General solution Definition and 311 Threads

  1. Lotto

    Can I find a general solution to this circuit?

    TL;DR Summary: I have to find an equivalent resistance of the circuit below, dependent on the amount of ##R_3## - resistors. Here is the circuit: I think there is no general solution. When I want to calculate it, I have to do...
  2. chwala

    Find the general solution of the given PDE

    My take; ##ξ=-4x+6y## and ##η=6x+4y## it follows that, ##52u_ξ +10u=e^{x+2y}## for the homogenous part; we shall have the general solution; $$u_h=e^{\frac{-5}{26} ξ} f{η }$$ now we note that $$e^{x+2y}=e^{\frac{8ξ+η}{26}}$$ that is from solving the simultaneous equation; ##ξ=-4x+6y##...
  3. yucheng

    I General solution of 1D vs 3D wave equations

    For the 1 dimensional wave equation, $$\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x ^2} - \frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial ^2 u }{\partial t^2} = 0$$ ##u## is of the form ##u(x \pm ct)## For the 3 dimensional wave equation however, $$\nabla ^2 u - \frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial ^2 u }{\partial t^2} = 0$$It appears...
  4. U

    MHB Help with a question (Bernoulli General solution)

    Hello guys I hope you all are doing well. :) I found below question in a book by Martin Braun "Differential Equations and Their Applications An Introduction to Applied Mathematics (Fourth Edition)" The question : The Bernoulli differential equation is (dy/dt)+a(t)y=b(t)y^n. Multiplying through...
  5. F

    A Jackson Sec 2.6 on "general solution" of charge near sphere

    Hi , I'd like a little bit of clarification about Section 2.6 from Jackson's classic book on E & M. Section 2.6 starts out with the problem of a "conducting sphere" near a point charge, but then it confusingly veers away to a problem where potential is prescribed to vary with azimuth and polar...
  6. L

    I General solution of heat equation?

    We know $$ K(x,t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi t}}\exp(-\frac{x^2}{4t}) $$ is a solution to the heat equation: $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} $$ I would like to ask how to prove: $$ u(x,t) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} K(x-y,t)f(y)dy $$ is also the solution to...
  7. karush

    MHB -2.1.1 DE Find the general solution

    [a] Find the general solution of $y^\prime + 3y=t+e^{-2x}\quad \dfrac{dy}{dx}+f(x)y=g(x)$ \$\begin{array}{lll} \textsf{Similarly} & \dfrac{dy}{dx}+Py=Q\\ \textsf{hence} & \mu(x)=\exp\left(\int f(x)\,dx\right)\\ \textsf{then} & \mu^\prime(x)=\exp\left(\int...
  8. karush

    MHB 2.1.2 Find the general solution of y'−2y=t^{2}e^{2t}

    Find the general solution of $y'−2y=t^{2}e^{2t}$ and use it to determine how solutions behave as $t \to \infty$ ok presume the first thing to do is to find $u{x}$ $\exp{\displaystyle\int{2} y}=e^{-2} or \dfrac{1}{e^2}$
  9. O

    I General solution of the hydrogen atom Schrödinger equation

    Hello everyone! I have two questions which had bothered me for quite some time. I am sorry if they are rather trivial. The first is about the general solution of the hydrogen atom schrödinger-equation: We learned in our quantum mechanics class that the general solution of every quantum system...
  10. brotherbobby

    Solving equations of the form ##a\sin\theta+b\cos\theta = c##

    Problem statement : Given the equation ##\sin\theta+2\cos\theta=1##, find the general solution for the angle ##\theta##. Attempt : For the general case where we have ##a\sin\theta+b\cos\theta=c##, the line of approach is to take ##a=r\cos\alpha## and ##b=r\sin\alpha## wherein we will have...
  11. karush

    MHB General Solution if system

    $\tiny{307w.}${http%3A// Find the general solution of each of the linear system \begin{align*} x' & = -3 x + 4y\\ y' & = 3x - 2y \end{align*} $A=\begin{pmatrix}-3&4\\ 3&-2\end{pmatrix}...
  12. PainterGuy

    Finding the general solution of this nonhomogeneous linear system

    Hi, I was trying to do the following problem. My attempt. Finding the reduced row echelon form for the system above. I do not see any way to proceed any further. The following is the solution presented in solution manual. How do I proceed to get the following answer?
  13. karush

    MHB General Solution of Differential Equation System

    $\tiny{27.1}$ 623 Find a general solution to the system of differential equations $\begin{array}{llrr}\displaystyle \textit{given} &y'_1=\ \ y_1+2y_2\\ &y'_2=3y_1+2y_2\\ \textit{solving } &A=\begin{pmatrix}1 &2\\3 &2\end{pmatrix}\\...
  14. Kaguro

