Laws of physics Definition and 98 Threads

  1. C

    Is My Railgun Defying the Laws of Physics?

    I just made a rail gun using two ring stand poles, a steel ball, and a car battery. Maximum velocity is about 5 cm/sec. What is strange is that it is shooting the wrong way. Defying the laws of physics and right hand rule. Any ideas ?
  2. Eagle9

    The number of laws of physics is finite or infinite?

    I think that it is relatively easy to simply count the number of physics that are aware for us as of February 2014. Probably there is statistics that deals with it and can tell us how many laws of physics exist now; maybe this number is equal to 1000, maybe more, I am not aware of it. But...
  3. D

    Does robotics follow the laws of physics?

    Im planning to build a robot and wondering if laws of physics are present!
  4. StevieTNZ

    Number of Dimensions + Laws of Physics

    Can the laws of physics work with any number of dimensions (whether they be space or time)? That's what Lisa Randall claims, but am seeking clarity. If so, does that mean Quantum Mechanics will still predict the same results in 5 or 6 dimensional universes, and the equations will stay the...
  5. N

    Laws of Physics: Same Everywhere?

    if relativity is true and a photon can have no time from its point of view and have time from the point of view of an observer does that then mean the universe is not the same at every point Or is there any Reason someone might know of that means the Laws of Physics and not the same every...
  6. A

    Why Are The Laws of Physics Not Symmetrical Between Left and Right?

    Greeting people of Physics, Why are the laws of physics not symmetrical between left and right, future and past, and between matter and antimatter? I.e., what is the mechanism of CP violation, and what is the origin of parity violation in Weak interactions? Are there right-handed Weak...
  7. V

    Nature of Laws of Physics (Gravity)

    I am going to explain what I am looking for, of course all the while hoping that what I am looking for actually exists, by talking about how I got comfortable with the idea of harmonic oscillators. I never quite understood why the forces on a harmonic oscillator were of the form ## F=-kx ##...
  8. J

    Why the laws of physics will eventually decay Moore's Law

    I was reading an article and it said that eventually, when you get silicon transistors to a certain size, they won't be able to operate anymore and will end up melting. I have always wondered the following... what is the point of trying to make transistors smaller when we can just make the...
  9. J

    What would happen if the speed of light was 1000 times greater?

    I have two questions. First, Paul Davies stated that the" Great Rule Book of Nature" would fit comfortably onto a single page. Is there a reference for these laws of physics? Second, the velocity of light is a fundamental constant. Has anyone analyzed what would change if the value were...
  10. J

    With the laws of physics you can get Universes?

    "With the laws of physics you can get Universes?" Hi guys. I like Cosmology even though I'm not a professional. I encountered this short Fox News story: I don't wish to...
  11. C

    Can the laws of physics be violated?

    Hello. I read recently that the law of conservation of energy can be violated for very short time intervals, according to the uncertainty principle. Apparently, this fact gives rise to virtual particle production from the vacuum. Once we accept that the uncertainty principle allows the laws of...
  12. L

    Is Lorentz factor reality true according to the laws of physics?

    Is Lorentz factor reality true according to the laws of physics?? Hi According to the laws of physics, the speed of light is independent of the speed of its source. In the example whereby there are two observers; one in the train moving at high velocity u relative to the other observer on...
  13. M

    What Other Fundamental Laws of Physics Exist Beyond Newton's?

    I am 14 and know Newton's laws, but are there more basic laws of physics either then Newton's? If you could tell me or give me a link that would be great!
  14. J

    Laws of Physics not applicable at the 'moment of creation'?

    Hello! I'm assuming the model of the Big Bang Theory and I'm asking specifically about the 'moment' of creation; I'm in no way well-versed in this; so please be gentle : * Are the laws of physics applicable to the beginning on the universe? * The Law of Conservation will not apply for this...
  15. O

    Did the basic laws of physics also evolve after BB?

