Fringe Definition and 75 Threads

Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci. It premiered on the Fox network on September 9, 2008, and concluded on January 18, 2013, after five seasons and 100 episodes. The series follows Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), and Walter Bishop (John Noble), all members of the fictional Fringe Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, based in Boston, Massachusetts, under the supervision of Homeland Security. The team uses fringe science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences, which are related to mysteries surrounding a parallel universe.
The series has been described as a hybrid of fantasy, procedural dramas and serials, influenced by films like Altered States and television shows such as Lost, The X-Files and The Twilight Zone. The series began as a traditional mystery-of-the-week series and became more serialized in later seasons. Most episodes contain a standalone plot, with several others also exploring the series' overarching mythology.
Critical reception was lukewarm at first but became more favorable after the first season, when the series began to explore its mythology, including parallel universes and alternate timelines. The show, along with cast and crew, were nominated for many major awards. Despite its move to the "Friday night death slot" and low ratings, the series developed a cult following. It also spawned two six-part comic book series, an alternate reality game, and three novels.

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  1. X

    Width of the first dark fringe (2 slit interference)

    Homework Statement In a double-slit experiment, the two narrow slits are spaced 0.20 mm apart. A viewing screen is put 1.2 m behind the slits. A parallel light ray is shining on the slits. (a) If the wavelength of the incoming light ray is 633 nm. What is the width of the central bright...
  2. A

    The Diffraction Grating - Fringe Brightness and Spacing

    1. Go to . Q1. What is the effect of varying the Wavelength of the light? The attempt at a solution. The smaller the wavelength, the lesser the degree of diffraction, as evidenced by the narrower intensity envelope...
  3. O

    Young's Double Slit - Fringe Width

    When measuring the fringe width of a superposition pattern from a monochromatic source - I am using a laser. What problems/inaccuracies could I have when measuring it?
  4. W

    Dark Fringe Ratios: Which Slit is Widest and What is the Ratio?

    Homework Statement Two different single slits are used in an experiment involving one source of monochromatic light. With slit 1 in place, the first dark fringe is observed at an angle of 45 degrees. With slit 2, the first dark fringe is observed at an angle of 55 degrees. a) Which slit is...
  5. S

    Classroom Demo of Coherent Light Beam on Slits: Find Fringe Distance

    Homework Statement In a classroom demonstration, a beam of coherent light of wavelength 550 nm is incident perpendicularly onto a pair of slits. Each slit has a width w of 1.2 x 10^-6 m, and the distance d between the centers of the slits is 1.8x10^-5 m. The class observes light and dark...
  6. F

    Calculating Angle of Wedge for Fringe Separation

    Homework Statement fringes are observed when a parrallel beam of light of wavelength 500nm is incident perpendiculary onto a wedge-shaped film with an index of refraction of 1.5. What is the angle of the wedge if the fringe separation is 1/3cm? Homework Equations t(x)=xtan(theta)...
  7. B

    Calculating visibility of interference fringe

    Homework Statement A photomultiplier (PMT) is arranged to detect the photons from a double-slit experiment. It is placed at a point P in the detection plane and makes an angle \theta with the horizontal of one of the slits. Assume that the two slits have different widths and that the widths...
  8. S

    Length of the box based on the fringe pattern? I think I'm close.

    Homework Statement The figure shows a neutron in a one-dimensional box. If the right end of the box is opened, the neutron travels out of the box, impinges on a double slit, and is detected 2.0 m behind the double slit. Repeating the experiment over and over produces the fringe pattern shown...
  9. S

    Fringe spacing for a diffraction grading (wave optics)

    Homework Statement A 550 lines/mm diffraction grating is illuminated by light of wavelength 550nm. How many bright fringes are seen on a 3.1-m-wide screen located 2.1m behind the grating? Homework Equations \DeltaY = \lambda*L/d where Y is equal to the fringe spacing... lamda is...
  10. C

    Fringe Radius Relation for Small Times t

    1. Show that for t<<R, the radius r of a fringe is related to r= (2TR)^1/2 I'm not sure what the relevant equations are, that would be the problem. A gentle shove in the right direction would be appreciated, I've been looking for exactly how to prove it and I can't. ^_^ Thanks for any help!
  11. Evo

    Did anyone watch Fringe show tonight?