    Find the general solution of this nonlinear ODE: xy' + sin(2y) = x^3*sin^2(y)

    This equation, is non linear, non-separable, and weird. I would like to have a direction to start working on this. I tried writing sin(2y) = 2sin(y)*cos(y). See, ##xy' = x^3sin^2(y)-2sin(y)cos(y)## Can't separate. Writing in this way: ##(x^3sin^2y-sin2y)dx-xdy=0## Also, I checked that it is...
  15. karush

    MHB -b.2.1.12 Find the general solution 2y'+y=3t^2

    576 Find the general solution $2y'+y=3t^2$ Rewrite $y'+\frac{1}{2}y=\frac{3}{2}t^2$ So $u(t) = exp\left(\int \frac{1}{2} dt \right)=e^{t/2} $
  16. karush

    MHB -b.2.1.11 Find the general solution y'+y=5sin{2t}

    Find the general solution of the given differential equation, and use it to determine how solutions behave as $ t\to\infty$ $y'+y=5\sin{2t}$ ok I did this first $u(t)y'+u(t)y=u(i)5\sin{2t}$ then $\frac{1}{5}u(t)y'+\frac{1}{5}u(t)y=u(i)\sin{2t}$ so far ... couldn't find an esample to follow...
  17. ContagiousKnowledge

    General solution of the spherical wave equation

    Since the spherical wave equation is linear, the general solution is a summation of all normal modes. To find the particular solution for a given value of i, we can try using the method of separation of variables. $$ ψ(r,t)=R(r)T(t)ψ(r,t)=R(r)T(t) $$ Plug this separable solution into the...
  18. S

    I General solution of harmonic oscillations

    For a harmonic oscillator with a restoring force with F= -mω2x, I get that the solution for the x-component happens at x=exp(±iωt). But why is it that you can generalise the solution to x= Ccosωt+Dsin(ωt)? Where does the sine term come from because when I use Euler's formula, the only real part...
  19. karush

    MHB -29.1 Find a general solution to the system of DE

    Find a general solution to the system of differential equations \begin{align*}\displaystyle y'_1&=2y_1+3y_2+5x\\ y'_2&=y_1+4y_2+10 \end{align*} rewrite as $$Y'=\left[\begin{array}{c}2 & 3 \\ 1 & 4 \end{array}\right]Y +\left[\begin{array}{c}5x\\...
  20. G

    I Find the general solution for the differential equation

    So in my previous math class I spotted on my book an exercise that I couldn't solve. We had to find the general solution for the differential equation. This was the exercise: 4y'' - 4y' + y = ex/2√(1-x2) Can anyone tell me how to solve this step by step?
  21. karush

    MHB -307.28.1 Find the general solution to the system of DE

    $\tiny{28.1}$ 2000 Find the general solution to the system of differential equations \begin{align*}\displaystyle y'_1&=y_1+5y_2\\ y'_2&=-2y_1+-y_2 \end{align*} why is there a $+-y_2$ in the given ok going to take this a step at a time...
  22. R

    Find the General Solution of This Homog. Linear Sys. w/ Constant Coeff.

    Hello, I'm trying to find the general solution of this homog. system w/ constant coefficients. I can't even get past the first step, which is to find the eigenvalues. As far as I know, there are a few approaches: 1) solve det(A-λI) = 0 2) solve the trace determinant plane equation (which is...
  23. karush

    MHB -16.1 Find the general solution to the system of DE

    Find the general solution to the system of differential equations $\begin{cases} y'_1&=2y_1+y_2-y_3 \\ y'_2&=3y_2+y_3\\ y'_3&=3y_3 \end{cases}$ let $y(t)=\begin{bmatrix}{y_1(t)\\y_2(t)\\y_3(t)}\end{bmatrix} ,\quad A=\begin{bmatrix} 2 & 1 & -1 \\ 0 & 3 & 1 \\...
  24. G

    I General solution to the Time-independent Schrödinger equation?

    Has anyone formulated a general solution to the time-independent Schrödinger equation in terms of the potential function V(r), and if so, what is it? For any type of V(r). So, instead of a differential equation, a direct relationship between the wavefunction and the potential.
  25. karush

    MHB -2.1.9 Find general solution of 2y'+y=3t

    $\tiny{2.1.9}$ 2000 Find the general solution of the given differential equation, and use it to determine how solutions behave as $t\to\infty$. $2y'+y=3t$ divide by 2 $y'+\frac{1}{2}y=\frac{3}{2}t$ find integrating factor, $\displaystyle\exp\left(\int \frac{1}{2}...
  26. karush

