What is Integals: Definition and 70 Discussions

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  1. P

    Applying the divergence theorem to find total surface charge

    Homework Statement Sorry- I've figured it out, but I am afraid I don't know how to delete the thread. Thank you though :) Homework Equations Below The Attempt at a Solution Photo below- I promise its coming! I've started by using cylindrical coordinates, but I wasn't sure if spherical...
  2. T

    Integration of Maxwell speed distribution function

    Homework Statement Show the steps needed to obtain the equation for average molecular speed, cavg=√8RT/πM from the integral (from negative infinity to infinity) ∫v*f(v)dv where f(v) is the Maxwell distribution of speeds function f(v)=4π*(M/2πRT)1.5v2e-Mv2/2RT M is the molar mass of the...
  3. N

    Integrate √1+x^2 - Solutions & Explanations

    1. The problem is as follows: ∫(√1+x^2)dx/(x) 2. Using trig sub --> x = atanΘ with a = √1 = 1. So x = tanΘ and dx = sec^2ΘdΘ. 3. Picture included of attempted solution. I tried u substitution with both u = secΘ and u=tanΘ but didn't have the right du...
  4. M

    Surface area of a spherical cap by integration

    hi guys, i have a question. i saw this picture, and i don't really understand how they derived with the formula. The aim is basically to find the formula for the surface area of a spherical cap. why do you differentiate the x=sqrt(rˆ2-yˆ2)? how does that help to find the surface? and then...
  5. F

    Unusual Limit: Understanding the Discrepancy in the Integral of xe^-x

    This was just very basic, I have accepted it in just a heartbeat, but when I tried to chopped it and examined one by one, somethings fishy is happening, this just involved \int_{0}^{\infty}x e^{-x}dx=1. Well, when we do Integration by parts we will have let u = x du = dx dv = e^{-x}dx v =...
  6. T

    Volume of an octagonal dome by using calculus

    On this picture we see a octagonal dome. I am trying to calculate the volume of this object by integral calculus but I can't find a way. How would you calculate this? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17974596/Sk%C3%A6rmbillede%202015-12-17%20kl.%2002.14.48.png I am majoring in math-econ but...
  7. AlexOliya

    Proving an Inequality: A Scientific Approach

    Homework Statement Homework Equations With the regards to posting such a incomplete equation, I will soon put in the updated one Thank you The Attempt at a Solution visual graph... didn't help
  8. V

    Existence of Integral for (x^4 -x^6) / (x^2) from 0 to 4

    I was asked to take the integral of (x^4 -x^6) / (x^2) from 0 to 4. Does this exist? Although there is a hole at 0, the limit exists. And the denominator factors out. It's not an asymptote. Please let me know. I can see both reasons why it would and why it wouldn't.
  9. P

    Solving Shell Motion with Initial Velocity of 60 m/s

    I've put the problem statement below and worked it out. I typically don't post questions like this as they're a lot to go through, but I am wondering if I have worked the problem correctly as my book does not have the solution and I feel like I am not understand the material correctly. 1...
  10. A

    Stokes theorom question with a line

    Homework Statement F[/B]=(y + yz- z, 5x+zx, 2y+xy ) use stokes on the line C that intersects: x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1 and y=1-x C is in the direction so that the positive direction in the point (1,0,0) is given by a vector (0,0,1) 2. The attempt at a solution I was thinking that I could decide...
  11. R

    Tough Integration Problem Help

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical math forums, so no HH Template is shown > 1) ∫ dx/((x^(2))(x^(2)+4)^(1/2))2) I'm really stumped on this integral. I've tried several different methods of integration, but I kept getting stuck.3) The problem doesn't look like it needs trig...
  12. W

    Integrals of the Bessel functions of the first kind

    Hi Physics Forums. I am wondering if I can be so lucky that any of you would know, if these two functions -- defined by the bellow integrals -- have a "name"/are well known. I have sporadically sought through the entire Abramowitz and Stegun without any luck. f(x,a) = \int_0^\infty\frac{t\cdot...
  13. D

    Addition property of integration intervals proof

    First of all, apologies as I've asked this question before a while ago, but I never felt the issue got resolved on that thread. Is it valid to prove that \int_{a}^{c}f(x)dx=\int_{a}^{b}f(x)dx+\int_{b}^{c}f(x)dx using the fundamental theorem of calculus (FTC)?! That is, would it be valid to do...
  14. A

    Need Help Doing Integation by Parts

    Homework Statement Find the integral of z^3 e^z^2 Homework Equations The integration by part formula The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea what to do, I'm just turning in circles
  15. S

    Topic: Is there a solution to this infinite integration problem?

    Homework Statement Evaluate the limit 1 1 1 lim ∫ ∫ ... ∫ cos^2((pi/2n)(x1 + x2 +... xn))dx1 dx2 ... dxn 0 0 0 n→∞Homework Equations Well, I know that we can change this using a double angle rule, so that the integrals become 1/2 + 1/2 cos (2*pi/2n)(x1 +...
  16. A

    How to use contour, complex analysis to solve integrals?

    Homework Statement \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin(x)}{x} using Complex Analysis Homework Equations Contour analysis on \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sin(x)}{x} The Attempt at a Solution Hello, I am completely new to contour integration. I would really appreciate it if someone can walk...
  17. C

    Physics Major Struggles with Integration: Books to Help

    As a physics major, I felt devastated today when I had to face the toughest integrals in my life for advanced quantum mech course. I am really embarrassed I did bot learn integration properly. please suggest me a good book that will help me excel in sort of integraion I will face for QM and...
  18. _N3WTON_

    What is the Volume of a Region Bounded by Double Integrals with a Max Function?

    Homework Statement Evaluate: \int_{0}^{a} \int_{0}^{b} e^{max(b^{2}x^{2}, a^{2}y^{2})} dy \hspace{1 mm} dx Where a and b are positive. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I'm having some trouble getting started with this problem, mostly because I am not very familiar with the...
  19. O

    What is the area of a region in the positive quadrant bounded by three curves?

    Hello everyone am new to this forum my name is lucy and i hope i can help and get help from other i got this tutorial question that i seem to keep getting wrong :s i hope someone can help me :) the question is Use a double integral to calculate the area of the region in the positive quadrant...