I am currently at a power plant here in Texas and the 480VAC system swings from 480 while equipment is on line and as high as 536VAC when equipment is off line. They tell me that this is prefectly normal but I have never seen swings like this at any power plant. So, is this normal???
I've been reading about how language around virtual particle fluctuations is metaphorical. This is helpful:
I'm just trying to understand a bit more from a layman's point of view. I found Matt Strassler's article 'Virtual...
How does relativistic qft predict quantum fluctuations in the vacuum? We see this in the experiment proving the Casimir Effect so we know it's physical, but why?
Consider a container filled with two essentially incompressible liquids with densities ##\rho > \rho'## and (respective) volumes ##V##, ##V'##, rotated by a centrifuge in some orbit-based space lab to maintain a roughly constant (co-moving) simulated "gravitational field" g. Let's suppose that...
The Casimir effect is a small attractive force that acts between two close parallel uncharged conducting plates. That force is caused by quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field.
What is the cause of the fluctuations? Or, they are uncaused (random)? At least, what are the...
I often think thermal fluctuations as random changes in the temperature but when it is said in the context "thermally fluctuate over the energy barrier" does it mean to classically overcome the barrier?
I'm reading the https://www.phys.uniroma1.it/fisica/sites/default/files/DOTT_FISICA/MENU/03DOTTORANDI/TesiFin26/Urbani.pdf at paragrph 4.6.2 "The interaction term".
They write a right hand side:
< f(na,nb) f(nc,nd) f(ne,nf) >
and they want to use a symmetry, for example they assume that...
I have been reading about ontologies in quantum physics recently and I came across Bohmian mechanics. If I understood it correctly BM endorses Particle ontology. Particle ontology claims that point-like particles that move continuously in time are the fundamental building blocks.
I know some...
Recently I've read more about virtual particles and at first I tought that there were only doubts that virtual particles are not interpretable with the help of uncertainty principle. Furthermore it can't be used an an "excuse" for the temporary violation of the conservation of energy.
To a non-physicist, I know some papers can appear very abstract, and Sakharovs equation was one of them. You can follow his ideas from various articles, here's a few to chew on...
As you might know or not know I am wroting a paper about the vacuum etc.
Now I am having trouble understanding the fluctuations in the vacuum.
I've seen many tell me that the fluctuations are not correct etc., but why? And how can I phrase it so that someone in 11h grade would understand?
Summary:: Can a moving object cause disruptions in a magnetic field that could be detectable?
I was hoping someone could assist me on a query I have regarding disruptions in a magnetic field. For some context, I am creating a science fiction story which features a non-humanoid alien...
This is a question for experimentalists working in Condensed Matter Physics. What do you think is the most striking example of QFT vacuum state fluctuations affecting the results of an experiment?
I have vague memory of reviewing some abstracts about quantum criticality in cuprate...
Gerard 't Hooft has been a renegade in Quantum Foundations for quite some time, insisting that there is natural order underlying the Quantum Mechanical mysteries. Essentially a local, deterministic hidden variable perspective.
He has recently posted a new paper on arXiv where he lays out his...
I want to know whether Quantum Fluctuations could exist without the presence of Spacetime. Would it be possible, in the event of a Big Rip scenario, and if Spacetime really would get ripped apart, that quantum fluctuations could still occur? And if Spacetime is ripped apart, does that mean the...
I have read in several places (e.g., https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/257035/confusion-in-understanding-of-quantum-fluctuations-and-vacuum-energy) that "quantum fluctuations" is an expression to be consigned to the sixth or eighth Circle of Dante's Inferno. OK, I can sympathize with...
casual fluctuations of potential and verification of stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics.According to some interpretations of the quantum mechanics the particle at each moment of time has the certain casual coordinate. And also the probability of transition of a particle from one...
This topic comes up a lot, and so I thought I would post it. It is often claimed that virtual particles that errupt from the vacuum, are created literally from nothing. But conflicting claims, say that these particles actually borrow energy from the gravitational field (or inherent ZPE) to lead...
Does a fluctuation between potential and kinetic energy really go without any energy losses? What about potential-kinetic kinetic-potential energy fluctuations at extremely high frequencies or even infinite frequencies?
Most physicists seem to assume quantum vacuum fluctuations exist throughout the universe, but where is the concrete evidence that these vacuum fluctuations exist away from Earth? I haven`t been able to find any.As far as I know, the reasonable theory that vacuum fluctuations only exist near mass...
Can the premises be simplified? You need to anticipate several branes being strictly parallel, bulk space with very certain properties and perhaps more. Where does all that come from and in this very configuration?Could one hope to rescue all the advantages of the "Ekpyrotic Universe"...
What, is the difference between particle and antiparticle?...no...what are particle and antiparticle? Is the hawking radiation those particles? What are they? Energy? or some kind of atom-type-thing?If the particle/antiparticlepair appears very near to the eventhorizon of a black hole, which one...
Do not prompt where in internet is possible to read about it?It necessary for me for experimental check of stochastic interpretation of the quantum mechanics (As Markov process): experimentally to find probability transition it is possible to watch coordinate of a quantum particle at each moment...
I have heard many times that paranormal activity cause fluctuations in electromagnetic fields. That is whay ghost-hunters carry compasses and EMF detectors. But does anyone know why this is so. What scientific logic, evidence was used to hypothesize that paranormal activity cuase EMF...
Nice (french riviera) , Friday September 13rd 2002 ,After long thinking , I wonder what to think about such a scenario :In a first step, quantum fluctuations = virtual particles .In a second step, a fluctuation is self-amplified [ // theory of self-organization , by Ilya Prigogine (Chemistry...
