Gauge theory Definition and 97 Threads

  1. pedroall

    Order Parameter in a Gauge Theory, Can we find one in a Gauge Theory(like QCD)?

    Hello Community! I can't find a good answer(if there is) to my question. When in statistical mechanics we can define the order parameter for to study some phase transition. we need to define a order parameter. Now, I want to know if we can to define/find some "order parameter" for to...
  2. ShayanJ

    Is this an example of a gauge theory? How?

    In the presence of a magnetic field with vector potential \vec A and an electric field, the Schrodinger equation for a charged particle with charge q and mass m becomes: \frac{1}{2m} (\frac{\hbar}{i} \vec \nabla-q\vec A)^2 \psi =(E-q \phi)\psi Another fact is that, Schrodinger equation...
  3. M

    Chiral gauge theory and C-symmetry

    Hi, I have a question in Srednicki's QFT textbook. In p.460 section 75(about Chiral gauge theory), it says "In spinor electrodynamics, the fact that the vector potential is odd under charge conjugation implies that the sum of these diagrams(exact 3photon vertex at one-loop) must vanish."...
  4. C

    Really quick explanation for gauge theory?

    Could anyone give a really quick explanation for gauge theory to me? Or a link, or a book is perfectly fine. I just completely don't understand SU symmetry breaking and etc. etc. I also have a question, is everyone who lurks around here a college professor on quantum physics or something...
  5. R

    Can Gauge Theory Successfully Integrate with General Relativity?

    Hi, while I'm going deeper in my SR/GR knowledge, having LQG unrderstanding as main goal ( my QM background and maths is a bit stronger than GR's one, til now ) I came across some interesting youtube lectures about Gauge theory of Gravitation...
  6. Q

    What does it mean to say that something "is a gauge theory"?

    Hello, Brief context to this question: I'm an economics student and I've recently seen a lecture by phycisist-turned-economist Eric Weinstein, who says that "neoclassical economics is a naturally occurring gauge theory". In response to this, I tried to find out about group theory and gauge...
  7. ShayanJ

    What is the concept of gauge symmetry in physics?

    From the first moments that I read about gauge theories, till now, after years, They are still a mystery to me.Maybe that's because I never had someone explaining them to me or never actually seen any real calculation regarding them, but I think I should be able to understand them now. Anyway...
  8. michael879

    Gauge Fixing in Yang-Mills gauge theory

    I've come across countless sources that gauge fix SU(N) Yang-Mills fields using the typical U(1) gauges (e.g. Lorenz gauge, coulomb gauge, temporal gauge, etc). However, I can't find a single one where they prove that this gauge fixing is valid for all field configurations... I've tried to...
  9. TrickyDicky

    Is GR Considered a Gauge Theory?

    I understand that writing the E-H action in terms of tetrads makes evident GR is a gauge theory. IOW general covariance/diffeomorphism invariance in GR is a form of gauge invariance. However unlike other gauge theories(for instance EM dependence on Minkowski spacetime), this gauge invariance in...
  10. DiracPool

    Gauge Theory Explained: Fundamentals, Scope and Postulates

    I've been reading up on gauge theory and it isn't easy. Can someone give me an easy summary of its fundamental scope and postulates without too much math. It seems really important insofar as it defines itself as something of a "parent" theory to most of the leading cosmological models of the...
  11. W

    How Does Gauge Theory Apply to Electrodynamics and Teleparallel Gravity?

    It is said that : electrodynamics is a gauge theory for U(1) gauge group . what is its physical concept? Mathematically it mean that the field is invariant under transformation under components of U(1) group, that we can show them with e^{i\theta} and we can consider them as a phase angle . so...
  12. V

    Gauge Theory: Simplified Explanation & Examples for Physics

    Could someone explain what a gauge theory is, both in general and how it applies to physics? Please try to keep definitions relatively simple, even though the topic is exceedingly complicated. Examples are also greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  13. T

    Mystery of the lost degree of freedom in a gauge theory

    Something is totally not making sense. In a complex scalar field theory, I have two field degrees of freedom, which I parametrize in polar field coordinates: \phi = \rho e^{i\theta}/\sqrt{2}, where \rho and \theta are real-valued; and its Lagrangian takes the form: \mathcal{L} =...
  14. R

    How do Holonomies in Gauge Theory Compare to Ordinary Loops?

    How do Holonomies or ideas of closed-loops in Gauge Theory compare to the ordinary? What is its advantage and disadvantage? And how does it scale in the plausibility rating?
  15. Z

    Lecture notes in The Differential geometry of Gauge theory?

