Hi, would gravitons theoretically act like photons? They're both particles and waves at the same time. Is there anything we can use from what we know about photons and use them to understand gravitons?
How can gravitons escape a black hole? Presumably they must, in order to have an external gravitational effect.
I'm sure this is a naive GR-based model of a BH. I guess a BH is a different animal in the QM world?
As bodies orbit each other they emit gravitational waves (presumably by emitting gravitons). There could be configurations of several moons around a planet (for instance) where the quadrupole moment does not change and is invariant. However, there could still be higher order effects, namely...
Researchers find first experimental evidence for a graviton like particle in a quantum material
A team of scientists from Columbia, Nanjing University, Princeton, and the University of Munster, writing in the...
It has been shown in the text that ##h_0 = \frac 1 {\Box} J## with the diagram
and that ##h_1 = \lambda \frac 1 {\Box} (h_0 h_0) = \lambda \frac 1 {\Box} [( \frac 1 {\Box} J)( \frac 1 {\Box}J)]## with the diagram
I was not sure if the next order diagram is
or rather
Thus, I substitute...
The Wikipedia article on Quantum Gravity reads: "The observation that all fundamental forces except gravity have one or more known messenger particles leads researchers to believe that at least one must exist for gravity. This hypothetical particle is known as the graviton"
To which... yikes...
Hi Pfs,
I read somewhere that if the graviton had a spin 1, then gravity would be repelling.
Is there a formula showing that the attract-repel depends on the parity of the carrier's spin?
The graviton is the helicity two particle one gets when quantizing gravity in a metric formulation. There are two reasons why I have this question.
1.) If you formulate gravity in a tetrad formulation you don't seem to have a helicity two particle just the tetrad and the connection which both...
After trying to kinda get a picture of the field of play in quantum physics according to the standard model, a question came up. I tried to formulate the known bosons each as a particle transferring some property.
1. Photons transfer electric charge: the electromagnetic force gives attraction...
In a phys.org article, the investigators make these statements:
If gravitons can be detected at all, that implies to me that the universe is not as transparent to them as is being asserted in the article.
How can you detect something without changing it - if nothing else, wouldn't that violate...
The spin-foam approach to quantum gravity is part of the class of approaches, that also include loop quantum gravity and a variety of other methods, that sets out to quantize space-time rather than the gravitational force itself.
But, according to a new paper, it turns out that "the continuum...
This thought surprisingly came from thinking about the definition of temperature and the symmetry breaking that separated time from temperature. Which led to thoughts about symmetry breaking that separated QM from GR. Which led to to the symmetry breaking that separated dark energy from baryonic...
Let ##\phi## be a scalar field and ##g_{\mu \nu} = \eta_{\mu \nu}+h_{\mu \nu}/M_p## where ##M_p## is the Planck mass (so we assume we deal with perturbations). Let ##\Lambda_2,\Lambda_3## be energy scales such that ##\Lambda_2 \gg \Lambda_3##. These are defined by ##\Lambda^2_2 = M_p H_0## and...
In sci-fi series The Interscission Project, spacecraft use graviton generators, both for artificial gravity and for space/time travel.
If these gens extend the gravity field, what would the simplest graviton antennae/emitter look like? By analogy with a membrane making sound, a flashlight...
If the metric ##g_{\mu\nu}## is dimensionless and gravitons are quantum excitations of the metric does that mean that gravitons themselves are dimensionless?
I say this as locally the metric is just the flat metric ##\eta_{\mu\nu}=\hbox{diag}(-1,1,1,1)## with the dimensions in the co-ordinates...
Summary:: <mentor moved to general discussion> I mean of the discovery of the Graviton or of any other unification theory that would explain gravity and would be compatible with quantum mechanics. And by impact I don't necessarily mean just the understanding of the world - this is implicit -...
If we were to find some way to make the graviton self-interaction easily calculable, would applying non-perturbative renormalization on it seem any promising?
We know that the photon is the quanta associated with the electromagnetic field; and we've successfully observed gravitational waves due to LIGO. Is there any corresponding theoretical mathematical description of the graviton?
Does each and every, say, proton, neutron and dark matter particle (DMP) exchange gravitons with each and every other proton, neutron and DMP in the universe?
(Sorry if this question has been posted to the wrong forum. Advice re correct forum would be appreciated.)
Let me preface my question with the observation that I'm not an expert in either GR or QFT. But I do know enough to realize how much I don't know. I'm merely an aging Ph.D. physicist. That said, I viewed a ResearchGate preprint and was invited to comment on it. While I don't believe I'm...
In classical general relativity, gravity is simply a curvature of space-time.
But, a quantum field theory for a massless spin-2 graviton has as its classical limit, general relativity.