A little while back I asked a question about quantum fluctuations, and I got some great answers.
Just recently, I stumbled upon a paper by Sean Carroll, which states that there isn't quantum fluctuations after all, in a De Sitter space in a vacuum state. He used this to argue against Boltzmann...
I measured current through a parrallel circuit and my multimeter fluctuated massively and compared to theoretical values they are miles out. multimeter was changed over to ampmeter. I used duel power supply. Throughtout the measuring i kept getting short circuits. The circuit on the...
I am searching for anything on quantum fluctuations and virtual bosons for someone who is a serious but amateur physicist ie. I have completed undergrad physics/math and some graduate level math at university. I am having a hard time finding anything that isn't beyond pop science. Not really...
I came across this video today:
Which summarizes this new paper from University of Tokyo: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.02273.pdf
I get that the video is just an explainer for primordial black holes, but I was hoping to get a better explanation on exactly when conventional wisdom says density...
So I answered 1 and 2, got:
1. ##\vec(r)(\theta,\phi)=l(sin \theta cos \phi, sin \theta sin \phi, -cos \theta)##
2. ##L=\frac{ml^2 (\dot{\theta}^2+\dot{\phi}^2 sin^2 \theta)}{2}+mglcos \theta##
3. a ##mlsin \theta -mgsin \theta =l^2 \ddot{\theta}## , b. ##ml^2 \ddot{\phi}=0##
4. I know...
I've been studying electromagnetics, electromagnetic radiation, and bit of quantum electrodynamics for about 12 months, but I'm stumped on an issue..
This is what I understand so far:
Charge consists of countless "vacuum fluctuations" (i.e., virtual particles).
Accelerated charges...
I have been reviewing potential methods for measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations that I might be able to implement in a home hobbyist environment. Must be room temperature devices. I have seen that there are only a couple of possibilities: The Tunnel FET and the Single Electron Transistor. I...
Hi everyone,
I'm unable to understand how to derive Formula (6.3.11) in Weinberg's cosmology book. It's a relation between time-related derivation (d/dt) and RW-scale-factor-related derivation (d/dy, where y = a(t)/aEQ, a(t) is the RW scale factor in the metric and the EQ subscript denotes the...
Recently Scientific American magazine carried an article about the work of the authors of this paper.
https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.04573 The Undecidability of the Spectral Gap. The SciAm article is linked to here -...
According to QFT, if you make repeated measurements of some property of the field then you will in general measure a...
I try to understand the following graphics with x-axis being the radius of a typical star :
I would like to knwo if ##\delta c/c## (y-axis) represents the relative error between theoretical and experimental values or if it represents the fluctuations of speed of sound inside. If these are...
Not 100% sure this thread belongs in this section, sorry if it's out of place.
I was trying to run a simulation of a 2D Ising model; i thought everything was going fine until I started to look at the numerical results and I noticed that I get some wild fluctuations in my results; as an example...
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation says:
$$\Delta x \Delta p \ge \hbar$$
If we assume a massless quantum object then we have the relationship ##\Delta E = c\Delta p## so that the above uncertainty relationship becomes
$$\Delta E \ge \frac{\hbar c}{\Delta x}.\tag{1}$$
I understand that if we have...
I'd like to know the reasons many physicists support the existence of quantum vacuum fluctuations.
It seems that QED doesn't predict such phenomenum, nor any experiment has undoubtedly confirmed it, at least on the grounds of QED.
Is it true that when we dig deep into the math, we realize that Quantum Fluctuations and virtual particles are just a heuristic way of explaining certain phenomena to lay public?
I have been trying so hard to get some answers to a few questions I have in regard to this paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1404.1207
I think those questions can best be summarized this way:
1) A metastable false vacuum is a field and fields are just the changing value of a parameter in...
I suspect the following reasoning is faulty, but I am not sure why. Hence I would appreciate someone pointing out the errors. That is, which, if any, of the following statements are incorrect, and why?
1) Theoretically, albeit not practically due to the large numbers involved, the laws of...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_of_an_expanding_universe "Over an infinite time there could be a spontaneous entropy decrease, by a Poincaré recurrence or through thermal fluctuations (see also fluctuation theorem)"
There's something that has been bugging me for over a year now and I seem to be unable to find the answer. I would appreciate it very much if somebody could help me out.
The thing is that I don't understand how it is possible that in second order phase transitions the correlation legth
Homework Statement
Consider an ensamble of particles that can be only in two states with the difference ##\delta## in energy, and take the ground state energy to be zero. Is it possible to find the particle in the excited state if ##k_BT=\delta/2##, i.e. if the thermal energy is lower than the...
I'm about to do an experiment on second sound in superfluid helium. Reading the lab manual it says we will generate it by putting a heater into the fluid and then passed an AC current through it. What we are going to measure is apparently the 'normal fluid fraction', which I guess under the two...
So below is an animation of a quantum field's energy density fluctuating. Specifically, a gluon field.
So the empty spots are not truly empty but where the field is at the lowest energy. I saw a video from veritasium stating that the quarks are likely to live on top of those lumps. Why...
Hi all,
Some time ago I was reading about Anderson localization (posted a question about it was well) - this got me thinking about vacuum fluctuations. I think I have the wrong idea in my mind - so wanted to ask the great community here about it:
Quantum (vacuum) fluctuations must have an...
My background is in Health Physics and as such, I have had only rudimentary instruction in quantum mechanics, so my understanding (such as it is) is largely conceptual. With that in mind, this may be a very ignorant question, so I apologize in advance.
I understand the theoretical basis for...