I'm a game developer by profession with a MSc in Computer Science. I'm curious about particle physics and everything else in the area of physics. I love to build stuff with LEGO bricks together with my kids.
hi yall, hope you didnt forget about me from my post "Any Lego Masters here?"! Any way I need some ideas for a project to work (or just to think about it) I need something uninvented and not very practical. ex. a lightsaber. but please do not suggest this I have allready worked on that.
I grew up with Lego Bricks and know they make for great models. Always wondered how many scientists use Lego Bricks? (Even just to play/build with them)?
Hi there,
I'm one of those rare undergrads happy with the idea of being a statistician, although I originally planned to focus on genetics. My mathematical ability and understanding is only at 1st year level, but it improves by the day! I am particularly interested in learning Mathematica and...
Not sure if this is the right category but...
Protons, electrons and neutrons, the perfect building blocks for matter. How does physics explain that of all the things that could explode out of the Big Bang, we got the perfect Lego blocks for creation? Is there a point of view on this? Is it...
Controlling the LEGO NXT Using MatLab
What are my mistakes in this code ??!
handle = COM_OpenNXT();
I want one! ... well maybe not for 2000 euro:
Forbidden LEGO
Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against
by Ulrik Pilegaard and Mike Dooley
CDT, which could be called Lego Path gravity, is a very simple and, in its own terms, remarkably successful approach to quantum spacetime dynamics.
The recent Loll paper, called The Emergence of Spacetime, or Quantum Gravity on your Desktop, is something to read if you want to keep tabs on...
Hi, I'm trying to build a car out of legos using the LEGO Mindstorms set that will go really fast. I'm familiar with the concept of gear ratios (i.e. a 40t gear driving an 8t gear) and using that to increase speed, at the cost of torque. Another method is to attach an axle to the following 8t...
I just found http://www.hccamsterdam.nl/brickfactory/index.htm" impressive collection of LEGO building instructions, which reminded me of the hours and hours I spend playing around with my LEGO sets. Gee, that was a great toy compared to what's offered to kids today. :rolleyes: :smile: