Hi! I am trying to understand the object ##\partial^\mu##, and wanted to check if the result I am getting below is true.
The definition of ##\partial_\mu## is:
$$\partial_\mu = ( \frac \partial {\partial x^0} , \frac \partial {\partial x^1}, \frac \partial {\partial x^2},\frac \partial...
Hartle, gravity. Chapter 5
"A four-vector is defined as a directed line segment in four-dimensional flat spacetime in the same way as a three-dimensional vector (to be called a three-vector in this chapter) can be defined as a direcied line segment in three-dimensional Euclidean Space"For...
hi guys
I am trying to learn special relativity and relativistic quantum mechanics on my own and just very confused about the different conventions used for the notation!?, e.g: the four position 4-vector some times denoted as
So I understand that time is now part of the four vector, and so dividing delta X by delta t (time according to me), would produce just c as the first dimension of the vector, which gives us no intuition as to how fast time is moving for the observer, so is not useful.
I understand why we...
I know that the mathematical form of the line element of spacetime is invariant in all inertial reference frames, namely
$$ds^2 = -(cdt^2) + dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2$$
From what I understand, the actual spacetime distance between two events is the same numerical quantity in all reference frames...
Show that, according to relativistic physics, the final velocity ##v## of a rocket accelerated by its rocket motor in empty space is given by
##\frac{M_i}{M} = \Big ( \frac{c+v}{c-v} \Big) ^ \frac{c}{2 v_{ex}}##
where ##M_i## is the initial mass of the rocket at launch (including the fuel)...
Hi all, I'm doing undergraduate research this summer, and a few times I've been told to calculate a term with the following form: ∈abcdpaqbkcsd, where p,q,k and s are four vectors (four-momentum, spin, etc). Now I know this ends up calculating exactly like a 4x4 determinant, I'm just not quite...
Homework Statement
My textbook states:
Since the number of particles of dust is conserved we also have the conservation equation
$$\nabla_\mu (\rho u^\mu)=0$$
Where ##\rho=nm=N/(\mathrm{d}x \cdot \mathrm{d}y \cdot \mathrm{d}z) m## is the mass per infinitesimal volume and ## (u^\mu) ## is...
Homework Statement
I am self studying relativity. In Wikipedia under the four-gradient section, the contravariant four-vector looks wrong from an Einstein summation notation point of view.
Homework Equations
It states:
E0∂0-E1∂1-E2∂2-E3∂3 = Eα∂α...
As I understand it, since space-time is modeled as a four dimensional manifold it is natural to consider 4 vectors to describe physical quantities that have a direction associated with them, since we require that physics should be independent of inertial frame and so we should describe it in...
I recently had someone ask me why we use 4-vectors in special relativity and what is the motivation for introducing them in the first place. This is the response I gave:
From Einstein's postulates( i.e. 1. the principle of relativity - the laws of physics are identical (invariant) in all...
As I understand it one is forced to use 4-vectors since we require objects that transform as vectors under application of Lorentz transformations and 3-vectors do not (technically they do under rotations, but not under boosts). Equivalenty, if one starts off with Minkowski spacetime from the...
Homework Statement
In a fixed target experiment a particle of mass M and kinetic energy T strikes a stationary particle of mass M. By evaluating s, t and u in the laboratory frame and using the above relation, or otherwise, show that the kinetic energy T' of the particle scattered elastically...
Hi there,
I understand that taking the dot product of two four vectors automatically applies the metric tensor to the second vector. Is there a way to take write the dot product, using vector notation, in a way which keeps the signs of all of the components positive?
Thanks in advance.
Homework Statement
Show that if x^{\mu} is timelike and x^{\mu}y_{\mu}=0, y^{\mu}\neq 0, then y^\mu is spacelike.
Homework Equations
metric is diag (+---)
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
(a) Show ##a = \frac{a_0}{\gamma^3}##.
(b) Find proper acceleration of rocket
(c) Find speed as a function of time.
(d) Find acceleration of second rocket.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
4-vector acceleration is given by ##\gamma^2 \left[...
