What is Isospin: Definition and 73 Discussions

In nuclear physics and particle physics, isospin (I) is a quantum number related to the up- and down quark content of the particle. More specifically, isospin symmetry is a subset of the flavour symmetry seen more broadly in the interactions of baryons and mesons.
The name of the concept contains the term spin because its quantum mechanical description is mathematically similar to that of angular momentum (in particular, in the way it couples; for example, a proton-neutron pair can be coupled either in a state of total isospin 1 or in one of 0). But unlike angular momentum it is a dimensionless quantity, and is not actually any type of spin.
Etymologically, the term was derived from isotopic spin, a confusing term to which nuclear physicists prefer isobaric spin, which is more precise in meaning. Before the concept of quarks was introduced, particles that are affected equally by the strong force but had different charges (e.g. protons and neutrons) were considered different states of the same particle, but having isospin values related to the number of charge states. A close examination of isospin symmetry ultimately led directly to the discovery and understanding of quarks, and to the development of Yang–Mills theory. Isospin symmetry remains an important concept in particle physics.

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  1. J

    How to calculate if the Isospin, angular momentum is conserved in a reaction

    Homework Statement There are a lot of similar problems so it is a general question, if you have a nuclear reaction with two particles before, and two afther the process ¿How do you calculate if the Isospin is conserved?¿or the angular momentum?. For example(it could be any other) we have...
  2. B

    Particle Spin, Isospin, weak Isospin

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  3. MathematicalPhysicist

    Isospin conservation and pi-meson

    I am given this next question: Show that the new resonance Z+[4430] which is too heavy to consist entirely of d and u quarks cannot be a meson (which constitues from a quark and an anti quark). I am given that it's decay in a strong interaction to particles \psi',\pi^+ And I know that the...
  4. J

    Analysis of the Isospin of meson and baryon bounded states (particle physics)

    Homework Statement Part A) Establish which of the following combinations of particles can exist in a state of I=1 : a) \pi^0\pi^0 b) \pi^+\pi^- c) \pi^+\pi^+ d) \Sigma^0\pi^0 e) \Lambda^0\pi^0 Part B) of the problem is: In what states of isospin may exist the following systems? f)...
  5. L

    Whats the difference between nuclear spin and isospin?

    hey I am a bit confused re the difference between nuclear spin and isospin. are they the same thing? thanks
  6. J

    How Are Isospin Values Determined?

    Hi, I'm having a little bit of trouble with isospin. What I have gathered so far is that say, for the proton and neutron, apart from their charge they are very similar, so they are considered to be different states of the same particle called the nucleon. So, we say the nucleon has an...
  7. R

    Is Weak Isospin Conserved in Particle Physics?

    How is weak isospin conserved? Before spontaneous symmetry breaking, it's conserved - by construction. Afterwards, the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs breaks the symmetry. It's the mass terms, and interactions of the Higgs field, where the symmetry is broken, and so there is no...
  8. R

    What are the eigenvalues of the color isospin for gluons and quarks?

    seems like a basic question and I'm sure many would answer that these are all "spin-1" particles...but that's not their "isospin", right? can someone in the know please straighten things out.
  9. Jonathan Scott

    Conserved generalization of isospin I_3

    The Gell-Mann - Nishijima relation can be rearranged to show that there is an absolutely conserved quantity which is like a generalization of I3 for anything made of quarks: Q - \frac{B}{2} = I_3 + \frac{(S + C + B^* + T)}{2} Since the LHS terms are absolutely conserved individually, the...
  10. malawi_glenn

    180deg Rotation in Isospin space

    The G-partiy of the pion is -1, which is rotation in isospin space around y-axis by angle \pi followed by C-conjugation. The rotation matrix around y-axis , with angle \pi , is: (e.g. Sakurai, Halzen ..) \begin{pmatrix}0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix} Thus on \pi^+ : T...
  11. diegzumillo

    Show that Isospin operators satisfy the SU(2) algebra

    Hi there! Doesn't seem like a hard problem.. Homework Statement Show that the 3 isospin operators, defined by T_{+}\left\vert p\right\rangle =0, T_{-}\left\vert n\right\rangle =0, T_{+}\left\vert n\right\rangle =\left\vert p\right\rangle, T_{-}\left\vert p\right\rangle =\left\vert...
  12. G

    Explain me what the nuclear isospin is?

