Intro physics Definition and 88 Threads

Chemistry is the third studio album by English-Irish girl group Girls Aloud. It was released in the United Kingdom on 5 December 2005 by Polydor Records. After the success of What Will the Neighbours Say?, the album was again entirely produced by Brian Higgins and his production team Xenomania. Chemistry is a loose concept album which details celebrity lifestyle and "what it's like to be a twentysomething girl in London." A number of the songs avert the verse-chorus form typical of pop music.
Chemistry was universally acclaimed by a number of contemporary music critics upon its release. Despite a relatively low chart position (peaking at 10, the lowest charting release by the group), the album yielded four top ten singles and was certified platinum in the United Kingdom and Ireland, selling over 390,000 copies. The album was followed by the Chemistry Tour, which had Girls Aloud performing in arenas for the first time.

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  1. M

    Intro physics - how many exercises do you do?

    Intro physics - seeking some help/opinions I'm studying for some upcoming exams. I feel like I've been able to grasp the material but at the same time, there's this voice in my head which keeps nagging me because I haven't done every question the book (and some more from other books). At some...
  2. R

    Skier Going Uphill - Intro Physics Problem

    Homework Statement You've skied down a slope and are going 20m/s when you hit the base of a slope that is 30 degree incline.? Assuming friction and drag are negligible, how much altitude (y) will you gain as you’re slowing down? How far up the 30 degree slope (∆x along the incline) will...
  3. L

    What is the significance of using a number like 2x10-10 in Intro Physics?

    I'm not quite sure where to start with this. Thank you in advance
  4. S

    How Do You Calculate Acceleration and Time in Kinematics?

    An object moving with constant acceleration has ve- locity v = 55.8 m/s when it is at x = 5.5 m and v = 100.4 m/s when it is at x = 10.5 m. What is its acceleration? How much time does it take for the particle to accel- erate from 55.8 m/s to 100.4 m/s? How fast will the particle be...
  5. S

    Intro Physics Question: Avoiding Collision on NY State Thruway at 106.8 km/hr

    You are driving along the New York State Thruway in a line of cars all traveling at a constant speed of 106.8 km/hr. The car in front of you applies its brakes for maximum accelera- tion. You then apply your brakes to achieve the same maximum acceleration after only a 1 s delay due to...
  6. M

    How Do You Calculate the Initial Speed and Angle of a Projectile?

    Homework Statement During a testing program, a photograph of the path of a projectile is taken, and subsequent measurements are added to the photo (See my attachment below .) Use the information shown in the figure to find a) the initial speed of the projectile b) the angle at which...
  7. M

    Intro Physics distance-to-a-stop

    Homework Statement The "reaction time" of the average automobile driver is about 0.700 s. (The reaction time is the interval between the perception of a signal to stop and the application of the brakes.) If an automobile can slow down with an acceleration of 12.0 ft/s^2, compute the total...
  8. M

    Intro Physics Distance Travelved Question

    Homework Statement If a car moving at 90.0 mph takes 400 ft to stop with uniform acceleration after its brakes are applied, how far will it take to stop under the same conditions if its initial velocity is 45.0 mph? Thanks for the help :) Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  9. F

    I am back on intro physics forum Question on springs

    Homework Statement It feels good to be back after spending a month in the calculus and beyond section. Here is my question [PLAIN] Imagine a spring was pushed back by some distance x_0 and then it ends up at some distance 5m up the ramp...
  10. C

    Motion Video Capture Education Software for Intro Physics Course?

    Hi, Do you know of any motion video capture education software products that are aimed at the first-year college physics course level? Thank you.
  11. T

    Multivariable calc required for intro physics?

