folder Definition and 1 Threads

On Microsoft Windows, a special folder is a folder that is presented to the user through an interface as an abstract concept instead of an absolute folder path. (The synonymous term shell folder is sometimes used instead.) Special folders make it possible for any application to ask the operating system where an appropriate location for certain kinds of files can be found; independently of which version or user language of Windows is being used.
In Windows Server 2003 and earlier, a folder like the "Start Menu" had a different name on non-English versions of Windows. For example, on German versions of Windows XP it is "Startmenü". However, starting with Windows Vista, all versions of Windows use the same English named folders and only display different names in the Windows Explorer. In Windows 10 the user can switch to another display language and the names of the special folders will change.

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  1. paulb203

    Compressed Zip Folder, Msoft Word, characters to avoid?

    I’m trying to compressed a folder containing a combination of sub-folders and individual files. All the files are Word documents. I’m having to rename some of the sub-folders as I’ve become aware that some characters have to be avoided. For example, MS have told me that apostrophes have to be...