    Hi all , How can I find lecture notes on ArXiv ? I was looking for lecture notes on Yang-mills theories treated in the language of differential geometry but didn't succeed till now . Can some one recommend me some good resource for it?
  16. C

    Wilson Lattice Action and the Strong-Coupling Expansion

    Consider the Wilson lattice action for a Yang-Mills theory with two parameters - color N and coupling g. 1) The strong coupling expansion on the lattice is given in terms of \beta = N/g^2 . But what is the other parameter of the lattice theory? Is it N? In that case, does the \beta-expansion...
  17. M

    Exploring the Theory of Gravity as a Gauge Theory

    I have a project this year called "Is gravity a gauge theory?". From my understanding, it is. But I was wondering if someone could quickly explain to me the way/ways of showing this and perhaps some papers or books that would be particularly useful. Thanks.
  18. M

    Gauge theory, string theory, and twistor theory converge You can see it happening in these talks. For now it's just d=4 N=4 super-Yang-Mills and d=4 N=8 supergravity, but there is every reason to think that the relationships being discovered there will be extended (in more complex forms) to other gauge...
  19. C

    Gauge Theory - differentiatin a Lagrangian

    Hi, Hope some one can help me with a problem I am working on: It involves working out: \frac{\delta L}{\delta A_\nu} of the following Lagrangian: L=\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} + \frac{1}{2} (D_{\mu} \Psi)^{*} D^{\mu}\Psi The solutions show that this is equal to: \frac{\delta...
  20. I

    Lattice Gauge Theory - Wilson Action

    I have one question, which can be very simple, but i can't answer it. I have Wilson action for ordinary SU(2) gauge field. In all of the books I had read, the proof, that calculations in lattice theory is true - is equality the Wilson action in continuum limit to the continuum action. We use...
  21. I

    Covariant derivative in gauge theory

    Is the following formula correct? Suppose we work in a 4D Euclidean space for a certain gauge theory, \int d^4x~ \text{tr}\Big(D_i(\phi X_i )\Big) = \oint d^3S_i~ \text{tr}(\phi X_i) and, \int d^4x~\partial_j \text{tr}(\phi F_{mn}\epsilon_{mnij}) = \oint d^2S_j~ \text{tr}(\phi...
  22. H

    Clarification concerning gauge theory.

    I am not sure about the proper forum for addressing this question, so I will start here as it concerns certain fundamental concepts about the nature of a norm (unit standard), gauge and metric as applied to various field theories, which I want to make sure I understand properly. The following is...
  23. R

    Mass of composite particles in a non abelian gauge theory.

    Is it possible to produce massive composite particles from a non abelian gauge theory of massless fermions? I know that if the quarks were massless, the pions will be massless too (goldstone bosons). But what about baryons? Will they be also massless? If so, can we make a general statement that...
  24. marcus

    Gravity as a diffeomorphism invariant gauge theory (new Krasnov paper)

    I'm hoping there will be some comment on this new paper of Kirill Krasnov Gravity as a diffeomorphism invariant gauge theory Kirill Krasnov 24 pages (Submitted on 25 Jan 2011) "A general diffeomorphism invariant SU(2) gauge theory is a gravity theory with two...
  25. J

    Is the Gauge Theory of Gravity Equivalent to Conservation Laws?

    Hi all, Just a question i was wondering about. We know that in electrodynamics the Lagrangian is invariant under a gauge transformation of the potential, and this is equivalent to the law of conservation of charge. Concerning relativity, what is the quantity that is conserved and are the...
  26. E

    Question on Witten's paper: Perturbative Gauge Theory As A String Theory

    Question on Witten's paper: "Perturbative Gauge Theory As A String Theory..." Hi guys, I have a question regarding formula 2.12 of Witten's paper hep-th/0312171 "Perturbative Gauge Theory As A String Theory In Twistor Space". He just states this formula but i don't really understand his...
  27. X

    Schools What schools have lattice gauge theory?

    I'm applying to grad school this year and I'm thinking I might be interested in exploring lattice gauge theory. Honestly, I don't know very much about the subject but it sounds very interesting to me. Does anybody know which schools have lattice gauge theory and which schools are really good...
  28. marcus

    4d gauge theory: Witten video on his current research

    Peter Woit ("Not Even Wrong" blog) reported today on two recent talks by Edward Witten which are available video online. Here is the link to Woit's blog, which gives an brief overview of what the talks are about. In case anyone is...
  29. P

    What's higher spin gauge theory all about?

