragraph is written:
I thought for treating spin, we need to consider Einstein-Cartan theory! This is really surprising to me. Can anyone suggest a paper or book that explains this in some detail?
Hello Everyone,
I have read many derivations of Einstein field equations (done one myself), but none of them explain why the constant term should have a $$c^4$$ in the denominator. the 8πG term can be obtained from Poisson's equation, but how does c^4 pop up? Most of the books just derive it...
Am I right when I say during Newton's time there was no idea of fields?
Now I have been looking for books and courses which are meant for amateurs. So I came across this video of one of my favourite professors Prof Leonard Susskind...
I'm interested in trying to understand Einstein's field equations, I'm a physics student due to start an astrophysics course next year. I was just wondering if someone could give me some advice where to start?
From what I know, to get the reverse trace form of the Einstein field equations, you must multiply both sides by gab (I didn't have a lot of time to make this thread so I did not spend time finding the Greek letters in the latex).
This turns:
Rab- \frac{1}{2}gabR= kTab (where k=...
Error below
For a couple of years now, I have been attempting to solve for the values in GR of the time dilation z and the radial and tangent length contractions, L and L_t respectively, which form the metric
c^2 dτ^2 = c^2 z^2 dt^2 - dr^2 / L^2 - d_θ^2 r^2 / L_t^2 (along a plane)...
Hello everybody. I was recently brainstorming ways to make the Einstein field equations a little easier to solve (as opposed to having to write out that monstrosity of equations that I started on some time ago) and I got an interesting idea in my mind.
Here, we have the field equations...
1. What exactly is the cosmological constant, what is its value (or how do you derive it if it is something that must be derived for various situations) and how do I know when to use it and when not to use it in the Einstein field equations?
I ask this last question because sometimes I see...
The field equations of general relativity are non-linear. There are exact analytic solutions to the equations for special symmetrical cases, e.g. Schwarzschild's solution for a black hole. But in general, wouldn't there be other chaotic solutions as well?
A chaotic system is analytically...
The following is a question regarding the derivation of Einstein's field equations.
In deriving his equations, it is my understanding that Einstein equated the Einstein Tensor Gμv and the Cosmological Constant*Metric Tensor with the Stress Energy Momentum Tensor Tμv term simply...
1. I'm not quite sure how the laplacian acts on this integral
2. \frac{\delta S}{\delta A_{\mu}}=\int\frac{\delta}{\delta A_{\mu}}(\frac{1}{4}F_{\rho\sigma}\frac{\triangle}{M^{2}}F^{\rho\sigma})
3. I know I have to split the integral into three integrals for x y and z, but I'm not sure if
a) I...
Are Einstein's field equations without the cosmological constant scale invariant?
If so does the addition of the cosmological constant break the scale invariance?
A typical formulation of the Einstein equations is
R_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2}Rg_{\mu\nu}+\Lambda g_{\mu\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T_{\mu\nu}
The \frac{G}{c^4} make the units work out. What about the 8*pi? Why is this necessary?
I was working on an exercise in Ohanian's book.
[Appendix A3, page 484, Exercise 5]
I guess he means charge conservation, but wrote ##j^\nu = 0##.
The Lagrangian was given by ##\mathcal{L}_{em} = -\frac{1}{16\pi} \left( A_{\mu ,\nu} - A_{\nu ,\mu} \right) \left( A^{\mu ,\nu} - A^{\nu...
If my understanding is correct, the equations of QFT (Dirac, Klein-Gordon) govern the behavior of operator fields (assigning operator to each point in space). Does it mean there are no equations governing the behavior of fields (assigning a number / vector/ spinor to each point in space)? Is QFT...