Intergration Definition and 65 Threads

ESPN Integration is an agreement between ESPN and video game developer Electronic Arts to put various ESPN features in EA Sports games. The first game to feature ESPN Integration was the college baseball game MVP 06 NCAA Baseball. The features that have so far appeared include a streaming ticker at the bottom of the screen with real up to date sports scores, just as it appears on the ESPN channel. This ticker does not just crawl during menus and load screens but also in actual gameplay. Another feature is the ability to listen to sports updates from ESPN Radio, and a third feature is being able to read the top 40 sports stories from
Much of this deal was done on the part of EA Sports to prevent ESPN from selling its brand name to another game manufacturer, like they did with SEGA. Their ESPN NFL 2K5 game featured total ESPN integration, complete with authentic music, graphics, rendered sets, pre-half-and post game commentary by Chris Berman, and Sunday Night Football telecast crew. That along with innovations in gameplay cut into EA Sports dominant Madden NFL franchise, leading EA to sign an exclusive deal with the NFL.

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  1. L

    Integration by Parts: Troubleshooting the Formula for x cos 5x dx

    kay I am having difficulties with this.. Knowing the gerneral formuala of |uv'=uv- |vu' i using a nonehomework question i was trying to make sure i had it down pat was having problems.. | x cos 5x dx but for some reason i don't get the right answer when it done... If I have u=x...
  2. S

    How to Correctly Integrate \( \sqrt{1-x^2} \)?

    EDIT: my tex is a little broken trying to fix So i want to intergrate \int (1 - x^2)^\frac{1}{2} dx i start off by saying \sin u = x so \frac {dx} {du} = \cos u then \int (1 - x^2)^\frac{1}{2} \cos u du which is \int \cos^2 u du...
  3. S

    Intergration by parts question from A2 core 4

    I need to find the integral of (x^2) 2 (secx)^2 tanx dx said aloud: x squared times by two times by sec squared x times by tan x I tried to use the [tex] function but failed misserably, hope you understand what i mean from what I've written above.
  4. L

    Trig simplifycation and Intergration

    kay doing Cylidical Shells and what not. given y=sin(x^2) from x=0..sqr(pi) and rottated around the y-axis. I use the forumla for intergration V=2(pi)x F(x) d(x) i get when i subsitute 2(pi)x Sin(x^2) d(x) I know since 2(pi) is constan i pull it through the intergral. Can I...
  5. H

    What method to calculate intergration?

    For example Intergrate (uv dx)=? Intergrate (u dx/v)=? Intergrate (u^v dx)=? Intergrate (log_u v)=? Where u and v are the function of x. Is there any method in intergration just like dy/dx=(dy/du)(du/dx) in diffrentiation?
  6. Hootenanny

    Can you spot the error in this integration by substitution problem?

    The question is to find the following intergal: \int x\cdot u^{\frac{1}{2} where u = 2x -1. = \int x\cdot u^{\frac{1}{2}} \;\; \frac{1}{2} du u = 2x -1 \Rightarrow x = \frac{u+1}{2} = \int \frac{1}{2}(u+1)\cdot u^{\frac{1}{2}} \;\; \frac{1}{2} du \;\; = \int \frac{1}{4}\left(...
  7. L

    Expert Help with Integration: Understanding the Area Under a Graph

    URGENT help with intergration im doing some coursework where I am investigating ways of finding the area under a graph and i don't really understand intergration. please could someone explain it really thoroughly, id really appreciate it. thank you in advance to anyone who can help.
  8. JasonJo

    Calculus II Problem: Dams and intergration by slicing

    The Deligne Dam on the Cayley River is built so that the wall facing the water is shaped like the region above the curve y=0.6 x^2 and below the line y= 164 . (Here, distances are measured in meters.) The water level can be assumed to be at the top of the dam. Find the force (in Newtons) exerted...
  9. S

    Solve Improper Integral of 1/(1+(tanx)^sqrt(pi)) from 0 to pi/2

    Hi i am completely stuck on a intergration problem, i have tried substition, and every technique i can think off but i cannot solve it. It is a improper intergral and the answer is pie/4 The question is: find the intergral with limits upper pie/2 and lower 0 1/(1+(tanx)^sqaureroot...
  10. D

    Determining the Solution for d^2r/dt^2 = G*M/r^2 with Constant G and M

    Here is a stupid question How would you solve for \frac{d^2r}{dt^2}=G\frac{M}{r^2} I'm new at this stuff, can anyone tell me?? Assume G and M are constants
  11. S

    Effortlessly Integrate \frac{2mdx}{cx^2} from x to 0 | Expert Tips

    i need to intergrate this function \frac{2mdx}{cx^2} from x to 0
  12. S

    Solving Integration for Force Acting on an Object | Constant f and c

    i have a force acting on and object and I've gotten the question down to when i have to intergrate but I'm stuck on the intergral F=-(f+cv^2) m \frac{dv}{dx} \frac {dx}{dt} = -(f+cv^2) f and c are constants mvdv=-(f+cv^2)dx \frac{mvdv}{f+cv^2}=-dx now how do i intergrat them from...
  13. S

    Mastering Integration by Parts: Tips and Tricks for Solving Difficult Problems

    I'm stuck on this one problem. If anyone can aid me, I would greatly appericate it. I scaned in the problem sooo there's the place to view it. Thanks
  14. R

    Intergration: Algebra, Writing Equations of Lines

    I have two problems that deal with writing an equation in slope-intercept form of a line that satifises certain conditions. Two of such problems my teacher has given me, I have no idea where to start in how to put the conditions in an equation. Can anyone help me in finding out on how to do...
  15. E

    Trig Integration Help: What & How to Use Trig Substitutions

    help wat is mean by trigonometric substituations? how do i use it/? thx