    Hi, I was reading (i know - not a good thing, as most bad reviews are written by lazy students) and I came across something a bit strange. Somebody said that he wouldn't recommend taking the first semester of calculus-based physics unless you've taken calc 3 (multivariable)...
  12. P

    Does This Material Follow Ohm's Law?

    urgently needed help on intro physics... This is my first time posting on here so I hope someone will answer my questions. Here they are: 1. A scientist testing a material discovers that when a voltage of 10V is placed across a material a current of 10A flows. When a voltage of 20V is...
  13. C

    Rotational Motion & Energy Equation (Intro Physics)

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations Energy Equation The Attempt at a Solution As shown in the scan. Is this the correct approach? I have a feeling that the velocity, v, needs to be used. I used the Energy Equation for this problem but...
  14. I

    What are the best high school physics books for self-study?

    I CANNOT POST IN THE SCIENCE BOOKS AND MATERIALS SUB FORUM FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON. Now that that is out of the way, I am in dire need of assistance. I will be taking classical physics I and II this coming school year, and I have very poor physics background. I didn't even take high school...
  15. 1

    A really low grade on my intro physics final.

    Well, I got a D grade on my intro physics final, which means i got the credits for the course, but my gpa has dropped down a few points. My teacher is not to blame but he sure didn't help either...he has a passion for the subject, but not for teaching. Anyway, I guess i should take it...
  16. M

    Intro Physics Lab Interferometry Question (Fabry-Perot vs. Michelson)

    Homework Statement The Michelson interferometer can be used to measure extremely small distance scales. What is the smallest distance scale that can be measured? What uncertainty is associated with this? What is the smallest scale that can be measured by the Fabry-Perot...
  17. L

    What is the real point of Intro Physics?

    I'm almost finished with my first years of physics and I've noticed a few things. Granted each school is different but people out there with some more insight can perhaps clarify. 1. Even for an interested student of physics there seems to be far too much material covered over these courses...
  18. F

    Good calculus based intro physics text book

    I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I'd like to know: What's a good physics text that uses calculus? I mean, not just uses calculus in the definitions of velocity and acceleration and whatnot, but uses it in almost all the problems? I find my current text, "Fundamentals of Physics" by...
  19. 1

    How Can I Improve My Physics Grade After Failing a Test?

    Today I failed my intro Physics Test...I got 24%. This test is worth 20% of my final overall I'm really quite bummed out about this. I've been studying hard...I guess it's because I'm in my 30's and haven't been in school doing Physics for around 15 years. Anyway, anyone have...
  20. U

    What is the Velocity and Distance of an Automobile with a Changing Force?

    I have posted a problem below and my attempt could someone please tell me if I am going wrong and where. Thanks An automobile of mass 650 kg is acted on by a net force (F) given by F = 800 - 40.0t, where t is in seconds and F is in Newtons. At t=0, the velocity of the automobile is 5.00m/s...
  21. I

    How Far Will a Race Car Travel After Running Out of Gas?

    Homework Statement A race car with the weight of 10 000 kg is traveling at 10.0 m/s when it's gas runs out. How far will this race car travel till it reaches an absolute halt? Homework Equations F=ma v2^2-v1^2=2ad The Attempt at a Solution Fn= 490 000N v2^2-v1^2/2d= a and I...
  22. M

    Intro Physics problem - 2 oncoming trains, help

    Hey I'm in high school and I need help with this seemingly easy problem. I have 3 constant acceleration equations but I don't know how to use them in conjunction with this problem. A train leaves from Chicago toward Atl going 20 m/s. At the same time another train leaves from Atl going to...
  23. J

    Thought experiment about pressure (intro physics)

    Thought experiment about pressure (intro physics) have a U-shaped tube? that is open to the atmos on both the left and right side you fill it with water so the water level is the same on both sides. then you put a rubber stopper in one end (..the right end) (also the remaining air...
  24. X

    Courses How different are intro physics courses from intermediate or advanced ones?