My question is about the topology of space-time in the hypothetical quantum field theory of a massless spin-2...
The Lagrangian density for cosmological constant is
$${\cal L} = \sqrt{g}\Lambda$$
Let us write, schematically,
where ##\eta## is the flat Minkowski metric and ##h## is the spin-2 field. Expanding the square root for small ##h## we get something like $${\cal L} = \Lambda + h\Lambda...
First I don't have extensive knowledge about gravity beyond General Relativity, so please forgive my ignorance about this subject. I have confusion about the relation between GR and QM and I just want a general picture so that I can connect the dots.
My questions:
1- Why do we need quantum...
Is it possible to compute scattering amplitudes of a graviton interaction taking Einstein gravity as an effective field theory at low energies?
I did not study qft the proper way yet, so any clarifications on the subject would be welcome.
I'm not very conversant in the subject. But it is my impression that the acceleration of the expansion of the observable universe has generated a theory that there might be a new particle (field?) call the inflaton. On the other hand, I thought I'd heard that scientists were trying to find...
What's the difference between the Higgs boson and the hypothetical graviton particle? Do they both have to do with the mass of matter? I guess what I'm trying to ask is how are the Higgs particle and the graviton related.
Homework Statement
We will treat the graviton as a symmetric ##2##-index tensor field. It couples to a current ##T_{\mu\nu}## also symmetric in its two indices, which satisfies the conservation law ##\partial_{\mu}T_{\mu\nu}=0##.
(a) Assume the Lagrangian is...
The following is taken from page 40 of Matthew Schwartz's "Introduction to Quantum Field Theory."
The Lagrangian for the graviton is heuristically ##\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{2}h\Box h + \frac{1}{3}\lambda h^{3}+Jh,## where ##h## represents the gravitational potential. We are ignoring spin and...
This is a somewhat weird question, but here it goes:
What would happen if there were only gravitons? Would some other kind of particle appear in the Universe sooner or later? Would there be any chance for mass to appear in such a Universe (assuming that the graviton is a massless particle)...
I'm somewhat familiar with the General Relativity description of gravity, at least conceptually. So I thought I'd ask about the graviton theory of gravity. Specifically, I've read elsewhere that a graviton must be a Spin-2 boson. Okay, given that as it may, how does a spin-2 boson differ from a...
There is theory that masses like charges are transfering force gague bosons.
According to charges they transfering the boson called photon between the charges and responsible for the electromagnetic force. Photones qualities are that it doesn't have mass and behave like a particlee and also as a...
Forums relating to this have been up constantly, but just to clarify, they are not one and the same, to the best of my knowledge. Higgs causes mass, Graviton causes gravity. Higgs has an influence on the graviton, if you think about it. The Higgs boson causes mass which in turn is affected by a...
Hello everyone,
I was thinking of the 4 forces and in particular of the gravity force.
We know that black holes and their gravity force can bend light and light gets lost on black holes.
How can the ipothetic particle of the graviton interact with the photon?
I thought that if the interaction...
I know that the gravitational force is the weakest of all forces (it is 10^-38 times weaker than the strong force), so it isn't possible a particle to decay through gravitational interaction. As far as I know, the strength of fundamental forces can change during different ages of the...
Why do we say gravity [GR] is a theory about ‘spacetime curvature’ and gravitational waves are ‘ripples’ but nobody uses such a description for electromagnetic fields? Don't EM waves 'ripple' spacetime?
For example, one might imagine different types of spacetime curvature associated with each...
Past the event horizon of a black hole, gravity is so immense that even light can't escape. Wouldn't this cause the the gravitons, which travel the speed of light, to be trapped, making a singularity?
In QFT, the other 3 fundamental forces (electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces) are interpreted as being mediated by quanta of their particular field, what we call bosons or "force carrier particles".
These mediate the relevant force between particles. As I understand it, one...
What is the interaction Lagrangian of matter and graviton fields?So(on the answer)we can say about the nonrenormalization.Why is the divergence of two gravitons diagram able to be the limit of the coincidence of the verties.So we can say about the nonrenormalization.
The modern view of the measurement problem is that any interaction of a particle (say an electron) will cause its wavefunction to 'collapse' in the process called decoherence. No need for conscious observers, interaction with any other particle will cause decoherence hence collapse of the...
As far as I understand it, Einstein theorized that gravity was the result of the curvature of space created by the presence of mater/energy, but that idea seems like it does not meld well with the idea that gravity is the result of a specific force carrying particle, as with the other...
Hello, I was just brainstorming for futuristic inventions with context for a sci-fi, high fidelity game (because I'm too cool to revise for exams) - and I thought of one, but my physics and engineering knowledge is at best sketchy when it comes to gravity and nuclear fusion combinations, I was...