Homework Statement
I'm having trouble with understanding four vectors in particle physics.
I'm reading this wikipedia page,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein_notation, and its telling me that
## v^\mu= \begin{pmatrix} \mu_0 \\ \mu_1 \\ \mu_2 \\ \mu_3 \end{pmatrix} ##
## v_\mu=...
Homework Statement
(a) Find the four-vector potential of a moving charge
(b) Find source time and z-component of electric field
(c) Find electric potential to first order of x and hence electric field[/B]
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
\phi = \frac{q}{4\pi...
Taken from Steane's "Relativity made relatively easy" equation 4.8
I have been trying to show (4.8) using these relations earlier on in the book:
Tried most means (rearranging, taking dot products) but can't seem to make it work. Is there an easy method I'm missing out?
1. Consider a four vector x^{\mu}, that is timelike (i.e x^{2}>0. show that it is always possible to find a frame where the coordinates of x are of the form (x^{0'},0). Determine the lorentz transformation relating the initial frame to this particular frame
3. I figured that assuming that the...
My question concerns parts (a), (b) and (c) in the below.
In part (a) we're asked to find the energy, velocity and momentum of the incoming particle AND then to find gamma, however I know the energy of the incoming particle is simply 3MeV but I'm not sure how to find the velocity...
Homework Statement
A particle decays to two photons. In the rest frame the two photons are emitted on the x-y plane, in opposite directions along a line that forms an angle alpha with the the x axis. Derive the momentum four vector of the two photons in the lab frame.
Homework Equations...
In SR, I know we transform three velocities using the einstein velocity addition law.
However, in the case of four velocities, do they simply transform the same way as four positions? With the lambda matrix?
I'm reading Griffith's Elementary particles and I'm stuck on the math for one of the examples, could anyone show me what I'm missing or point me in the right direction?
I attached a pdf (of the word doc I was using) that shows what I did so far since I'm really bad with LaTeX and it would've...
I recently completed a course on Electrodynamics, with a short introduction to special relativity (and E/B fields in special relativity).
Both in the book we were asked to study, and the final exam, the four vectors we used used real components, with the time coordinate being the...
Given that the \Lambda has Q=0, B=1, S=-1 and the K(+) has Q=1, B=0, S=1 and the K− is its
antiparticle, show that the following reactions are suitable for making strange particles. Calculate
the threshold kinetic energy of the beam for producing these reactions in a ‘fixed target’...
I should calculate the limit of the following fraction
\dfrac{- (pq) p^{2}}{-pq \pm \sqrt{(pq)^{2} - p^{2} q^{2}}} .
with q --> 0, but I don't know how to do that.
p and q are two four-vectors, so we have: pq = p_{\mu} q^{\mu} and so on.
Does anyone have an idea? Or at least: Is...
Homework Statement
How can I find the orthonormal basis of four vectors?
The vectors are:
(0, 3, 0, 4), (4, 0, 3, 0), (4, 3, 3, 4) and (4, -3, 3, -4).
The Attempt at a Solution
I am not sure, whether I should use Gram-Schmidt process or the process of finding
eigenvalues, eigenvectors and...
Four vectors, each of magnitude 62 m, lie along the sides of a parallelogram as shown in the figure. The angle between vector A and B is 49 degrees.
What is the magnitude of the vector sum of the four vectors? Answer in units of m.
So far, I have drawn the picture and made out with a...
We are currently studying special relativity and using the idea of four vectors.
The position 4-vector has been defined in class as
\vec{X} = (ct, \vec{r}) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ where \ \vec{r} = (x, y, z) \ \ (ie: the usual 3 space position vector)
and the velocity 4-vector is then...
A particle of rest mass Mo is at rest in the laboratory when it decays into three identical particles, each of rest mass mo. Two of the particles (1 and 2) have velocities and directions as shown. [1 is 3c/5 at -90degrees, 2 4c/5 at 180degrees]
(a) Calculate the direction and the speed of...