In the context of a single phase estimation problem of a quantum photonics experiment. For example consider a 3-photon quantum circuit (such as the Mach-Zehnder which depends on some phase shift operator which encodes a parameter ##\theta##) with a photon counting measurement (two detectors) at...
I have been studying the Fisher matrix to apply in a project. I understand how to compute a fisher matrix when you have a simple model for example which is linear in the model parameters (in that case the derivatives of the model with respect to the parameters are independent of the...
I'm getting interested in quantum-enhanced metrology and have come across the quantum Fisher information (QFI) as a measure of how much a quantum state ##|\Psi(\theta)\rangle## changes with respect to some variable, for example, the phase accumulated during an interferometer, ##\theta##. This is...
In the context of a forecast, I am currently working on Fisher's formalism which is part of a more general theory, that of information. My problem applies to estimating cosmological parameters from input data with the Fisher formalism and recipes to build a Fisher matrix. The context is...
I follow the post .
It talks about the constraints on cosmological parameters and forecast on futur Dark energy surveys with Fisher's matrix formalism.
Below a capture of...
I am working on Fisher's formalism in order to get constraints on cosmological parameters.
I am trying to do cross-correlation between 2 types of galaxy populations (LRG/ELG) into a total set of 3 types of population (BGS,LRG,ELG).
From the following article...
I am currently studying Fisher's formalism as part of parameter estimation.
From this documentation :
They that Fisher matrix is the inverse matrix of the covariance matrix. Initially, one builds a matrix "full" that takes into account all the parameters.
1) Projection : We can then do...
I'm trying to construct a Fisher Forecast for the upcoming S4 CMB survey. I don't understand
what the C_l is in this formula. It is H(z) and the Angular Distance? Or is it some covariance matrix and if it is a covariance matrix how do I calculate it considering the experiment hasn't been done...
I'm trying to recreate the results of this paper
to obtain the constraints for the matter density and Hubble constant h.
However every time I try to create there results my Fisher Matrix has elements of order of 10^14 which is far to high. I suspect this is...
I'm doing a Fisher Forecast to satisfy my experimental physics requirement. I never done anything like this before so I'm kind of in the dark of how to proceed. I have done some readings on Fisher Forecasting and would like to outline how I would do it and then ask if you can tell me if I'm...
Homework Statement
Let X1, X2,...Xn be a random sample from pdf,
f(x|θ) = θx-2 where 0 < θ ≤ x < ∞
Find the MLE of θMy attempt:
Likelihood fxn: L(θ|x) = ∏θx-2 = θn∏ θx-2
And to find MLE, I take Log of that function and partial derivative (w.r.t θ, of log L(θ|x) and set that = 0, and get...
Homework Statement
Let X1, X2,...Xn be a random sample from pdf,
f(x|θ) = θx-2 where 0 < θ ≤ x < ∞
Find the MLE of θMy attempt:
Likelihood fxn: L(θ|x) = ∏θx-2 = θn∏ θx-2
And to find MLE, I take Log of that function and partial derivative (w.r.t θ, of log L(θ|x) and set that = 0, and get...
Hello everyone,
I am currently considering a set of random variables, \vec{x} = [x_1,x_2,...x_N] which are know to follow a multivariate normal distribution,
P(\vec{x}) \propto \mathrm{exp}(-\frac{1}{2}(\vec{x}-\vec{\mu})^\mathrm{T}\Sigma^{-1}(\vec{x}-\vec{\mu}))
The covariance matrix Σ and...
I'm trying to calculate Fisher information (and eventually the Cramer-Rao lower bound) for this particular pdf with Mathematica:
\text{pte}[t,\Theta ] = \frac{P_{\text{ec}}}{\tau _d-\tau _r}\left[e^{\frac{-(t-\Theta )}{\tau _d}}-e^{\frac{-(t-\Theta )}{\tau _r}}\right]...
I don't understand the following step regarding the (i,j)^{th} element of the Fisher Information Matrix, \textbf{J}:
J_{ij}\triangleq\mathcal{E}\left\{ \frac{\partial}{\partial\theta_{i}}L_{\textbf{x}}(\textbf{θ})\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta_{j}}
Hi everyone.
Homework Statement
We are given N spins 1/2. A rotation is defined as
\rho_\theta=e^{-i\theta J_n}\rho_\theta e^{i\theta J_n}
on an Hilbert Space H, with
J_n=n_xJ_x+n_yJ_y+n_zJ_z\:,\quad n_x^2+n_y^2+n_z^2=1,
and \theta isn't related to any observable.
Given a quantum state...
How to understand "fisher information"?
Hello, I am trying to understand what "fisher information is."
It is defined as V [∂/∂∅(lnf(X,∅)) ]=E[ (∂/∂∅[lnf(X,∅)])^2 ].
From Wikipedia:
Can you please help me understand why this is the case? How can this be explained by looking at the...
Maybe it is a good idea to have mathematical tutorials like in the subforum about Physics. I have no homework anymore :smile: but tend to think that doing mathematics is a skill that always pays back at the end.
First thing I want to know what
Have some of you read this book by Roy Friedel?
What are your comment?
I am also interrested in other sources about "information" and "Fisher information" as it could be used in physics.