Hinge Definition and 87 Threads

A hinge is a mechanical bearing that connects two solid objects, typically allowing only a limited angle of rotation between them. Two objects connected by an ideal hinge rotate relative to each other about a fixed axis of rotation: all other translations or rotations being prevented, and thus a hinge has one degree of freedom. Hinges may be made of flexible material or of moving components. In biology, many joints function as hinges like the elbow joint.

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  1. L

    Current in a rectangle on a hinge

    Homework Statement Figure 29-36 shows a rectangular, 15-turn coil of wire, 10 cm by 5.0 cm. It carries a current of 0.90 A and is hinged along one long side. It is mounted in the xy plane, at an angle of 30° to the direction of a uniform magnetic field of 0.50 T. Find the magnitude and...
  2. E

    Torque on a hinge to a gate that is 69 inches long

    I have a gate that is 69 inches long and it takes 50 lbs of force to lift at the end of the gate when it is extended at a little over a 90 degree angle. How many foot pounds of torque in a torsion spring will be needed to lift the gate or at least offset the majority of the weight?
  3. I

    What Do You Call This Type of Hinge?

    Can you tell me what this type of hinge is called? I like how it springs into 1 of 3 positions. I'd like to see other examples but I don't know what to search for. Thanks, Don http://www.laphotopro.com/temp/images/BT-Headset-0001.jpg http://www.laphotopro.com/temp/images/BT-Headset-0002.jpg...
  4. D

    Free fall of hatch with a frictional hinge

    Hi people! I have a real life problem that i can't solve...Im trying to figure out the tangencial speed or angular velocity of a hatch at the moment it is about to close (initially it was closed). The hatch has been accelerating due to gravity. It looks much as a pendulum to me. But, it gets...
  5. L

    Force on the top hinge of an open door

    Please can one of you bright people help me, I am not very good at maths and would appreciate a line by line answer so I can copy it onto a spread sheet and use it in the future. What I am trying to work out is what force will be excerted on a partition when a door is open at 90 degrees. If...
  6. S

    Finding the contact force in a hinge?

    I have been working on a slightly tricky calculus problem and was hoping someone could verify my solution. Homework Statement A 4m long beam whose mass is 5 kg is attached to the wall by a wire and a hinge that allows the beam to rotate. There is a sign (with a mass of 20 kg) attached to...
  7. B

    Statics: a hinge held up by a string with a mass

    Homework Statement A uniform beam of mass M and length L is mounted on a hinge at a wall as shown in the figure. It is held in a horizontal position by a wire making an angle (theta) as shown. A mass m is placed on the beam a distance from the wall, and this distance can be varied...
  8. C

    Vertical speed of a point attached by two rods to a rotating hinge.

    Homework Statement Not exactly homework, but an interesting problem I found for which I have some questions about the answer. A rod of length r is rotating around a point O with constant angular velocity w. Distance r away to the right from the point O is a rail. The end of the rod with...
  9. J

    Bending moment diagrams with a hinge?

    Homework Statement Hey guys I'm having trouble drawing the bending moment diagram for this beam with a hinge? I'm not sure where to start? I've looked at stuff online and its completely different to the stuff in my textbook Homework Equations equilibrium equations ƩFx=0 ƩFy=0 ƩM=0...
  10. T

    Calculate the torque of a hinge in a dam

    Homework Statement The upper edge of a gate in a dam runs along the water surface. The gate is 2.00 m high and 4.00m wide and is hinged along a horizontal line through its center. Calculate the torque about the hinge arising from the force due to the water. (Hint: Calculate the torque on a...
  11. M

    Linear acceleration of a rod fixed to a hinge at one end

    Homework Statement a uniform stick with a mass of 1.00 kg and length of 1.00m has a fixed hinge at one end. It is released at an angel of 60 degrees above the horizontal and it drops with normal gravity. What is the magnitude of the linear acceleration of the point at the free end just after...
  12. B

    Force of a hinge on a hinged beam

    Homework Statement A 26.6 kg beam is attached to a wall with a hinge and its far end is supported by a cable. The angle between the beam and the cable is 90°. If the beam is inclined at an angle of theta=13.3° with respect to horizontal, what is the horizontal component of the force exerted...
  13. R

