Christoph Schiller, "From maximum force to physics in 9 lines -- and implications for quantum gravity" arXiv:2208.01038 (July 31, 2022).
This paper asserts that nine propositions can be used to derive the Standard Model and GR and can point the way to quantum gravity, although he cheats a bit...
The immune system is disrupted by Covid - e.g., cytokine storm. This disruption appears in the genetic "makeup" of fecal...
Since genome sequencing is apparently having a major impact on medical science, just to name one field, I am interested in hearing/reading more about this recent event regarding autism. It seems to me this could have far-reaching implications and possibly major impact on how we view...
This article discusses some findings. The findings show a possibility: gut bacteria may coexist in the brain tissue of mammals. Humans are mammals. There is room for skepticism in the endeavor so far. Example: contamination of cadaver brain tissue samples.
The reason for this position on...
Hi all,
I was reading about the history of the early universe today, and there were some things that I did not understand. In particular, I do not understand the concept of "spontaneous symmetry breaking." After reading the Mexican Hat analogy many times, here is my best understanding of it...
I was reading the following article that tries to use some equations originally proposed by Pauli in 1951 to reason from one of two reasonably plausible axions that there are tight constraints on the fundamental particle content and mass spectrum of the Standard Model together with BSM...
So I've heard it talked about how how at high energies all the strength of all fundamental forces are expected to merge together to single force, but don't quite get how you get from "all the forces have the same strength at high energies" to "all the forces are really the same force."...
Search for Proton Decay via p→e+π0 and p→μ+π0 in 0.31 megaton⋅years exposure of the Super-Kamiokande Water Cherenkov Detector
M. Miura (The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration)
(Submitted on 12 Oct 2016)
We have searched for proton decay via p→e+π0 and p→μ+π0 using Super-Kamiokande data from April...
I suffer with bipolar , how would this help me?
All of us who have experienced a 'nervous stomach' under periods of stress suspect that there is a link between our gut and our mood. Now researchers have received strong scientific...
Antibiotics often killed off good bacteria species in our guts. Are there any ways to replenish them, other than the unpleasant fecal transplant procedure?
A search on this topic mostly return recommendations on healthy diet and probiotics. I reckon these can only help surviving species, and...
While investigating various aspects of generalised least action principles over the last several years I have come across an algebraic mathematical group that I am finding hard to classify but whose root vectors should relate to the standard model (no it is not E8 ! nor any exceptional group I...
I was thinking about the concept of Unification at extreme energies, and how the symmetry breaking / condensation as a result of universal expansion resolves the necessary fields for our universe.
As such, it stands to reason to consider a Hot Big Bang as candidate for the arena to allow for the...
I understand there are quite a few GUT candidates. I also understand that among these candidates some are considered by the theoretical physics community to be more likely to be correct than others.
I am curious about what each of the various GUT candidates predicts as the time (relative to...
If we looked the gut biome of old, productive, relatively healthy people, would their biomes likely have things in common? Similarities in their diets?
If we looked at the biome makeup of top athletes would there likely be some similarities?
If we feed ten rats the same meals for long periods...
Normally, we think about a grand unified theory (GUT) that unifies the standard model forces and particles into an overarching unified framework, as a pre-requisite to a theory of everything (TOE) which adds quantum gravity to a GUT.
But, developments of both beyond the Standard Model physics...
Why does gut preserve B-L, not B+L?
Also, does weak interaction see both baryons and leptons as particles? Is the helicity required for weak interaction the same (left) for both baryons and leptons and the opposite (right) for both antibaryons and antileptons?
I don't know much about GUT physics, but I've been wondering whether these models usually breaks the grand unified symmetry to the standard model all at once, or multiple times at different energies. And in the case of multiple breakings, how many Higgs-like scalars are needed...
I went to a science museum last weekend and saw timeline of the big bang. There is a "GUT Epoch" mentioned at the beginning but then how can this be when GUT (Grand Unified Theories) was not proven due to lack of proton decay, etc. What other alternatives beyond the standard model if the strong...
So why the hot pursuit of QG while GUT unification does not look even attainable. None(AFAIK) of the QG theories seem to address this question (GUT), or am I wrong.
Hi all,
Having learned much about technicalities in Grand Unified Theory, I have known that it's basically pursuing the belief that coupling constants of all interactions converge to the same value.
My question is, do Feynman rules still hold in this theory (b/c each type of interaction...
So I'm interested in doing research regarding a GUT after I graduate, but I don't know the best way to go about this.
In regards to choosing my senior level courses, which courses should I be taking? Should I start thinking experimental or theoretical?
I know this is a pretty wide subject...
Hi PF!
When Einstein was done with his General theory of Relativity, he was trying to build upon this theory, through different approaches, like the Kaluza-Klein theory, to try to build a classical theory of everything, which was purely geometrical. Since this wasn't successful throughout the...
Hey, I'm having trouble deciding on my major. I wonder how you guys knew that the major you chose was the one for you. Did you rely on your "gut feeling"? Is it reliable? Or is logic better, in terms of knowing that you are good in that particular subject, there are good job prospects with that...
I've been studying, just for pleasure, but studying in the end, a lot about QFT and its prerrequisites reaching some not so bad understanding of the Standard Model. I know that I still have to fill a lot of gaps, but nevertheless, I am looking for some new topic to start reading (while I fill...
i understand GUT to be an effort to unify the 3 (4) basic forces - gravity, EM and electro-weak, and strong. however, i also read that the standard model is not actually a theory of particles - it is a field theory, in that particles are accepted as manifestations of fields, rather than actual...
