Goldstein Definition and 56 Threads

Baruch Kopel Goldstein (Hebrew: ברוך קופל גולדשטיין‎; born Benjamin Goldstein; December 9, 1956 – February 25, 1994) was an American-Israeli mass murderer, religious extremist, and physician who perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in Hebron, killing 29 and wounding 125 Palestinian Muslim worshippers. He was beaten to death by survivors of the massacre.The Israeli government condemned the massacre, and responded by arresting followers of Meir Kahane, criminalizing the Kach movement and affiliated movements as terrorist, forbidding certain Israeli settlers to enter Palestinian towns, and demanding that those settlers turn in their army-issued rifles, although rejecting a Palestinian Liberation Organization demand that all settlers in the West Bank be disarmed and that an international force be created to protect Palestinians.Jewish Israelis were barred from entering major Arab communities in Hebron. The Israeli government also took extreme measures against Palestinians following the deadly riots after the massacre, expelling them from certain streets near Jewish settlements in Hebron, such as Al-Shuhada Street, where many Palestinians had homes and businesses, and allowing access exclusively to Jewish Israelis and foreign tourists.Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists. The following words are inscribed on the tomb: "He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land." In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. The tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched. After the flagstones around it were pried away under the eye of a military chaplain, the ground was covered with gravel.

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  1. P

    Understanding Constraint Forces in Mechanics

    in the "derivation" of 'principle of vitual work' Goldstein started with this he wrote the force F acting on each particle as the sum of F_{a} (Force applied) and F_{i}(Constraint force) ok i have some three queries 1)What are constraint forces? 2)Are all internal forces constraint forces 3)He...
  2. P

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  3. D

    Can Someone Provide Problems from Goldstein's Classical Mechanics (3rd Edition)?

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  4. J

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  5. S

    Goldstein Chapter 2: Derivation #2 Help

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  6. N

    Which Goldstein Edition Is Better for a Classical Mechanics Course?

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