    Hello: Can you please explain me what the nuclear isospin is?. Is it a new kind of angular momentum?, and how was it detected ? Regards
  13. B

    Relation between scattering amplitude and isospin

    Hi, I'm an undergrad physicist in a bit of a pickle over how isospin relates to scattering amplitude. It's been quoted to me that the scattering amplitude is given by the matrix element of the initial and final isospin states. I'd ideally like to show you this in latex, however I can't...
  14. C

    Understanding Isospin in Nuclear Physics

    what exactly is isospin?
  15. N

    Problem in understanding the Isospin

    I am a general reader.I found in a book:"Three quarks with I=(1/2) can combine to form I_tot=(1/2) [did not understand] or (3/2) [OK].I_tot = (1/2) gives the nucleons while I_tot = (3/2) forms the baryons. Now,using u and d isospin doublet,I expressed the baryons:uuu,uud,udd,ddd.And found...
  16. J

    Isospin vs. flavor vs. spin - Difference and similarity?

    Hi All, I'm wondering what the difference is between flavor and isospin. If you own a book by Griffiths titled Elementary Particles, on page 183 in the paragraph above EQ 5.129, he mentions isospin and spin together and the former seems to imply the latter. Does anyone out there know...
  17. malawi_glenn

    Understanding Isospin in Neutron/Proton System: T & T3

    This is from Krane, p 389: The neutron and the proton are treated as two different states of a single particle, the nucleon. The nucleon is assigned with a fictious spin vector, called isospin. Nucleon has isospin number t = ½, a proton has m_{t} = 1/2 and neutron has m_{t} = - 1/2 . The...
  18. F

    Solve Isospin Rotation Homework: R_2|I 0> = (-1)^I |I 0>

    Homework Statement Show that R_2 \left| I \; 0 \right> = (-1)^I \left| I \; 0 \right> where R_2 = e^{i \pi I_2} N.B. the isospin states are represented by the usual notation of \left| \textrm{(total isospin}) \qquad \textrm{(isospin component in the z direction)} \right> The Attempt at...
  19. malawi_glenn

    Nuclear Isospin: Questions on u & d Quarks and Proton & Neutron

    Hi you guys! I am a little bit confused about nuclear isospin. u and d quarks have I = ½ u has I_3 = ½ , d has I_3 = -½ (third component) right so far? Now why does the proton have I = ½ and I_3 = 1/2, and neutron I = ½ and I_3 = -1/2 ?? but when you add upp the I on the...
  20. quasar987

    Is Isospin Conservation Related to Angular Momentum Conservation in Weak Decays?

    In weak desintegrations, the isospin is not necessarily conserved. But is the total angular momentum J=L+S+I always conserved?
  21. R

    Significance of isospin and hypercharge

    This may sounds like a dumb question but I want to figure out the 'point' of them. I know that isospin was an attempt to describe the proton and nucleon as an isospin doublet and that hypercharge seems to me to be a nifty little relation between the electric charge and the isospin - but what...
  22. S

    Strong interaction and isospin

    I have a problem in understanding the dependence by isospin of strong interaction. In this potential one have a lot of operatorial terms which include central, spin-spin, tensor force, spin-orbit terms, and all this four terms multiply by a factor isospin-dependent (tau_i dot tau_j). I don't...
  23. B

    Isospin of Photon: How Can I3 Values be Determined?

    I'm curious about the isospin of a photon. I have been told it is a linear combination of I=1 and I=0. If I=0, then I3 must be 0, but if I=1, what values of I3 are allowed? I don't really have a good idea of how to think about the isospin of this boson because I can't break it down into...