Invisible Definition and 65 Threads

Invisibility is the state of an object that cannot be seen. An object in this state is said to be invisible (literally, "not visible"). The phenomenon is studied by physics and perceptual psychology.
Since objects can be seen by light in the visible spectrum from a source reflecting off their surfaces and hitting the viewer's eye, the most natural form of invisibility (whether real or fictional) is an object that neither reflects nor absorbs light (that is, it allows light to pass through it). This is known as
transparency, and is seen in many naturally occurring materials (although no naturally occurring material is 100% transparent).
Invisibility perception depends on several optical and visual factors. For example, invisibility depends on the eyes of the observer and/or the instruments used. Thus an object can be classified as "invisible to" a person, animal, instrument, etc. In research on sensorial perception it has been shown that invisibility is perceived in cycles.Invisibility is often considered to be the supreme form of camouflage, as it does not reveal to the viewer any kind of vital signs, visual effects, or any frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum detectable to the human eye, instead making use of radio, infrared or ultraviolet wavelengths.
In illusion optics, invisibility is a special case of illusion effects: the illusion of free space.
The term is often used in fantasy and science fiction, where objects cannot be seen by means of magic or hypothetical technology.

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  1. russ_watters

    Can You Spot the Invisible Ductwork?

    No, it isn't a new invention, it's an optical illusion. I was discussing a new ductwork design for an existing (recently renovated) building with my boss. I needed to clarify something, so I printed out the attached picture and sketched-in the duct, roughly like I have it sketched in the...
  2. L

    Can Invisible People See? Explained

    Can an invisible person see? Please explain for me. Thanks
  3. N

    How can someone achieve invisibility?

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  4. N

    Can Earth Hold Invisible Objects?

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  5. D

    Japanese Scientist Creates Invisible Cloak

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  6. S

    Exploring the Invisible Spectra: What Can We See?

    Is it possible to see the radio spectra, X-ray, or microwave etc like birds can see the UV spectra? If so what might/does it look like? Thanks
  7. R

    What are the possible scientific explanations for invisibility?

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  8. O

    Is the cosmos invisible to the unaided eye?

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  9. jimmy p

    News Blair 'the invisible man' of election battle

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  10. K

    RF Blocking Solutions for Invisible Dog Fences

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  11. D

    The invisible lever in Archimedes’s gravity

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    Is Invisibility Through Genetic Modification Possible?

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  13. Ivan Seeking

    Lasers reveal invisible Stonehenge carvings: New Scientist
  14. M

    H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man

    This topic has interested me ever since I read H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man: How can you make someone truly invisible? Any ideas are welcome, as I have never thought of a scientifically (or even logically) feasible way.
  15. B

    How possible would it be to become totally invisible?

    Ive not seen this hanging around here before so i thought i MIGHT bring it up :) how possible would it be to become totally invisible? I knwo there is this stuff about the natural phase (??) of everything, and if the phase can be changed then you become invisible? Is this possible? If so how...