    Just thinking about this and I will say I do not know anything about cosmology or physics beyond what is common, but my question is, could the laws of physics, specifically how particles interact/behave, have evolved right after the big bang so that it started out with a simpler set of laws and...
  16. A

    Laws of Physics may change across the Universe

    Interesting article in Newscientists, thought I'd start a discussion...
  17. I

    Laws of physics may just be 'local by-laws'

    Although it is commonly accepted that physical laws and values of fundamental constants are the same throughout our universe, a recent finding, in which the fine-structure constant alpha has been found to vary by a small amount (1 part in 100,000) going from one end of the universe to another...
  18. M

    Proving the Universality of Physical Laws: A Challenge for Kev

    How do you prove that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference?
  19. K

    The Laws of Physics: Exploring Nature's Relationships

    The "Laws" of physics In physics and math we often talk about the laws of nature. I have never liked to call these laws. My first diff EQ treacher felt the same. He liked to call them "really good aproximations". I perfer to think of them as equations that relate quanties in nature, or...
  20. N

    Does Newly Discovered Supernova Point to Unknown Laws of Physics? In the past decade, robotic telescopes have turned astronomers' attention to strange exploding stars that may point to new and unusual physics. An international team of...
  21. K

    Laws of Physics vs. Laws of Nature

    I'm new to studying physics. Are the laws of nature and the laws of physics synonymous with each other? Thanks!
  22. WaveJumper

    A challenge to the symmetry of laws of physics

    "It's the planet that really shouldn't exist – or at least not for long. It is 10 times the size of Jupiter, orbits its own star in under 24 hours and should soon be spiralling into the surface of its searingly-hot sun..." Full story...
  23. C

    Could the Laws of Physics Be Self-Defining?

    This is a line of thought arising out of quantum physics – specifically, from the principle that to the extent something is not actually measured or observed, it can best be described as a superposition of all its possibilities. A simple scenario for how the world began: Suppose we...
  24. N

    Are there laws of physics which allow you to tell left from right?

    If I consider a "geometrically symmetrical" physical system like maybe 2 identical masses connected by a spring. Now I stretch the masses apart and it is still symmetrical. So if I have a friend standing directly opposite me and facing me with the spring-mass system in between us the mass on my...
  25. F

    Does consciousness go against the laws of physics?

    So the brain and everything in the universe is controlled by set laws that have set solutions right? The brain is mainly controlled by chemical and electrical reactions with amino acids and stuff. So these reactions should have set/predetermined outputs right? Just like how a computer has? Then...
  26. I

    Golfer Needs Competing Laws of Physics Explaining Please

    I do not even have a schoolboy knowledge of physics and so I need help - preferably in simple terms please: I compete internationally in an extreme sport known as 'Long Drive Golf.' Essentially one succeeds by hitting a golf ball the longest distance. For many decades the manufacture of...
  27. Y

    Have the Laws of Physics Changed Over Time?

    Since the beginning of time, have the laws of physics changed (are they static or dynamic)? Did the laws of physics change until they were suitable for the big bang to occur and create the universe? Or, from the beginning, did the laws just so happen to be able to create the universe?
  28. 6

    Physical Proof that these movies obey Laws of Physics

    Hey guyz... Im still kind of stuck on a couple of stuff...i still got a these movies left to PROVE! that it obeys the laws and fundamentals of physics... 1)Apollo 13 2)The terminator 3)October Sky 4)The Day after tommorw HELP!please this is an ISU..its worth 15% of my mark...i need it...
  29. WaveJumper

    Could energy exist without the laws of physics?

    Hi everyone, This is my first post on PF, so bear with me if I mess up the format of my first post. I have a question that's been racking my mind for a while. The Big Bang theory says that GR leads back to a Singularity of infinite amount of energy sqeezed into a zero-dimensional dot. Let's...
  30. G

    Are spirits affected by laws of physics or forces of nature?

