G factor Definition and 14 Threads

  1. R

    I What is the connection between the Lamb Shift and the g factor?

    German Wikipedia mentions that the g factor is one of the causes of the Lamb Shift. It does not say why and I am trying to find a connection between these two things. Any ideas?
  2. N

    Calculation of g-factor correction in Peskin p. 196

    I'm reading peskin QFT textbook. In page 196 eq. (6.58) it says $$F_2(q^2=0)=\frac{\alpha}{2\pi}\int ^1_0 dx dy dz \delta (x+y+z-1) \frac{2m^2z(1-z)}{m^2(1-z)^2}\\=\frac{\alpha}{\pi}\int ^1_0 dz\int ^{1-z}_0 dy \frac{z}{1-z}=\frac{\alpha}{2\pi}$$ I confirmed the conversion from the first line...
  3. L

    A How the g factor comes from QFT?

    I'm reading the book Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model by Matthew Schwartz and currently I'm studying the chapter 17 titled "The anomalous magnetic moment" which is devoted to computing the corrections due to QFT to the g factor. My main issue is in the beginning of the chapter, where...
  4. J

    B Does an electron's position collapse when measuring g factor?

    https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-39664-2_1 http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0031-8949/1988/T22/016/pdf In these two experiments done back in the 80's, electrons were trapped inside a penning trap for long periods of time. They were measuring the ratio of the magnetic...
  5. T

    B Derivation of g Factor and Missing Basic Steps in Calculation

    I was just going through the calculation to go from the top line to the bottom and was just not arriving at the same result. Working backwards and just looking at the first term (i.e. the one with coefficient ##g_L## I get): ## \frac {J^2 + J + L^2 + L - S^2 - S}{2(J^2 + J)} = \frac {L^2 + S^2...
  6. M

    Different values of g factor (gyromagnetic ratio) of nuclei

    Hi, last week I read Rabi's paper "The Molcular Beam Resonance Method". This paper contains the basic idea of the oscillation which we call "Rabi Oscillation" as many of you guys know. However, at the end of this paper, Rabi calculates nuclear magnetic moments of Li (atomic mass 6), Li (atomic...
  7. M

    Why Do g Factors Vary Among Different Atoms?

    Hi, last week I read Rabi's paper "The Molcular Beam Resonance Method". This paper contains the basic idea of the oscillation which we call "Rabi Oscillation" as many of you guys know. However, at the end of this paper, Rabi calculates nuclear magnetic moments of Li (atomic mass 6), Li (atomic...
  8. R

    Calculating magnetic susceptibility from the g factor

    revision already calculated J to be 15/2 have already found g to be 1.33 M = ngμJ magnetic suseptibilty is 5X10^-7 m^3/mol please could omeone tell me if it is possible to calculate the magnetic susceptibility from the above information? thanks in advance for an pointers.
  9. F

    Landé g factor in the Zeeman Effect

    Homework Statement A source which emits a line at 500 nm is found to exhibit the normal Zeeman e ffect when placed in a magnetic fi eld. Calculate the magnetic field given that the separation of adjacent components in the Zeeman pattern is 12.0 pm. Homework Equations E=hc/lambda...
  10. hagopbul

    Theoretically where the g factor came from? g=9.8

    to all i need to know the theoretically where the g factor came from? g=9.8
  11. O

    What am I missing in the derivation of Landé g factor?

    Homework Statement I was looking the calculation of Landé g factor. It starts with \mu=-\frac{e}{2m_{e}} (\vec{L}+2\vec{S}) assuming that g of electron =2 The lecture notes then proceed by calculating g=1+\frac{J(J+1)+S(S+1)-L(L+1)}{2J(J+1)} using the cosine rule.Homework Equations the...
  12. X

    What is physical significance of g factor?

    In quantum mechanics, magnetic moment is equal to g factor times (gyromagnetic ratio x angular momentum). For orbital angular momentum, g=1, for electron spin angular momentum, g=2, for proton, it is 3.56. Is there any physical significance for this factor? why scientist introduce this factor...
  13. K

    How to Derive the Lande g Factor from the Zeeman Effect?

    Homework Statement Deduce the expression of Lande g factors from Zeeman effect Homework Equations For Zeeman effect, we treat the energy perturbation as \vec{S}\cdot\vec{L}, where S is the spin and L is the orbital momentum. Let magnetic field along z direction so the energy correction...
  14. Mk

    Medical So what is this G factor thing with IQ and stuff?

    So what is this G factor thing with IQ and stuff?