    For example what is the difference between an intro mechanics or E&M course and an intermediate level one? What about an advanced one that you would take in grad school?
  25. ZapperZ

    Changes in Intro Physics Instruction

    This" is describing how, at many leading institutions in the US, there are revolutionary changes being made in how introductory physics courses are being taught to students, especially to non-physics majors. Zz.
  26. E

    Calculating Collision Speeds: Billiard Ball Physics Homework Solution

    Homework Statement A billiard ball (ball 1) moving at 5.00 m/s strikes a stationary ball (ball 2) of the same mass. After the collision, Ball 1 moves at a speed of 4.35 m/s. Find the speed of ball 2 after collision Homework Equations Find speed The Attempt at a Solution...
  27. fluidistic

    Not really homework still an intro physics question : moment of inertia/system

    Homework Statement Hi, I don't know if it's the appropriate forum to post this question... Basically I've been talking with a professor at my university (a professor that will evaluate me in less than 15 days) about a problem we had on a test and I must admit I got very stubborn (I hate me...
  28. L

    How Does Membrane Thickness Affect the Electric Field in a Nerve Cell?

    The cell membrane in a nerve cell has a thickness of 0.12 micrometers. (a) Approximating the cell membrane as a parallel plate capacitor with a surface charge density of 5.9 x 10^(-6) C/m2, find the electric field within the membrane. (b) If the thickness of the membrane were doubled, would...
  29. J

    How Does Gauss's Law Explain Net Flux in Electric Fields?

    A figure showing electric field lines has two charges, q and -q. There are 24 lines emanating from the +q charge. 15 of these lines terminate at -q. There are 24 lines terminating at the q- charge. What is the net flux through the surface surrounding the two charges?
  30. C

    Deriving d = 1/2 a t2: Intro Physics Proof

    Homework Statement Show a derivation of d = 1/2 a t2Homework Equations hint: v=a*tThe Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure how to attempt this. to be perfectly frank I am not well versed in physics/mathematics. If anyone could be of assistance, i would be most grateful.
  31. P

    Calculating Race Time: Intro to Physics Help for Beginners

    A tortoise can run with a speed of 10.3 cm/s, and a hare can run 19.7 times as fast. In a race, they both start at the same time, but the hare stops to rest for 119 seconds. The tortoise wins by a shell (18.2 cm). How long does the race take? Homework Equations The only thing we've...
  32. R

    Intro Physics Tutorial Videos: Where to Find Them?

    Does anyone know where I can find tutorial videos on introductory physics?
  33. L

    Intro Physics Book? Best Books for Beginners

    Howdy all! I'm really interested in physics and I'm looking for a really good introductory phyics book. Since it might be asked I've only had a algebra one and a semester of geometry. I pretty certain that I can teach myself algebra two and pre-calc. So any suggestions?
  34. G

    Simple Elevator Ball Physics Problem

    To many this would be a simple plug it into equation problem. But for some reason this just isn't clicking for me. Here's the problem: An open elevator is ascending with a constant speed V of 32ft/sec. A ball is thrown straight up by a boy in the elevator when it is a height h of 100 feet...
  35. L

    Maximizing Golf Ball Distance and Hole in One: Intro Physics HW Help

    hey everyone, i have a few questions that i just don't understand. 1) a golfer imparts a speed of 27.0m/s to a ball, it travels the max possible distance b4 landing on the green. the tee and the green are at the same level. a) how much time does the ball spend in the air? b) wat is the longest...
  36. L

    What are some physics problems involving velocity, mass, and circular motion?

    hey everyone, i have a few questions that i just don't understand. 1) a golfer imparts a speed of 27.0m/s to a ball, it travels the max possible distance b4 landing on the green. the tee and the green are at the same level. a) how much time does the ball spend in the air? b) wat is the longest...
  37. M

    Researching Semiconductors and Intro Physics

    Hi, just wondering if anyone would happen to know of some good books on semiconductors/intro semiconductor physics. Any names would help a lot tnx. Manu
  38. P

    Solving Torque on a Rotating Loop in a Magnetic Field

    Hello. I was studying for intro physics on topic of electromagnetism and stumbled upon one problem. Q. A thin wire of lengh L is made of an insulating material. The wire is bent to form a circular loop, and a positive charge q is distributed uniformly around the circumference of the loop...