Most if not all laws of physics are not mathematical, rather statements that define the way mathematical models must follow. They have been laid down by intuition and observation.
So how can something like string theory based on maths be expected to achieve a GUT or TOE if it does not know...
Hi all,
Stephen Hawking extended the Godel's Theorem to physics and hence expressed that single TOE does not exist.
So, :shy: does that mean that single GUT cannot exist as well? I guess not, in a sense that GUT might not necessarily mean TOE.
I just want opinions.
Before Higgs symmetry breaking of SU(2)xU(1) electroweak unified force or even before that, when strong and electroweak were unified as GUT theories propose, the vacuum was different from today's universe.
What effects had these different vacua on the evolution of the universe?
Basically the question is:
Can your gut flora change slightly by kissing a lot?
Will it have an effect on your digestion?
Can you change weight because of this?
It kind of works in lab experiments with mice and it exists for babies.
Hi, all!
I am about to learn how GUTs (specifically SO(10)) work, but I am stuck already at the different representations.
In SO(10) models all particles are in a \overline{16}.
Since \overline{16} x \overline{16} = [SIZE="4"]10 + \overline{126} + [SIZE="4"]120, one can couple Higgs...
I first thought of posting on cataloguing various Grand Unified Theory proposals, but that would be an enormous task, so I decided on something simpler: cataloguing proposed GUT gauge-symmetry groups.
The unbroken Standard-Model symmetry is SU(3)C * SU(2)L * U(1)Y
SU(3)C -- color...
New member, first post.
Is a Grand Unifying Theory even possible?
If there is evolution on our planet, why would there not be an evolution of the laws of the universe? What we theorize, test and measure may be true of our universe at this time point, but could it not be that at...
To make a grand unified theory "complete", does it have to involve gravity? If gravity is more of a warp of space-time, and less of an actual force, then do we already have a grand unified theory (since we have combined the other 3 forces), or do we NEED gravity to be a force to have a GUT.
I'm trying to see how well I understand the issue of GUT mass unification, since I have trouble finding references that collect mass-unification predictions.
The first problem is renormalizing from accelerator-accessible energies to GUT energies. That's sensitive to the particle spectrum in...
One argument in favor of SUSY is that without SUSY, the running gauge coupling unification do not meet for the three forces, but with SUSY they meet around 10^15 GEV. This implies that gauge coupling most meet for GUT to be viable. So without SUSY, the running gauge couplings do not meet.
Can you please tell me some resource or link that has the lagrangian for SO(10) GUT written explicitely term by term? Any version of SO(10) GUT is fine(I mean based on the way the symmetry is broken)
I know that proton decay has falsified SU(5) based around 10e30 years.
What proton decay of SO(10)?
Are SUSY SU(5) and SUSY SO(10) still viable?
If the experiment continues with a null result, what models are next in line to be falsified?
Could protons last forever and thus falsfy...
Gravity from a Particle Physicist's perspective
R. Percacci
Lectures given at the Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation, Cuiaba, Brazil April 20-24 2009. To appear in Proceedings of Science
(Submitted on 27 Oct 2009)
"In these lectures I review...
Are all string theory based unification of 4 forces predicated on GUT?
If GUTs (whether SU(5) to SO(10)) are all false, and not the way nature works, does this mean that string theory unification is also false?
I understand the logic for GUT, proton decay, SU(5), SO(10) manifest at extremely high energies, as well as SUSY-extensions,
has it been ever seriously considered that GUT is unrealized in nature? Fundamentally new physics takes over at higher energy, and therefore SM 200 Gev level energy...
So, I was thinking, SM symmetry group is U(1)XSU(2)XSU(3), so, why not going on, that is:
U(1)XSU(2)XSU(3)XSU(4)XSU(5)X...XSU(N), N-> infinity
Did anyone ever try that?
[[Mod. note -- I have "repaired" various non-ASCII characters as best
as I can, but it's *much* safer if postings are submitted in 7-bit-ASCII
only. In particular, Microsoft Windows "smart quotes" tend to get
quite mangled before they arrive at s.p.r moderstors' mailboxes... :(
-- jt]]
In the...
I hope this is the right place to ask this question:
Why does GUT Model has to have a rank of at least 4 (Such as Georgi-Glashaw Model of SU(5) )? In Georgi's Lie Algebras book it vaguely states that they correspond to the generators S, R, T3 and T8, where S and R are generators of U(1) and...
Why in every single text about GUT theories only the left spinors are used? Why use the conjugate of the spinor instead of the spinor itself? Is it just a another historic definition?
Since the coupling strengths of strong force,weak force and electromagnetic force meet at the scale of 10^16 GeV,then why weak force and electromagnetic force are unified at the scale of 10^2 GeV? We may see the two coupling strengths' curves are not intersect at this scale... And further,why...
Can anyone suggest a textbook/paper or two that serves as a good intro/reference to reps of SU(5), SU(5) GUTs and embedding the SM?
I am looking for something that is beginner-ish to medium technicality. A reference of some sort that summaries all basic results and properties.
thanks in...
A couple years ago it was typical to see in articles, and to hear in conferences, specially when discussing about the hierarchy or about meeting of the coupling constants at GUT scale, of some other examples of misleading coincidences. The most prolific example was the coincidence between the...