    Structural Analysis Problem- internal hinge

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution for part 1: i figured that this structure is not in static equilibrium. once load "P" is applied, the roller at "D" will function as a fulcrum and ABC will lift (make an angle with the horizontal). is that assumption correct...
  14. M

    Rotational Motion with a Suspended Hinge

    The Problem: A thin rod of mass 0.490 kg and length 1.16 m is at rest, hanging vertically from a strong, fixed hinge at its top end. Suddenly, a horizontal impulsive force (12.7) N is applied to it. a) Suppose the force acts at the bottom end of the rod. Find the acceleration of its center...
  15. L

    Moment of inertia of a door about its hinge

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I=p\int_{0}^{0.85}r^2dV where p is density and r is perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation. dV=dxdydz The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure where I'm going with this one as it seems I'll have to integrate dx*dy*dz which is kind of confusing...
  16. M

    Finding Friction Force in a Flexible Hinge with Mass

    Homework Statement A frame is made from two beams of equal length joined at the top with a flexible hinge that can open to any angle. A mass, m, is hung by a massless rope from the hinge. The angle between the rope and each of the beams is (phi). Find an expression for the force of...
  17. G

    Calculating the load rating for a multi-bar hinge?

    I need some help in calculating the load rating for a multi-bar hinge. This hinge is different from a door hinge. It is fitted beneath the windows and can be used for either side-opening of the windows or for top-hung windows (windows for high-rise glazed glass buildings). The hinges are...
  18. M

    Angular acceleration of a bar on a hinge

    Homework Statement A bar on a hinge starts from rest and rotates with \alpha=(10+6t) rad/s2 t is in seconds. Determine the angle in radians the bar turns in the first 4 seconds. Homework Equations I'm a little stumped how to get this one started. I assume i need to get it from angular...
  19. J

    Calc Forces on Hinge for Dynamically Loaded Stick

    Homework Statement In this problem we want to learn a little bit about what is sometimes called dynamical loading. Our simple system consists of a uniform stick of length L and mass M hinged at one end. We would like to calculate the forces on the (frictionless) hinge when the stick is...
  20. C

    Static Equilibrium of hinge Question

    Homework Statement A stationary 3.0-m board of mass 6.0 kg is hinged at one end. A force is applied vertically at the other end, and the board makes a 30° angle with the horizontal. A 50-kg block rests on the board 80 cm from the hinge as shown in the figure below...
  21. D

    What are the forces acting on a hinge?

    Homework Statement In the figure below, the bar is 3.4 meters long and has a mass of 100 kg. what is the magnitude of the hinge force?The Attempt at a Solution cosβ=2/sqrt(2^2+3.4^2) cosβ=0.51 0.51T=mg/2 T= 100*9.8/(2*0.51)=960.8 I'm not 100% sure if I did this right. Any assistance will be...
  22. Wellesley

    Static Equilibrium of door and hinge

    Homework Statement A door made of a uniform piece of wood measures 1 m by 2 m and has a mass of 18 kg. The door is entirely supported by two hinges, one at the bottom corner and one at the top corner. Find the force (magnitude and direction) that the door exerts on each hinge. Assume that the...
  23. G

    Static Equilibrium of a beam and hinge

    Homework Statement A 90 N sign hangs on the end of a 55 N beam supported by a wire as shown. The beam is attached to the wall by a hinge. What are the horizontal and vertical componetns of the force on the hinge? Notes: the sign is 1.7 m from the wall the CG of the beam is located...
  24. D

    How to get a 180deg shaft rotation out of a 180 deg hidden hinge?

