Greenhouse Definition and 68 Threads

  1. Andre

    Falsifying the Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effect: G. Gerlich & R.D. Tscheuschner

    G. Gerlich, R. D. Tscheuschner (2009) Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics. International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 23, No. 3 (30 January 2009), 275-364 (World Scientific Publishing Co.) see...
  2. D

    Earthward Upper Stratospheric IR Radiation Cancels Most Greenhouse Gas Effect

    Atmospheric gases play a role in planetary temperature regulation Carbon dioxide levels have been rising rapidly in the Earth’s atmosphere and are linked by the IPCC to “global” warming. Recent failure of measured temperatures to advance with increasing carbon dioxide has called this assertion...
  3. Andre

    Does Miskolczi's Paper Refute the Current Math of Greenhouse Effect?

    Deeply burried in the stack of scientific publications is . Miskolczi, F.M. (2007) Greenhouse effect in semi-transparent planetary atmospheres, Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service Vol. 111, No. 1, January–March 2007, pp. 1–40...
  4. R

    Is the Greenhouse Gas Equation Wrong?

    Hungarian scientist Ferenc Miskolczi has discovered the greenhouse gas equation Arthur Milne developed in 1922 contains a serious flaw. Milne mistakenly solved the differential equation involved by assuming an infinitely thick atmosphere. Miskolczi was working for NASA at the time and NASA...
  5. 4

    Potentiometers and sensing in a greenhouse window

    Homework Statement I am doing a piece of work on potentiometers/potential dividers and i need to design a sensor circuit to detect 60 degrees of movement of a greenhouse window. I then need to be able to see the position of this window on an analogue display (this is a 5V voltmeter with a...
  6. F

    Solar powered heater for greenhouse

    I'm new to the site, and to solar power fundamentals. I'm interested in building a small greenhouse with as little impact on the environment as possible. I'd like to develop a solar system to maintain an even temperature. Unfortunately I live in Wisconsin. Any help in design issues would be...
  7. O

    Are Volcanic Emissions Really Greater Than Man-Made Greenhouse Gases?

    is it true that there are more greenhouse gasses released from a single Volcanic eruption than all of the gasses produced by man since the industrial revolution? If so, shouldn't that silence the global-warming advocates?
  8. V

    Nitrous oxide,hydrocarbons and greenhouse

    greenhouse and increase in number of gas molecules in atmosphere How much atmospheric heating is due just to the fact that as the number of gas molecules increases (through human activity) the temperature of a fixed volume rises?
  9. V

    Particles from space seed cloud formation and greenhouse

    I don't believe the cloud formation by particles from space idea because why would they be doing this now (we'd have to be unlucky given geological timescales) and why isn't there evidence of this in the past.
  10. A

    How the Greenhouse Gas Effect works

    [SIZE="4"]How the Greenhouse Gas Effect Works We all know by now that the greenhouse gas effect depends upon absorption by greenhouse gas molecules of infrared energy radiated from the Earth’s surface, and which is then re-radiated by these molecules in all directions. Effectively, half the...
  11. A

    Greenhouse Gas Effect and Carbon Dioxide

    Greenhouse Gas Effect and Carbon Dioxide I have been having some difficulty with this, so perhaps someone could please sort out any mistakes, and let me know. Consider a vertical column of the Earth’s atmosphere based on a square of area 1 m^2. This air column has a mass of 1.01×10^4...
  12. R

    Water vapour overlooked as greenhouse gas ?

    Hello all It seems that water vapour doesn't figure in greenhouse gas calcs & global warming. This site claims.. "Water vapor overwhelms all other natural and man-made greenhouse contributions." Are they right ? cheers
  13. S

    Greenhouse Gases: Causes of Global Warming

    Do anyone know anything on the green house gases? How are they causing global warming?
  14. N

    Astronomy - Greenhouse Effect (integral troubles mainly)

    Given equations: \frac{d T^4}{dr} = - \frac{3 \kappa \rho}{a c} F_{rad} where a = 4 \sigma_{B} / c with \sigma_{B} being the Boltzmann constant. Also, define the optical depth \tau = \int \kappa \rho dr Optical depth measured at ground level is \tau_{g} Where \tau_{g} = \int^\infty_{ground}...
  15. N

    Which greenhouse gases is the most powerful?

    which greenhouse gases is the most powerful? :eek:
  16. B

    Calculating Earth's Greenhouse Gas Absorption

    Ok, here's the question. Without the greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere the temperature would be 250K. With them it is 40K higher (290K). Using the Stefan-Boltzman equation for flux ( F = σT4) what is the percentage of infrared radiation leaving the Earth's surface taht is...
  17. S

    Discussing the Kobe Treaty on Greenhouse Gasses

    We have some good discussions going on the pros and cons of global warming, so here's a thread for discussion the Kobe treaty on cutting greenhouse gasses. As we recall, the Europeans and third world countries were enthusiastic about it, but opponents raised serious questions of cost/benefit...
  18. K

    Discovering the Father of the Greenhouse Effect: His Origin, Work, and Findings

    Who is considered the father of the greenhouse effect and why? what did he discover? and where was he from and where did he work? If anyone could please help answer these questions it would be greatly appriciated. Thanks Kathleen