    Did anyone watch this tv show tonight? It had a scene about an immersion tank that reminded me of the William Hurt movie "Altered States". I will be back after Andrew Zimmern's season premiere with more, but here are a few clips from Altered States...
  12. P

    How Can Failure Lead to Unexpected Success?

    I received this in an email and thought it a rather powerful, well-delivered speech. So, I thought I'd share :smile:
  13. L

    Fringe with of interference pattern

    Homework Statement Calculate the fringe width of an interference pattern created by two coherent source, 1mm apart and emitting light of wavelength 600 nm. the pattern is observed on a screen 50cm from the source Homework Equations x = dλ/a The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how to...
  14. S

    Fringe Field of an asymmetrical parallel capacitor

    I have a problem bothering me for a long time. Here it is: suppose I have an asymmetrical parallel plate capacitor with one electrode much larger than the other. For example, the capacitor could be made by depositing small-area metal electrode on heavily doped wafer with 300 nm thermal oxide. Is...
  15. E

    Reducing fringe effect, measuring values

    Hi, I'm trying to measure some low capacitance using parallel plates i built. We're probably looking into the pF, say maybe 20pF (with the pcb board etc). The change in capacitance that i am really interested is very small. For the moment, i have use water as my dielectric. The capacitance...
  16. L

    Two glass plates - next dark fringe?

    Question Two glass plates 10.0 cm long are in contact at one end and separated at the other end by a thread 0.0500 mm in diameter. Light containing the two wavelengths 400 nm and 600 nm is incident perpendicularly. At what distance from the contact point is the next dark fringe? Relevant...
  17. S

    Understanding Dark Fringe at Contact Lenses

    Homework Statement I'm unable to understand the production of dark fringe in the central point of contact of lens.The text says "the path difference between the rays reflected at the top & bottom of air gap at the point of contact is zero.Actually the ray reflected from the top of air film...
  18. Amith2006

    Interference in Liquid: Fringe Width Change?

    # A Fresnel biprism arrangement used to study interference in air is immersed completely in a liquid. Will the fringe width increase, decrease or remain unchanged?
  19. W

    Existence of fringe effects with a capacitor

    I was surfing some old exam questions and I found a nasty one... They asked to prove the existence of fringe effects of the electric field at the edges of a plate capacitor, using Maxwell's laws. In class we always assumed the ideal capacitor without fringe effects so I'm having some kind of...
  20. T

    Conformal Mappings: A Powerful Tool for Solving Electrostatic Problems

    Hi, Why do fields fringe at the edges of plates i.e the eletric field at the edges of a parallel capacitor arrangement? Is there a way of calculating how far these fields fringe outwards? And finally, what effect they have on the overall capacitance. Answers to ANY part of this post...
  21. L

    What is the derivation for ΔN in the MM Experiment: Fringe Shift?

    I am reading Paul Tipler's Fundamentals of Modern Physics, (Worth Pub., 1973) and would like to understand how ΔN (Eq. 1-5, pg. 6) )is arrived at. Here is the derivation as I understand it up to that point: Michelson devised an experiment to determine the difference in the number of fringes...
  22. Z

    Decoherence - why does the fringe disappear?

    Recent double-slit experiments with massive molecules, such as fluoro-fullerene consisting of 108 atoms and atomic mass 1632,", show that the interference fringe will disappear if the FF molecule emits a thermal photon, or collides with a gas...
  23. B

    Ant crawls along a lampshade fringe

    He's going someplace and there's no ... :-p There is this ant who has been crawling along the bottom hanging fringe of a lampshade by the computer for some time now, probably an hour, though he does go back onto the lampshade from time to time. Amazingly he can crawl from strand to strand...
  24. Ivan Seeking

    Beyond Strange Fringe Claims - The Chupacabra are ETs Pets?

    What are your favorite beyond strange fringe claims? I just heard a great one! The chupacabra are ETs pets! :smile:
  25. C

    What is the significance of a fringe shift in Fizeau's experiment?

    I'm working on a modification of Fizeau's experiment in 1851 about the addition of velocities. I've derived the formula for the fringe shift. But the problem is I actually don't know what it is. I know it's the movement of the interference pattern. But it has no unite, so what is the meaning of...