What is Financial aid: Definition and 57 Discussions

Student financial aid in the United States is funding that is available exclusively to students attending a post-secondary educational institution in the United States. This funding is used to assist in covering the many costs incurred in the pursuit of post-secondary education. Financial aid is available from federal and state governments, educational institutions, and private organizations. It can be awarded in the form of grants, loans, work-study, and scholarships. In order to apply for federal financial aid, students must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

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  1. AryaKimiaghalam

    Physics Physics Ph.D. studies and living expenses

    Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing well. I begun to think about my plans for graduate school lately. I was hoping to learn more about the financial aid/tuition and living expenses of different universities in North America and Europe from your personal experiences in graduate school. How does...
  2. twist.1995

    Programs Should I or Should I not pursue a postgraduate degree in physics

    Hello! I am studying Physics and Electronic and Communications Engineering double major. I really enjoy studying physics, and find it fascinating to manipulate difficult formulas that describe natural phenomena. However, I am concerned that there are far more engineering jobs out there than...
  3. studentalways101

    Programs 2nd BS Degree Advice_Business to Environmental Engineering

    I have decided I really really really want to go back to school to expand my education into environmental engineering. I currently have a BS in Business Admin from UC Berkeley. I have researched several masters programs, and it is looking like it will be very difficult for me to even get into a...
  4. chimath35

    Other financial aid box graduate app

    I am applying for a PhD program in statistics and I want a full assistantship. Should I check the box to apply for additional financial aid or will that affect an assistantship chance? Thanks.
  5. VoloD

    Programs 2nd bachelors Degree Question (after a SAP appeal)

    My BS is in Physics and I had considered getting another BS in industrial engineering. However I have question that I can not find any direct answer on FAFSA website I have accumulated more than 180 hours in my Bachelors Degree, going over the 150% limit for an undergraduate major. My appeal...
  6. anubodh

    Becoming a Physicist: US Universities for High School Student from India

    I am a high school student from India (in my last year)?Though my academic performance is great and i am confident of scoring 90% above in 12th.I am also doing a research with India's top research institution CSIR on Foot malodour and heading another research on mosquito resistance to...
  7. B

    Schools Senior Year Student -- What US universities are good for physics?

    Hello, I've been wondering about universities in the US. So what are relatively good universities in physics with a low tuition and good financial aid for international students? (Good universities in physics as in those that come in second or third after the "famous and prestigious"...
  8. T

    Is it Practical to Double Major in Math, Physics, and Electrical Engineering?

    Hello, I recently just became admitted into the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and while I am still waiting for Financial Aid to come through I will most likely be attending there this fall. I applied as a Electrical Engineering major and I would like to double major or possibly triple major...
  9. H

    Engineering Taking on 120k of debt for engineering school EE or Aero worth it?

    Hey guys I've gotten accepted into RIT Rochester Institute of Technology for electrical engineering and Embry Riddle for Aerospace engineering. I'm a non traditional student aged 28 with a BA in Econ who always had a passion for engineering. I am still making up my mind between EE or Aero. I...
  10. J

    Partial Differential Equations vs Linear Algebra

    This semester I'm a bit stuck with classes to progress my Electrical Engineering major (having going into it so late), so the only class I can take to progress is a physics course about electricity and the likes. I need at least a three unit class in order to get at least half time so I won't...
  11. T

    Should I go for Liberal Arts Physics?

    I am an international student. I had applied to some colleges in the States and got accepted in a few. I have paid my enrollment deposit to a selective liberal arts college because it offered be a very good financial aid (and the others weren't affordable for me at all). But I want to be an...
  12. A

    A Masters in Physics after a Bachelor's in Enginnering

    Hello all, This is my first and probably the most important post, I am a 3rd year student of Mechanical Engineering at BITS Pilani, India. However, my primary interests lie in Physics, please do not ask why my major is in Engineering then, it is a long story. I will make my current position...
  13. W

    Paying for Masters in Physics Secondary Ed.?

    Hi all, I've applied and been accepted to graduate programs in secondary education in physics/math. I will have a B.S. in physics by May, so the graduate degree is to give me the credentials to be certified to teach. My question is, do any of you know of scholarships or other ways that I can...
  14. F

    MIT International transfer experience

    Some time ago I made a thread about advice going to MIT. Now I am seeing how does the transfer process work in several universities, but I have find that it is a labyrinth. Each university site tells me to register many things, for example to do the SAT test, and then to PROFILE, which...
  15. M

    Was this a poor academic choice?

    Hey everyone, it's been a while since I posted on here, but I'm having some conflicting thoughts about my upcoming semester. I am hoping to get some outside opinions to make sure I'm not just beating myself up for nothing. So, here is the situation. I graduated high school in 2010, I was the...
  16. S

    Looking for some feedback on potential outlooks

    I'm going to try to paint a picture that will allow you to get some sense of where I'm coming from. Forgive me if this post is not as clear as it could be. My goal in life is to work in the natural sciences. There's not much I care for besides nature. In the end, whatever I do, I have to feel...
  17. W

    NEU for a Bachelors of Physics

    Im deciding to go to NEU for a Bachelors of Physics, with a specialization in Education. I don't want to have too many classes, but I also want to get full financial/ student aid by being a full time student w/ 4 classes. Could I have 3 classes and still receive full financial/ student aid? I...
  18. J

    Advantages of having an AS in engineering to go with your Physics BS?