    A 180 degree movement (12 o’ clock to 6 o’ clock in a clockwise direction) transposed into a180deg shaft rotation with no mechanical components present at the pivot point or in the swept arc after movement (i.e right hand side of clock face) Example: I’m currently designing a sophisticated...
  25. L

    Machine part ABC is supported by a frictionless hinge

    The machine part ABC is supported by a frictionless hinge at B and a 10degree wedge at C. There is also a 120 lb force pushing to the right of point A. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction is 0.20 at both surfaces of the wedge, determine (a) the force P required to move the wedge to...
  26. T

    Torque on a current loop about a hinge line

    Homework Statement A rectangular 20 turn loop that is 12 by 5 cm carries a current of 0.10A. It's hinged at one of the longer 12cm sides. It's mounted with its plane at an angle of 33 degrees to the direction of a magnetic field of 0.50T. What's the torque about the hinge line? Homework...
  27. Y

    Design a Faster and More Efficient Parallel Bar Hinge System for Car Canopies

    Hello to all, I am not a mechanical engineer, I am a jack of trades though. I am trying to solve a problem I see in a design an need your help to design a system for a lifting canopy on a car, the functions better than the current one. Currently, the lifting system on this car, is constructed...
  28. C

    What is the best way to position hinges on a heavy duty door design?

    I working on a project to manufacture a door of size (W)1.5m and (H)2.5m that uses 7 butt hinges attached to the frame. The weight of the door is approx 300kg. Currently I have decided to position the hinges equally to each other but my production supervisor is advising against it. He suggest...
  29. S

    Beam and Hinge Equilibrium Analysis

    1. Homework Statement A 10 meter beam with a mass of 100 kg is hinged at the wall with a supporting cable at 6 meters from the hinge, making a 60 degree with the beam. There is a 50 kg person located at 9 meters from the hinge. Assuming equilibrium, what is the tension on the cable, the force...
  30. S

    What Is the Reacting Force From the Hinge and Its Angle?

    Homework Statement A 15 meter beam jutting out of the side of a building is held by a hinge (at the wall) and a cable at 10 meters from the wall. The angle between the beam and the cable is 60 degrees and the mass of the beam is 250 kg. If a 1000 N object is located on the beam, 7 meters...
  31. A

    Find the magnitude of the horizontal force exerted by the lower hinge

    Homework Statement A symmetrical door of mass 27.5 kg is 5.44 m high and 2.46 wide. The hinges are placed at the very top and very bottom of the door. Find the magnitude of the horizontal force exerted by the lower hinge. Homework Equations Fd=Fd sum tau clockwise = sum tau...
  32. N

    Solving Beam Hinge Torque for Horizontal Force

    Homework Statement A 35.0kg beam is attached to a wall with a hinge and its far end is supported by a cable. The angle between the beam and the cable is 90o. If the beam is inclined at an angle of theta=14.0o with respect to horizontal, what is the horizontal component of the force exerted by...
  33. P

    What is the resultant torque about the hinge?

    Homework Statement What is the resutant torque about the hinge? known data: CCW force 280N, CW force 400, see diagram attached for all data. All red drawings are done by me. Black is the original problem. Homework Equations M = F * perpendicular distance D. The Attempt at a...
  34. D

    How Does Angular Velocity Change in a Swinging Rod with Masses?

    Homework Statement A massless rod length L has a small mass m attached to the center and another mass m attached at one end. On the opposite end, the rod is hinged to a frictionless hinge. The rod is released from rest at a horizontal position and swings down. What is the angular velocity as...
  35. C

    Spring Hinge Solutions for Unique Jobs

    Spring hinges..? I need a spring type hing to do a particular job. From a closed position when in use it can be pulled open to 90 degrees and locks in position. Then can be released to spring back to closed position? Also could one open to 180 degrees?...is this possible? thanks
  36. S

    Question on wire tension & hinge force

    A person with mass 55.0 kg stands d = 1.85 m away from the wall on a x = 5.65 m beam. The mass of the beam is 40.0 kg. A wire connects the end of the beam to the opposite wall at an upward 30 degree angle. Find the hinge force components (Rx and Ry) and the tension (T) in the wire.
  37. A

    Fluid Mechanics - Torque at hinge of closed vessel

    The closed vessel contains water with an air pressure of 10 psi at the water surface. One side of the vessel contains a spout closed by a 6-inch diameter circular gate hinged along one side. Horizontal axis of the hinge is located 10 ft below the water surface. Determine the minimum torque that...