Internal energy Definition and 381 Threads

The internal energy of a thermodynamic system is the energy contained within it. It is the energy necessary to create or prepare the system in any given internal state. It does not include the kinetic energy of motion of the system as a whole, nor the potential energy of the system as a whole due to external force fields, including the energy of displacement of the surroundings of the system. It keeps account of the gains and losses of energy of the system that are due to changes in its internal state. The internal energy is measured as a difference from a reference zero defined by a standard state. The difference is determined by thermodynamic processes that carry the system between the reference state and the current state of interest.
The internal energy is an extensive property, and cannot be measured directly. The thermodynamic processes that define the internal energy are transfers of matter, or of energy as heat, and thermodynamic work. These processes are measured by changes in the system's extensive variables, such as entropy, volume, and chemical composition. It is often not necessary to consider all of the system's intrinsic energies, for example, the static rest mass energy of its constituent matter. When matter transfer is prevented by impermeable containing walls, the system is said to be closed and the first law of thermodynamics defines the change in internal energy as the difference between the energy added to the system as heat and the thermodynamic work done by the system on its surroundings. If the containing walls pass neither matter nor energy, the system is said to be isolated and its internal energy cannot change.
The internal energy describes the entire thermodynamic information of a system, and is an equivalent representation to the entropy, both cardinal state functions of only extensive state variables. Thus, its value depends only on the current state of the system and not on the particular choice from the many possible processes by which energy may pass to or from the system. It is a thermodynamic potential. Microscopically, the internal energy can be analyzed in terms of the kinetic energy of microscopic motion of the system's particles from translations, rotations, and vibrations, and of the potential energy associated with microscopic forces, including chemical bonds.
The unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI) is the joule (J). Also defined is a corresponding intensive energy density, called specific internal energy, which is either relative to the mass of the system, with the unit J/kg, or relative to the amount of substance with unit J/mol (molar internal energy).

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  1. Z

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  5. C

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  10. M

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  12. F

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  18. G

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  20. E

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  22. V

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  23. E

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  27. K

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  29. T

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  30. J

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  32. T

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  33. A

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  34. S

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  36. F

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  37. S

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  38. C

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  39. E

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  42. E

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  43. Vectronix

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  44. T

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  45. A

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  46. C

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