    MHB -find general solution y'+2y=2-e^(-4t), y(0)=1

    2000 find the general solution for $y' + 2y = 2 - {{\bf{e}}^{ - 4t}} \hspace{0.25in}y\left( 0 \right) = 1$ find $\displaystyle u(x)=\exp \left(\int 2 \, dt\right) =e^{2t}$ $e^{2t}y' + 2\frac{e^{2t}}{2}y =2 e^{2t} - {{\bf{e}}^{ - 4t}}e^{2t}$ $(e^{2t}y)'=2e^{2t}-e^{-2t}$ i continued but didn't...
  27. A

    MHB Partial differential equations problem - finding the general solution

    4\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = 3u , u(x,0)=4e^{-x}-e^{-5x} let U =X(x)T(t) so 4X\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}+T\frac{\partial X}{\partial x} = 3XT 4\frac{\partial T}{T \partial t}+\frac{\partial X}{X \partial x} = 3 \left( 4\frac{\partial T}{T...
  28. S

    I Y'' + y = 0 solution and recursion relation

    I've found the general solution to be y(x) = C1cos(x) + C2sin(x). I've also found a recursion relation for the equation to be: An+2 = -An / (n+2)(n+1) I now need to show that this recursion relation is equivalent to the general solution. How do I go about doing this? Any help would be...
  29. karush

    MHB -b.3.1.1 find the general solution of the second order y''+2y'-3y=0

    $\tiny{3.1.1}$ find the general solution of the second order differential equation. $$y''+2y'-3y=0$$ assume that $y = e^{rt}$ then, $$r^2+2r-3=0\implies (r+3)(r-1)=0$$ new stuff... so far..
  30. M

    MHB Using Euler's Method to find the general solution to the diff. equation

    Could someone please provide guidance on how to begin this problem? I've attached the preface to the assignment question.Show that the general solution of the differential equation y″(x)=−y(x) is y(x)=Acos(x)+Bsin(x) where A and B are arbitrary constants. Hint: You'll need the Taylor series...
  31. navneet9431

    Problem in finding a general solution

    Homework Statement Homework Equations General Formula for Tan(a)=Tan(b) The Attempt at a Solution See the question I have uploaded. I have tried solving it this way, Firstly I applied the Quadratic Formula to get, Now we have two cases, CASE-1 When So General Formula here will...
  32. P

    I General solution to a 2nd-order differential equation

    Dear all I've been trying to work out the general solution to a 2nd order ODE of the form f''(x)+p(x)*f(x)=0 p(x) is a polynomial for my case. I believe series method should work, but for some reason I would prefer a general solution using other methods. I'll be much appreciative for any help...
  33. karush

    MHB -b.2.1.5 Find the general solution of y' - 2y =3te^t,

    \nmh{895} Find the general solution of the given differential equation $\displaystyle y^\prime - 2y =3te^t, \\$ Obtain $u(t)$ $\displaystyle u(t)=\exp\int -2 \, dx =e^{-2t} \\$ Multiply thru with $e^{-2t}$ $e^{-2t}y^\prime + 2e^{-2t}y= 3te^{-t} \\$ Simplify: $(e^{-2t}y)'= 3te^{-t} \\$...
  34. karush

    MHB 2.1.2 Find the general solution of the given differential equation

    Find the general solution of the given differential equation $\displaystyle y^\prime - 2y = t^2 e^{2t}$ Obtain $u(t)$ $\displaystyle u(t)=\exp\int -2 \, dx =e^{-2t}$ Multiply thru with $e^{-2t}$ $e^{-2t}y^\prime + 2e^{-2t}y = t^2 $ Simplify: $(e^{-2t}y)'= t^2$...
  35. karush

    MHB -2.2.4 find general solution xy'+2y=e^x

    $\textsf{find the general solution}$ $$xy'+2y=e^x$$ $\textsf{divide thru by x}$ $$y' +\frac{2}{x}y=\frac{e^x}{x}$$ $\textsf{Find u(x)}$ $$\displaystyle u(x)=\exp\int\frac{2}{x} \, dx=e^{\ln x^2}=x^2$$ $\textsf{so far anyway..}$
  36. B

    Solving the General Solution for a Heavily Damped Oscillator

    Homework Statement The question I am working on is number 3 in the attached file. There are two initial conditions given: at time = 0, x(t) = D and x'(t) = v 'in the direction towards the equilibrium position'. Does that last statement mean that when I substitute the second IC in, I should...
  37. T

    MHB General solution y''+2y'+y=x(e^-x)+1

    Hi! I'm having a hard time with general solutions of a certain type, maybe it has to do with the constant in the particular solution? The equation is y''+2y'+y=xe-x+1 Is it right to assume that yh=(C1x+C2)e-x ? For the particular solution, I've tried all kinds of guesses for the form: yp=...
  38. R

    Find the general solution of the given differential equation....

