inverse fourier Definition and 53 Threads

  1. B

    How to Solve Inverse Fourier Transform of (10*sin(3*omega)) / (omega+Pi)?

    Can someone help me and tell me the steps to solve the inverse Fourier transform of the following function (10*sin(3*omega)) / (omega+Pi) Thanks!
  2. M

    Simple inverse fourier transforms

    Can someone please tell my what the inverse Fourier transform of t*u(t) is?? I've been looking at tables but there isn't anything for just t...
  3. J

    Inverse Fourier Transform of Bessel Functions

    I want to solve the partial differential equation \Delta f(r,z) = f(r,z) - e^{-(\alpha r^2 + \beta z^2)} where \Delta is the laplacian operator and \alpha, \beta > 0 In full cylindrical symmetry, this becomes \frac{\partial_r f}{r} + \partial^2_rf + \partial^2_z f = f - e^{-(\alpha r^2 +...