    Hi, all, Though I am planning to major in Physics with a minor in chemistry, I'm thinking of getting my associates degree in a program they have at my local community college called "engineering special studies (pre-medical engineering)." This is because the course list will give me...
  19. D

    How Do Students Fund the Budapest Semester in Math Program?

    Hopefully some of you have heard of this program and have participated in it yourself. Here's the website if you haven't heard of it before: http://www.budapestsemesters.com/ I'm thinking about applying to this program for either the summer 2014 or fall 2014. It looks really awesome. They...
  20. M

    Need Help With a Fallback School

    So, I'm a hopeful physics and/or applied physics/engineering physics major. Maybe Materials Science. I have my main list of colleges to apply to, and my record looks pretty good, but the least selective of them is Georgia Tech, at 41.5% admitted last year. I'm going to need good financial aid...
  21. Ascendant78

    Resource to supplement physics I being taught through Spiral Physics

    Resource to supplement physics I being taught through "Spiral Physics" I just started Physics I this semester. Though our instructor has given a ton of downloadable PDF files to supplement our textbook, it is all information to read through and study. He has given us absolutely no practice...
  22. M

    Seeking Advice For Schooling and my Physics Future

    Hello, kind people of PF! It's been a few days since I've registered for this forum, and I have a good amount of questions for you guys. Mostly it's be describing some special circumstance I have or special want I have, and asking a question about it. Feel free to answer some, all, or none (if...
  23. S

    Should I Take 18 Credits to Graduate or Stay at My Job for Financial Stability?

    Good morning, I am currently a Senior in Computer Engineering over the summer i took 4 classes one of them were algorithm the teacher was not that great and failed half of the class (including my self), i didnt study as much as i could for the class so i kinda deserved failing, So at the moment...
  24. I_am_learning

    Suggest me Universites for MS in EE.

    I want to enroll for MS in Electrical Engineering in a 'good' University in US. I completed my undergraduate in Electrical Engineering from the topmost college in Nepal, with an average of 81.5 %. I took General GRE and scored 336. (170 in Quantitative Section and 166 in Verbal Section) I...
  25. Drakkith

    How Does Starting at University of Arizona Shape a New Student's Future?

    Well, looks like I'll be starting school in about 3 weeks at the University of Arizona here in Tucson. As long as all my financial aid stuff gets approved by the VA in time at least. I'll be majoring in Astronomy unless I decide to change over to Optical Engineering in the future. Wish me luck!
  26. turbo

    News Karzai wants the US out of negotiations

    In light of his demand (before he will agree to negotiate with the Taliban), I think that it would be a great time for the US to stop supporting him with taxpayer money. Afghanistan is a quagmire, as the Russians found before us, and we should stop dumping money into such a fragmented and...
  27. Q

    Undergraduate Engineering Opinions

    I am a high school senior at the point in his life where I have heard back from all the colleges I applied to and have to make a decision on where to go. I plan on becoming a mechanical engineer/physicist, and have thoughts of graduate school. I am confident in three of my choices, but still the...
  28. T

    Schools What to do when not accepted into graduate school?

    Hi everyone. I've heard back from 2 programs I applied to and both have rejected me for the program. My GPA is low so I understand that is one thing that kicked me out of the running. If I don't get accepted into any program I'm not sure what to do. I know I could always apply next year but...
  29. D

    Is Taking a 5th Year of Undergrad Worth It for Grad School Applications?

    Hey guys, so I'm a junior right now, and my path towards going to grad school in math has been going steadily, I guess. I'll have a couple of good classes under my belt by the time I graduate (though most of the upper level math classes will be taken next year), and an REU for this coming...
  30. T

    Programs Finish an Associates in Chemistry Degree?

    Hi everyone. Just to let you know ahead of time this story might jump back and forth but I'll try my best to keep my thoughts straight. I'm about to graduate with BS degrees in physics and math. I applied to some graduate programs but I don't think I'll get into any because my grades were...
  31. M

    Is Accelerating My Physics Degree at UConn a Good Idea?

    I am entering my second semester at the University of Connecticut and am having difficulty with how to proceed. I am a physics major, and came in with 38 AP credits including intro mech and EM. I didnt take any physics courses first semester, and am taking quantum and hopefully an independent...
  32. 3

    Math Pure or Applied maths with stats

    Hi all, This post will be long, but I hope in giving more relevant information, the replies will be more helpful. Apologies for the length, and thanks for reading, given now. I'll state the question here though to avoid you having to search for it: Does it make any real difference whether...
  33. J

    Need some advice regarding phd studies

    Hello PF, I have been bashing my mind about for awhile trying to figure out how to decide on my future PhD study plan. And then it suddenly struck me to pose my questions here. So here's the situation: I'm currently a final year physics undergrad from a Singapore university, and I have the...
  34. I

    Can I Transition from Engineering Undergrad to Physics Graduate Studies?

