What is I-v: Definition and 35 Discussions

The I–V–vi–IV progression is a common chord progression popular across several genres of music. It involves the I, V, vi, and IV chords of any particular musical scale. For example, in the key of C major, this progression would be: C–G–Am–F. Rotations include:

I–V–vi–IV : C–G–Am–F (optimistic)
V–vi–IV–I : G–Am–F–C
vi–IV–I–V : Am–F–C–G (pessimistic)
IV–I–V–vi : F–C–G–AmThe '50s progression uses the same chords but in a different order (I–vi–IV–V), no matter the starting point.

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  1. prox777

    I Why diode with larger band gap has larger onset potential?

    I don't understand why voltage increases with band gap. I understand why from the equations, but not conceptually. From my understanding, the onset voltage is what is needed to overcome the contact potential that forms when the p-type and n-type samples are joined together in a p-n junction. But...
  2. mcastillo356

    Demo of the I-V equation of an inductor

    Hello, I would like to know the demonstration of i-v formula ##v=L\dfrac{di}{dt}##. Does it come from Faraday's law, ##\epsilon=-N\dfrac{\Delta{\phi}}{\Delta{t}}##?; why does sometimes appears ##v=-L\dfrac{di}{dt}##? . Magnetic flow in a constant magnetic field, ##\phi=BA\cos{\theta}## is also a...
  3. Edge5

    A Scanning Tunneling Microscope I-V curve

    I know that scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) I-V curve is exponential for a conducting sample. How would it look like if I had a semiconductor and a non-conductor sample?
  4. M

    How to determine the change of resistance from I-V graph?

    1. Homework Statement How to determine the change of R of a non-ohmic conductor from different parts of I-V graph? Please see the sketch attached. Homework Equations R=V/I The Attempt at a Solution For the part that passes through the origin, it is obvious that the...
  5. avner yakov

    What the difference between pin and pn diodes i-v curve?

    For my understanding there should be no big difference in i-v curve between regular p-n junction and p-i-n junction, the only difference i can think about is do to the bigger resistance of the intrinsic layer. The curve should look the same only the current will rise little bit slower, because...
  6. shihab-kol

    I-V graph of two wires and temperature

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ## V=IR## The Attempt at a Solution This is an I-V graph so the slope must represent ##\frac{1}{R} ## Now, $$ R∝Temperature$$ {This is assuming that the wires are of metal} Now , since the graph is of ##\frac{1}{R} ## , the steeper the slope the higher...
  7. C

    Interpreting I-V graphs in Photoelectric effect

    Homework Statement In photoelectric effect I-V graphs, for the same intensity but with different light frequencies (f2>f1), the I-V graph has the same max photocurrent but |Vs2| > |Vs1|. If we concentrate between the cutoff and the saturation regions of the I-V graph, we can see that at any...
  8. U

    Why Are My Diode IV Characteristics Readings Different?

    I was doing an experiment to plot the IV characteristics of a diode. I connected a resistor, diode and milli ammeter in series. I connected a voltmeter across the diode. I measured the diode voltage and diode current. When i changed the resistor, I got a different set of diode voltage readings...
  9. S

    What equipment is needed for illuminated I-V measurements of a solar cell?

    What equipment is needed for illuminated I-V measurements of a solar cell? light source, 2 multimeters light source, 2 multimeters, variable resistor, voltage source light source of variable intensity, 2 multimeters, irradiance meter Light source, 2 multimeters, variable resistor PV analyser...
  10. M

    Linking gradient of IV graph and resistance

    Homework Statement If I have a current-voltage (y-x) graph for a resistor, I could argue that the reciprocal of the gradient at a point is equal to the resistance of that resistor at that pd across it. However, on a markscheme for an AS level physics paper, they penalised linking gradient to...
  11. J

    Finding the smallest resistance on a I-V graph

    Homework Statement Ok, so I did this.. V=IR I=(1/R)V, gradient is (1/R) -> y=mx+c So in order to have the smallest resistance, we choose the point on the graph that has the largest gradient, which I chose B, because the tangent on the graph on point B is the largest, but the correct answer is...
  12. U

    Understanding Laser Diodes: Operation & I-V Curves

    can any tell me about laser diode, how it operate and I-v curve of laser diode?
  13. J

    The Relationship between Current and Temperature in Semi-Conductors

    Homework Statement Using the diagram for the I-V characteristic of a semi-conductor (attached). Answer the following questions: 1. Why is the resistance of an I-V characteristic not determined by the gradient of the graph 2. Explain why the temperature of semiconductor increases 3. Explain why...
  14. D

    How do I plot the load line for a nonlinear network with an ideal diode?

    Homework Statement Plot the iA vs. vA characteristics for the nonlinear network shown in Figure 4.49. Assume the diode is ideal. The nonlinear network from part (a) is connected as shown in Figure 4.50. Draw the load line on your v i characteristics from part (a), and find iT Homework...
  15. C

    V-i characteristics for voltage divider with current source

    This is a problem from Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits by Agarwal & Lang, I'm going through it by myself, I'm not in a course, so I'm depending on you friendly forum people for help! I really like this book but it has a lot of errors, perhaps this is another error. 1...
  16. C

    Determine type of semiconductor from IV measurements of Schottky

    I was wondering if it would be possible to determine if a Schottky diode was n-type of p-type (in the bulk) by only using I-V measurements?
  17. Hyo X

    Find capacitance from nonlinear I-V curves

    I have some experimental circuit element that exhibits both resistance and capacitance, and results in nonlinear I-V curves. can i extract capacitance and resistance of this element just from the I-V curve? or do I need time-axis data? a suggestion on what equation to use to fit this data? thanks.
  18. I

    How is integration order determined for the I-V relation of capacitors?

