Lie algebras Definition and 87 Threads

In mathematics, a Lie algebra (pronounced "Lee") is a vector space


{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}}
together with an operation called the Lie bracket, an alternating bilinear map








{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}\times {\mathfrak {g}}\rightarrow {\mathfrak {g}},\ (x,y)\mapsto [x,y]}
, that satisfies the Jacobi identity. The vector space


{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}}
together with this operation is a non-associative algebra, meaning that the Lie bracket is not necessarily associative.
Lie algebras are closely related to Lie groups, which are groups that are also smooth manifolds: any Lie group gives rise to a Lie algebra, which is its tangent space at the identity. Conversely, to any finite-dimensional Lie algebra over real or complex numbers, there is a corresponding connected Lie group unique up to finite coverings (Lie's third theorem). This correspondence allows one to study the structure and classification of Lie groups in terms of Lie algebras.
In physics, Lie groups appear as symmetry groups of physical systems, and their Lie algebras (tangent vectors near the identity) may be thought of as infinitesimal symmetry motions. Thus Lie algebras and their representations are used extensively in physics, notably in quantum mechanics and particle physics.
An elementary example is the space of three dimensional vectors





{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {g}}=\mathbb {R} ^{3}}
with the bracket operation defined by the cross product


{\displaystyle [x,y]=x\times y.}
This is skew-symmetric since



{\displaystyle x\times y=-y\times x}
, and instead of associativity it satisfies the Jacobi identity:






{\displaystyle x\times (y\times z)\ =\ (x\times y)\times z\ +\ y\times (x\times z).}
This is the Lie algebra of the Lie group of rotations of space, and each vector




{\displaystyle v\in \mathbb {R} ^{3}}
may be pictured as an infinitesimal rotation around the axis v, with velocity equal to the magnitude of v. The Lie bracket is a measure of the non-commutativity between two rotations: since a rotation commutes with itself, we have the alternating property


{\displaystyle [x,x]=x\times x=0}

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  1. H

    Two approaches to lie algebras

    Hello! I've read some lie algebra in both group theory books and differential geometry books, and is confused about the different perspectives. The group theory approach is usually that the author introduce the generators and show that these fulfil the algebra. In differential geometry our...
  2. H

    Roots and Weights in Lie algebras

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  3. Z

    A Problem in Georgi's Lie algebras in particle physics

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  4. A

    What is the difference between roots and weights in Lie algebra theory?

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  5. T

    Is a Mapping Between Lie Algebras an Isomorphism if it Takes a Basis to a Basis?

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  6. T

    Show 2 lie algebras are not isomorphic

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  7. T

    Showing a mapping between lie algebras is bijective

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  8. T

    Proving Isomorphism between Lie Algebras

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  9. Z

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  10. S

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  13. M

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  14. C

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  15. Y

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  16. tom.stoer

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  17. Q

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  18. Z

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  19. Z

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  20. J

    Lie algebras in physics / undergrad research

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  21. V

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  22. V

    Understanding Lie Algebras: Exploring Curves and Transformations in Group G

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  23. T

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    What are the practical applications and uses of Lie Algebras?

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  25. L

    Why Is It Allowed to Drop Higher Order Terms in Lie Algebra Computations?

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  26. D

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  30. R

    Complex simple Lie algebras classification

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  32. D

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  33. P

    Exploring Lie Algebras: Questions about Adjoint Maps

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  34. A

    What Does [\mathcal{L},\mathcal{L}] = \mathcal{L} Imply in Simple Lie Algebras?

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  35. A

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  36. G

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  37. marcus

    Complexifying Lie algebras (footnote to group thread)

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