    If anyone of you know a thing or two about spirits if they are affected by forces of nature like gravity, wind, matter, etc. Not that you have witnessed or experienced beforehand but maybe you possesses 2nd hand knowledge regarding this matter. Also not that they are real, I just want info...
  31. S

    Do Laws of Physics Break Beyond the Event Horizon in Kerr Black Holes?

    are all laws of physics break only at singularity Or laws of physics break even after event horizon?what is the difference
  32. marcus

    Smolin rebuts Carroll-try to explain the laws of physics

    Smolin rebuts Carroll--try to explain the laws of physics Like the Tegmark Math Universe thread the topic here is properly Philosophy of Science with input from physics. If TMU thread gets moved to Philosophy forum then this thread certainly should too. the issue is whether one should try to...
  33. O

    Math that creates laws of physics ?

    What is the mathematical item that has differential equations as a solution ? I mean a normal function has a number as a solution, a differential equation has a function as a solution, then what is that item that has differential equations as a solution ? Then the "operator equation " that...
  34. D

    Which laws of physics are violated with teleportation?

    Which laws of physics are violated if an object simply instantaneously appear somewhere else?
  35. G

    Can we understand the laws of physics without infinitesimals and infinities?

    Has there been any attempts to formulate general laws of physics without involving infinitesimals and infinities? Would this be a better starting point? The continuous limit would of course be seen as an extremely useful approximation. The general personal impression of today's theories is...
  36. R

    Speculation on new laws of physics

    Assuming M-Theory is correct and there are a multitude of other membranes which contain other universes, can we begin to speculate as to the laws of physics that possibly govern over these universes? Personally I have been trying to think of some but to no avail, is this idea beyond the...
  37. C

    How are pictures drawn by M.C. Escher breaking the laws of physics?

    Why are the drawings" breaking the laws of physics? Which laws and equations are they violating?
  38. B

    Gravity & Light: Bending the Laws of Physics

    At what mass does an object start to noticeably bend light?
  39. P

    How universal are the laws of physics?

    Is there irrefutable evidence that the laws as we know them apply to all the galaxies in the observable universe with a fine tuned universal degree of accuracy throughout, or is it more likely that they vary from one galaxy (or galactic cluster) to another? Do you have any links that explain this?
  40. N

    I broke the laws of Physics (and don't know how to put it back)

    The people most curious about physics, but don't know about it enough, will hang on to every word self-professed experts say because they are the next Galileo. Would it be all right if these people, and well as their crackpot teachers, were told to go visit PF so Zapper can set them straight...
  41. T

    Wouldn't god be able to manipulate and break the laws of physics?

    since god created all of existence includeing the very laws of physics that govern our universe then, couldn't god be able to manipulate and break the laws of physics that he created? also, wouldn't that mean that the laws of physics can not prove nor disprove god's existence? sorry if this is...
  42. A

    Why Do Cartoon Characters Defy Physics?
  43. G

    Would Different Laws Of Physics Affect Gravity?

    For example if our universe had different laws would gravity as we know it now still be the same with different laws?
  44. L

    Laws of physics in four-vector form. A question.

    Please explain me in mathematical way, why the laws of physics have to be written in four-vector form to remain unchanged in every inertial frame.
  45. M

    Two Questions about Black Holes and Laws of Physics

    here are two kinda simple questions that I wanted to ask, just to clairify something for me. 1. at the event horizon of a black hole, the gravitational force pulling you towards the center, should be the speed of light correct?, and/or inside the event horizon aswell, equal to (or greater...
  46. B

    Superstrings and the Laws of Physics

    Im by no means an expert on any quantum phemonina, but here goes! I believe the law's of physics must be dictated by something, a physical quantity if you will. Like laws are enforced upon earth, only in a much better manner! If the smallest possible thing is one of these "superstrings"...
  47. R

    Are there regions inside the Universe where the Laws of Physics vary?

    Take for instance from our Galaxy we look out and gauge everything we see into a decent model of Cosmic understanding, we accept that Einstein's GR theory is the foundation of our view of the cosmos, and the Laws of physics are the same at all points in Spacetime. Hubble observed that all...
  48. T

    The Imperfect Nature of Human Theories in Understanding the Laws of Physics

    Will the laws of physics... Will the laws of physics stay the same in a differnt universe.