    Recently I hear there's lots of research on higher spin gauge theories. I know nothing about it, so I'll ask some naive questions. How is Weinberg-Witten no-go theorem which forbids spins greater than 1 bypassed in these theories? Is the topic related to string theory? Thanks for answer.
  30. M

    Poincaré Gauge Theory: Facts, Popularity, Flaws & Experiments

    Does someone know something about this theory? Is it popular, or just accepted by very few people? What is the flaw or defect of this theory? Has it been ruled out by some observations or experiments? Thx.
  31. S

    Introductory book on gauge theory

    Hello, Could somebody please point me out introductory online book/paper with which I can start understanding gauge theory and how to find out about the progress in the areas Thx
  32. MTd2

    Gravity as the Square of Gauge Theory Gravity as the Square of Gauge Theory Zvi Bern, Tristan Dennen, Yu-tin Huang, Michael Kiermaier (Submitted on 5 Apr 2010) We explore consequences of the recently discovered duality between color and kinematics, which states that kinematic numerators in a...
  33. I

    How to count on-shell DoF of a gauge theory?

    Suppose I have a gauge potential A_{\mu\nu}, which is totally antisymmetric, if, say, the theory is in 6 dimensions, so that there are 6\times5/2 = 15 degrees of freedom. For the action S = \int d^6x F_{\mu\nu\rho}F^{\mu\nu\rho} , where F_{\mu\nu\rho}\equiv \partial_\mu A_{\nu\rho} +...
  34. MTd2

    John Baez' idea: GR described as a 3-group gauge theory.
  35. M

    Gauge Theory - Having Trouble with V' = 0

    Homework Statement Show that it is always possible to pick a gauge so V' = 0. Homework Equations We weren't given any, but I've been working with: (a)\vec{E} + \frac{\partial\vec{A}}{\partial{t}} = -\nabla{V} (b)\vec{A'} = \vec{A} + \nabla{\psi} (where \psi is a scalar function) (c)V' =...
  36. G

    The Importance of Gauge Theories in Particle Physics

    Hi: What's a gauge theory?, Is it just some kind of theory invariant with respect to some transformation? (like electrodynamics where the potentials are not sigle valued) and what is the importance of gauge theories in particle physics? Thanks
  37. N

    Higgs mechanism and gauge theory

    I'm an undergraduate in physics, I'm on my 2nd year. I have to write this assignment about the Higgs particle and gauge theory. There are quite some things that are unclear to me however. Since I'm only on my second year I don't know a lot of deep math like group theory, just basic stuff. I know...
  38. M

    General Relativity as a non-Abelian gauge theory

    It occurred to me that I hadn't seen GR developed as a gauge theory in the same way QCD/electroweak are. Are there any technical obstacles, or is it reasonably straightforward? And if it is well known, can someone please point me to a reference? Thanks.
  39. Jim Kata

    Is Relativity Considered a Gauge Theory?

    I do not see why it is not. I believe relativity is a gauge theory, due to the spin connection on a so(1,3) principal bundle. I have heard some people say it is not a gauge theory. Why do they say this, are they just stupid or what?
  40. C

    LQG: Gauge Theory, Holonomies, Ashtekar's GR, Loop Representation

    So I'm trying to read through Baez&Muniain's "Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity". One thing I was particularly hoping to get out of this was a specific understanding of what a "holonomy group" is. In the relevant section (p. 231-233 in the version I'm looking at), Baez& describe a holonomy by...
  41. K

    Exploring GR as a Gauge Theory: Insights from Rovelli's LQG Approach

    GR as a Gauge theory ?? don't know if this is true or not, but i have been reading books by ROvelli (LQG) or 'Gauge theories' the question is could we study Gravity as the set of functions A_{\mu}^{I}(x) Then we write the Einstein Lagrangian (or similar) as: \mathcal L =...
  42. jal

    Coupling gauge theory to spinfoam 3d quantum gravity

    Marcus! Surely, I’m not the only one reading the links that you provide! Coupling gauge theory to spinfoam 3d quantum gravity Simone Speziale June 11, 2007 Note: The Acknowledgments: The author is particularly grateful to Carlo...
  43. M

    Is General Relativity a Gauge Theory?

    Many seem to argue it is but Steven Weinstein argues in his paper" it is not. He argues that the diffeomorphism invariance of GR is more restrictive than gauge invariance since in the case of diffeomorphism invariance the...
  44. X

    How Does Grid Shape Affect Strain Gauge Resistance Calculations?

    First, I am not the greatest at LaTex so if I screw this post up I will go back and try to clarify. I will skip some steps, but get the general gist of everything. Ok, I am following the derivation of the resistive strain gauge equations starting from the basic form of resistance of a wire...
  45. marcus

    Baez and Schreiber: Higher Gauge Theory Higher Gauge Theory John C. Baez, Urs Schreiber 10 figures Differential Geometry; Category Theory "Just as gauge theory describes the parallel transport of point particles using connections on bundles, higher gauge theory describes the parallel...
  46. S

    How Are Yang-Mills Theory and Gauge Theory Related?

    what do these terms have to do with each other? yang mills gauge theory 't hooft instanton