Guass' law Definition and 12 Threads

Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (; German: Gauß [kaʁl ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈɡaʊs] (listen); Latin: Carolus Fridericus Gauss; 30 April 1777 – 23 February 1855) was a German mathematician and physicist who made significant contributions to many fields in mathematics and science. Sometimes referred to as the Princeps mathematicorum (Latin for '"the foremost of mathematicians"') and "the greatest mathematician since antiquity", Gauss had an exceptional influence in many fields of mathematics and science, and is ranked among history's most influential mathematicians.

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  1. mohammed

    Solving Electric Field Vector Problems Using Gauss's Law

    I'm preparing for exam but it seems I can't find problems similar to this on the internet. Here I will apply Gauss's law on the electric field vector to get the charge density. but the problem is that I can't find similar examples on the internet that uses direct vectors on Maxwell's equations...
  2. S

    Flux due to a charge located at the corner of a cube

    The correct answer is B, but I am not sure why. I have a few confusions regarding this problem. First of all, I had thought that we cannot use Gauss' Law to determine the flux through a SIDE of a cube since Gauss' Law only works for SURFACES. How can we determine how an electric field pierces a...
  3. T

    I Why do the signs alternate when using Gauss' law for gravity?

    "Gauss's theorem can be established as follows. consider an attracting particle of mass m at the point P, and let a cone of small solid angle ω be generated by radii through P. This cone cuts the surface at the points Q1, Q2, ... taken in order from P; the parts of the surface cut off by the...
  4. P

    How do I find out the flux for an air core inductor

    How do I find out gauss from air core inductor 36mohm pumped with ~130amps 9ms long? Greatly appriciated.
  5. S

    Find induced charge on conducting cube in uniform field

    Problem statement, equations, and work done: A perfectly conducting cube is placed in a uniform electric field in the x direction (see attached). Step1 : Use Gauss's law to determine the electric field inside the cube.##\phi_E = 2E(r)A = \frac{q}{\epsilon_0} →...
  6. L

    Electric field and Guass' Law question

    Hi, I'm trying to complete the weekly homework questions that have been assigned to me but I am quite stuck. I've searched all over the web and watched a few youtube lectures but I can't seem to wrap my head around Gauss' law. I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction...
  7. M

    Guass' Law (Conducting Cylinder)

    Homework Statement Two coaxial cylindrical conductors are shown in perspective and cross-section above. The inner cylinder has radius a = 2 cm, length L = 10 m and carries a total charge of Qinner = + 8 nC (1 nC = 10-9 C). The outer cylinder has an inner radius b = 6 cm, outer radius c = 7...
  8. K

    Solve Guass' Law Q for Ey: Find Electric Field at Point P

    Homework Statement An insulator in the shape of a spherical shell is shown in cross-section at this site: . The insulator is defined by an inner radius a = 4 cm and an outer radius b = 6 cm and carries a total charge of Q = + 9 μC...
  9. R

    Applying Guass' Law to Cylindrical Symmetry

    OK, having some trouble wrapping my head around this so would appreciate some clarification. Let us say I had a long, thin wall metal tube of radius R with a uniform charge per unit length. Would there be some magnitude of E of the electric field at a radial distance of R/2? I understand...
  10. S

    How Does Gauss' Law Apply to Electric Fields and Capacitance Calculations?

    Guass' law and RC 1. Homework Statement 1. Find the potential due to a charged line of charge density lambda. the point of interest is on the axis of the line, and a distance afrom the near end of the lone . the line os of length b. the potential is: k lambda ln(a+b)/a). 2 Show that for...
  11. S

    Wrong Forum: Help with Guass' Law & RC

    help me on these questions please~ srry ~ i posted wrong forum
  12. R

    Why Is My Calculation of the Dielectric Constant Incorrect?

    the answer i keep getting is wrong ... help? Homework Statement Two parallel plates of area 110 cm2 are given charges of equal magnitudes 9.6 × 10-7 C but opposite signs. The electric field within the dielectric material filling the space between the plates is 4.2 × 106 V/m. (a)...