    So right now I'm a senior in high school. I intended to major in engineering physics at Cornell and probably also pursue a theoretical physics double major there as well. However, I also want to go to Cambridge for my masters/doctorate in physics. Since it gives no financial aid to international...
  35. C

    Please Revise My Statement of Purpose

    Hello forum, I am posting the rough draft of my Statement of Purpose that I will be submitting to Southern California Universities. I am applying for a Master's in Electrical Engineering. Ideally, I would like feedback from some of you who have already gone through this process and know what...
  36. K

    Quantum Computing Career Choices: Money, Classes, Colleges, and Languages

    I have a love for building computers...I also have a love for the concepts of physics. I have been thinking about Quantum Computing. I am a strong math student. I am also a Junior in-high school. What would be good Career choices, either in quantum physics in general, or in Quantum...
  37. R

    Engineering Difficulty finding work with a BS in engineering.

    First post, but I've lurked this site for a few years. I was wondering if anyone has found themselves in a similar situation or had any advice. I currently have a B.S. in Nuclear engineering, graduated about 10 months ago, and have had zero success in finding related work. During school I...
  38. D

    Which Lesser-Known Universities Should I Consider for a Math Major Transfer?

    I am applying, for Fall 2013, to transfer to University from a California Community College. I've been spending a lot of time over the last few months researching schools that I would like to attend. However, there are just SO many schools that I cannot possibly look into all of them. I would...
  39. PhizKid

    Can Private Student Loans Bridge the Gap for Community College Transfers?

    I am attempting to transfer from a community college. After factoring in the Pell grant, state financial aid, maximum federal loans and work-study, none of the schools I've been accepted to are offering enough aid for me to attend. Even though I am an independent student with no credit, is there...
  40. denjay

    Graduate Fellowship? (financial aid/loan question)

    Not sure if this is the right place for this question but this seems the best place to me. So after I graduate (with a Bachelor's degree) my loans require repayment after a 6 month grace period. One option I have with that is to defer the loans (make it so I don't have to pay back right away)...
  41. HayleySarg

    Transfer Advice + Financial Aid Appeal Advice

    Greetings! After collegeconfidential failed to answer my question, I decided to come here. Apparently no one should become a scientist ;) First: I'm transferring from a community college with strong EC's and an okay GPA (3.6). I've not taken many courses, just my math sequence which transfers...
  42. B

    Programs Financial Aid for 2nd Degree Help?

    Hey All, To start out with, I have a degree in Biology, emphasis Microbiology from MNSU Mankato that I received in 2010. I'm working for a good biotech company but am going back to school this fall for Mechanical Engineering. Aerospace engineering is absolutely fascinating to me. Biomedical...
  43. N

    Financial Aid Template for Summer Research as Undergrad

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone could give me a little guidance regarding an oissue that has come up. Recently I was accepted for a REU but I am told I need to write a letter to my department for aditional aid (aside from that given by the hist school). Im sure some of you have...
  44. K

    The Financial aid committee approved my appeal

    The financial committee approved my appeal but its too late. I've already gave up on their answer to help extend my financial aid because I went over 150% of my credits. The classes I need were Intermediate Spanish and asked them to give me calc 3. They agreed to give me both of these classes...
  45. F

    Schools Great physics college with good financial aid?

    Alright, I live in GA and I'm studying to apply to Caltech as a transfer. This is a great reach but with hard work who knows? I'm a freshman at some lower tier college and I think I can get a 4.0. I'm also applying to GATech for a safety. I need some colleges to apply in between these extremes...
  46. M

    Schools Financial Aid in Grad School (a different type of question)

    I have an interesting question. I know it's unspoken that a rejection of financial aid is considered a "polite rejection" to your entire application, but what if I don't apply for financial aid? Will that effect me either way? I'm under the impression that schools actually WANT students to...
  47. zomgwtf

    News Why does the U.S. continue to provide military aid to Israel?

    So in the other thread which has now been locked for being dragged off topic continuously (I guess it was easier to just keep deleting posts and then lock it altogether than to ask people to stop posting that particular information) I've decided to start a new thread. Specifically dealing...
  48. M

    Testing Financial Aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

    I am in a rather unusual situation. Many years ago, I took a lot of classes at community colleges (I live in the US) without regard to those pesky things called "grades," and I generally had a don't-give-a-crap sort of attitude about things. Well, now that I've been away from college for a...
  49. P

    Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering & Financial Aids

    Dear all, Upon completing my 1st year's American Degree Transfer Program in Malaysia, I've encounter several problems during my uni application. 1). Is there any well-ranked yet affordable university available for Aerospace Engineering (AE)? 2). Gaining my admission in Embry-Riddle...
  50. G

    Financial Aid for $12K+ Salary: Estimating State Aid

    Based on around a $12 000 yearly salary, how much financial aid can I get in addition to help from a state residency?