    I'm having a brain fart so this is just another silly question but... when deriving the I-V relation for the capacitor: $$C=\frac{dq}{dV}$$ $$\frac{d}{dt}C=\frac{d}{dt} (\frac{dq}{dV})=\frac{d}{dt}C=\frac{di}{dV}$$ from here, normally we're supposed to do the following...
  19. R

    What is the load line equation for I-V Characteristic plot?

    What is the load line equation for I-V Characteristic plots? Why is load line slope negative? According to Ohm's Law: i = V/R; so as voltage increases current increases then slope should be positive, right?
  20. H

    How Do We Find Turn-On Voltage from an I-V Graph?

    How do we determine the turn-on voltage from a given I-V graph? 2. I have attached the picture. The graph which i need to obtain the turn-on voltage from is on the right. 3. I have searched the web and the closest answer I can find is from this website (link can't be posted due to lack of post)...
  21. S

    Diode i-v characteristic via oscilloscope

    Hello all, We utilized a differential attenuator to display the i-v characteristic of a 1n4005 diode. However, I was a bit confused as to how I could determine what the y-axis was calibrated as. I know that the vertical axis is actually current, but is there some sort of tactic for determining...
  22. S

    Wrong measuring of diode I-V curve in pulsed mode

    Hi. In order to measure the I-V curve of a normal diode in pulsed mode, I set up the following experimental kit. The experimental results do not change with pulsewidth, which is quite long (us regime), and low frequency (200hz and less). An HP pulse generator is connected via BNC cable to an...
  23. S

    Why Does the I-V Characteristic Curve Invert in PC1D Simulations?

    Hi All, I am using PC1D (is the most commonly used of the commercially available solar cell modelling programs) when I tried to simulate PV silicon to see I-V characteristic curve the curve flip as you can see attached file. My question how can I make short_circuit Ib positive value...
  24. U

    Diode I-V Characteristic At High Frequency

    Hi i wonder if the diode I-V characteristics will be as usual at it is operated at high frequency? Some one told me that it will be not the same. There will be a some kind of hysteresis loop will appear in the curve. Can anyone ensure me about that or give me a useful link about that topics?
  25. K

    Why I-V curve but not V-I curve

    Why we use I-V curve to show the characteristic of an electrical device but not V-I curve? I think the V-I one is clearer as the gradient would be resistance directly... My teacher said there is a reason to use I-V, but she couldn't remenber. Anyone knows?...Thx a lot...
  26. C

    Modeling I-V Characteristics in LTSpice

    I'm trying to model the I-V characteristics of a few diodes in LTSpice. Though doing the DC sweep I have in the picture doesn't seem to give me what I want. I'm sweeping from -80V (It's breakdown is 75V) to 2V, in 1V increments. What kind of simulation do I have to run across the diode to get a...
  27. E

    Why Does Current Rise Exponentially in a Diode After Reaching +0.6V?

    so I've seen this graph all over the internet, but nowhere seems to explain why the current after +0.6v rises exponentially and not just straight up. is it mainly due to the internal resistance of the diode or is there significant inductance/capacitance in there as well. what's the dominating...
  28. F

    Problem obtaining I-V characterisation of solar cell

    Hi guys, I am currently doing a university project on the reliability studies of a a-Si thin-film solar cell with specs of 3V@25mA. However, I am stuck at the first step, which requires me to obtain the I-V characterisation curve to derive the parameters of Isc,Voc and Pmax. My lab has a...
  29. F

    How to obtain the I-V characterisation curve of a-Si solar cell?

    How to obtain the I-V characterisation curve of a-Si solar cell?? Hi guys, I am currently doing a university project on the reliability studies of a a-Si thin-film solar cell with specs of 3V@25mA. However, I am stuck at the first step, which requires me to obtain the I-V characterisation...
  30. V

    I-V Characteristics of Photovoltaic cells

    Hi, could someone care to explain two things: 1) Whats happens when the resistance load of a circuit powered by a PV cell generates a higher voltage then that produced by the PV cell (does band gap get affected). 2) Why does current drop near the Open Circuit Voltage? Surely the generation...
  31. C

    I-V graph of Diode using a C.R.O.

    Homework Statement In all physics textbooks, the V-I graph for diode appears like the followings However, when I conducted the experiment with a 1N4001 diode and 12V-AC, similar graph was found, the the graph seemed to have reflected...
  32. V

    Finding an expression for charge (Q) given an I-V equation

    An ideal semiconductor diode is a nonlinear element that obeys the following I-V equation: I\,=\,I_s\,\left(\,e^{\frac{V}{V_{th}}}\,-\,1\right) where I_s is a constant (saturation current) and V_{th} is a constant (thermal voltage, V_{th}\,=\,\frac{k_B\,T}{q}). Assuming the applied...
  33. S

    I-V characteristics of a silicon p-n junction diode

    Hello all, I've been tasked with drawing the I-V characteristics of a silicon p-n junction diode and I've managed to do that fine. Now, I've been tasked with showing how this curve will vary with temperature (200-400 deg.c) and by illumination with light of photon energy greater than the...
  34. V

    Which is the resistance? 1/Slope or V/I? (in I-V graph)

    I've just done the experiment on investigating the resistance of a piece of filament. As expected, the dots on the I-V graph shows a curve trend. But what is the resistance of each point on the curve? the 1/slope? or just the x coordinate/y coordinate? What's the difference? Thanks. :smile:
  35. J

    Calculation of Excitation potentialfrom I-V curve

    From a current v voltage graph, how does one calculate the excitation potential? I thought it was calculate the difference between peaks, take an average and this gives you the excitation potential? Is this right or is there a different way to calculate it? James