    Homework Statement Find the general solution of the given differential equation. Give the largest interval I over which the interval is defined.Determine wether there are any transient terms in the general solution 5. \frac {dy}{dx} + 3x^2y = x^2 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution...
  39. binbagsss

    General Solution to Killing's Equation in flat s-t

    Homework Statement Killing Equation is: ##\nabla_u K_v + \nabla_v K_u =0 ## In flat s-t this reduces to: ##\partial_u K_v + \partial_v K_u =0 ## With a general solution of the form: ##K_u= a_u + b_{uc} K^c ## where ##a_u## and ##b_{uv}## are a constant vector and a constant tensor...
  40. G

    General solution for the heat equation of a 1-D circle

    Homework Statement Modify the initial conditions (for the diffusion equation of a circle) to have the initial conditions ## g(\theta)= \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}d_{n}e^{2\pi in\theta} ## Using the method of Green's functions, and ## S(\theta,t)= \frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi...
  41. SciencyBoi

    Trigonometric inequality problem.

    Homework Statement Find the solution of the inequality ## \sqrt{5-2sin(x)}\geq6sin(x)-1 ## Answer: ## [\frac{\pi(12n-7)}{6} ,\frac{\pi(12n+1)}{6}]~~; n \in Z##Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution There are two cases possible; Case-1: ##6sin(x)-1\geq0## or...
  42. karush

    MHB 17.1.08 y''+100y=0 Find the general solution of the given equation?

    $\tiny{17.1.08}$ $\textrm{ Find the general solution of the given equation?}$ \begin{align*}\displaystyle y''+100y&=0 \end{align*} $\textit{The auxiliary equation is:}$ \begin{align*}\displaystyle x^2+100x&=0\\ x(x+100)&=0\\ x&=-100 \end{align*} $\textit{Answer by EMH}$...
  43. Wrichik Basu

    Problem in finding the General Solution of a Trigonometric Equation v3

    Homework Statement :[/B] Find the general solution of the Trigonometric equation: $$3\sin ^2 {\theta} + 7\cos ^2 {\theta} =6$$ Given andwer: ##n\pi \pm \frac {\pi}{6}## Homework Equations :[/B] These equations may help: The Attempt at a Solution :[/B] Please see the pic below: It...
  44. Wrichik Basu

    Problem in finding the General Solution of a Trigonometric Equation v2

    Homework Statement :[/B] Find the general solution of the equation: $$\tan {x}+\tan {2x}+\tan {3x}=0$$ Answer given: ##x=## ##\frac {n\pi}{3}##, ##n\pi \pm \alpha## where ##\tan {\alpha} = \frac {1}{\sqrt {2}}##. Homework Equations :[/B] These equations may be used: The Attempt at a...
  45. Wrichik Basu

    A problem in finding the General Solution of a Trigonometric Equation

    Homework Statement :[/B] Find the general solution of the Trigonometric equation $$\sin {3x}+\sin {x}=\cos {6x}+\cos {4x} $$ Answers given are: ##(2n+1)\frac {\pi}{2}##, ##(4n+1)\frac {\pi}{14}## and ##(4n-1)\frac {\pi}{6}##. Homework Equations :[/B] Equations that may be used: The...
  46. Brage Eidsvik

    I Finding Area of Graphs with x^2: A General Solution?

    Hello, If I have an x^2 graph that goes from 0 to a point a. Is there a general solution to where the area of the left side is equal to the area of the right?
  47. Eclair_de_XII

    Using variation of parameters to derive a general solution?

    Homework Statement "By choosing the lower limit of integration in Eq. (28) in the text as the initial point ##t_0##, show that ##Y(t)## becomes ##Y(t)=\int_{t_0}^t(\frac{y_1(s)y_2(t)-y_t(t)y_2(s)}{y_1(s)y_2'(s)-y_1'(s)y_2(s)})g(s)ds## Show that ##Y(t)## is a solution of the initial value...
  48. Vitani11

    Question on general solution to harmonic EoM

    Homework Statement An equation of motion for a pendulum: (-g/L)sinΦ = Φ(double dot) Homework Equations L = length g = gravity ω = angular velocity Φο = initial Φ The Attempt at a Solution The solution is Φ=Asinωt+Bcosωt solving for A and B by setting Φ and Φ(dot) equal to zero respectively...
  49. M

    Obtaining General Solution of ODE

    Homework Statement So they want me to obtain the general solution for this ODE. Homework Equations I have managed to turn it into d^2y/dx^2=(y/x)^2. The Attempt at a Solution My question is, can I simply make d^2y/dx^2 into (dy/dx)^2, cancel the power of 2 from both sides of the equation...