Limits of integration Definition and 84 Threads

In calculus and mathematical analysis the limits of integration of the integral





{\displaystyle \int _{a}^{b}f(x)\,dx}
of a Riemann integrable function f defined on a closed and bounded [interval] are the real numbers


{\displaystyle a}


{\displaystyle b}
. The region that is bounded can be seen as the area inside


{\displaystyle a}


{\displaystyle b}
For example, the function




{\displaystyle f(x)=x^{3}}
is bounded on the interval


{\displaystyle [2,4]}






{\displaystyle \int _{2}^{4}x^{3}\,dx}

with the limits of integration being


{\displaystyle 2}


{\displaystyle 4}

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  1. A

    Calculators Trouble with multivariable limits of integration on Ti89

    Hello, I'm currently trying to get my Ti-89 Titanium to compute the following triple integral; f(x,y,z) = xy(1-z) where 0<x<1, 0<y<1, 0<z<1, and x+y+z<1 int(int(int(f(x,y,z),x,0,1-y-z),y,0,1-z),x,0,1) The problem is that I can't get my Ti89 to substitute in for the limits of...
  2. C

    Double Integrals Limits of Integration

    I am just starting to do double integrals and came acorss an issue. I remembered from single integrals when we integrate from limits for say -1 to 1, we can double it and change integration limits to 0 to 1. Now, when is this the case? Basically, when can we not do this?
  3. T

    Changing limits of integration in double integral

    Homework Statement Invert the limits of integration of the following integrals: 1 ) \int_{0}^{4} dx \int_{0}^{x} f(x,y)dy \int_{0}^{2} dx \int_{0}^{\surd (4 - x^2)} f(x,y)dy \int_{0}^{1} dy \int_{y}^{2-y} f(x,y)dx These are 3 different integrals in 3 separate exercises, they're...
  4. 2

    Help with limits of integration

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  5. I

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  6. W

    Question RE: stoke's theorem. difficulty finding limits of integration

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  7. A

    Need help in finding Limits of Integration (Calc 3)

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  8. I

    Limits of Integration Re: Joint Probability Functions

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  9. U

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  10. A

    Question about Changing Limits of Integration

    If the limits of integration of my integral are from -Infinity to zero, can I change those limits such that they're from zero to +Infinity? If so, how? Thanks!
  11. S

    How do you find the limits of integration of polar curves?

    Find the area of the region in the plane enclosed by the cardioid r = 4+4\sin{\theta} The book explains that "Because r sweeps out the region as {\theta} goes from 0 to 2{\pi}, these are our limits of integration."
  12. A

    Determining the limits of integration

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  13. A

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  14. N

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  15. B

    Changing the Limits of Integration

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  16. P

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  17. P

    Changing limits of integration question

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  18. Pythagorean

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  19. D

    Changing Limits of Integration affects variable substitution?

    Homework Statement see attached Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  20. A

    Double Integral of (x+y)x over a Quadrilateral Region R

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  21. D

    Finding Limits of Integration for Double Integrals: Can You Help Me?

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  22. S

    Limits of Integration and finding k

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  23. M

    Iterated Integrals - setting up limits of integration

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  24. F

    Volume of Rotated Region: y=x and y=x^2, about x-axis and y=2

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  25. V

    Help with Limits of Integration

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  26. D

    Changing limits of integration

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  27. D

    Limits of Integration for y=x^2, Bounded by x=1 and y=1, First Quadrant

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  28. E

    Substitution Rule for Infinite Limits of Integration

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  29. I

    Choosing and finding limits of integration

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  30. E

    Integralx^3sqrt(4-9x^2)dx with limits of integration at 2/3, 0 (trig subst)

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  31. D

    Stokes' Theorem - Limits of Integration

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  32. M

    Choosing the limits of integration

    If I'm asked to find the volume of a solid that lies below the surface z = f(x,y), and above to region in the xy-plane bounded by a certain curve...and I'm only given 3 limits of integration, what do I do? For example: z = 9 - x - y Given y = 0, x = 3, y = (2x)/3 At first I thought I...
  33. D

    Is Phi a Valid Counterexample? Examining the Limits of Integration

    As a problem I was asked to show that phi, as defined by: \phi_n(t) = \frac{n}{\pi(1+n^2t^2)} Satisfies the property that for any f with the property to continuious at 0, then: \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \phi_n(t)f(t)dt = f(0) But if we let f be 1/phi, we see that it...
  34. S

    Finding limits of integration during a change of variables

    Hi. I have a problem with a question. Basically, I have an integral that goes from x=0 to x=1, and I'm supposed to make a change of variables like this: Let x = 1 - y^2. The problem I'm having is trying to find the limits of integration after the change of variables. Since y = +/-...