linear operators Definition and 61 Threads

  1. S

    Linear Operators: False for Non-Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces

    Let T be a linear operator on a finite dimensional vector space V, over the field F. Suppose TU = I, where U is another linear operator on V, and I is the Identity operator. It can ofcourse be shown that T is invertible and the invese of T is nothing but U itself. What I want to know is an...
  2. J

    Are These Mappings True Linear Operators?

    [SOLVED] Linear Operators Oops, nevermind I figured out my mistake. Homework Statement Determine which of the following mappings T: P1 -> p1 over R are linear operators. 1) T(a0 + a1x ) = a0*x 2) T(a0 + a1x ) = a1a0 + a0*x The Attempt at a Solution My book states that if U = V (vector...
  3. R

    A question on bounded linear operators (Functional Analysis)

    Suppose T: X -> Y and S: Y -> Z , X,Y,Z normed spaces , are bounded linear operators. Is there an example where T and S are not the zero operators but SoT (composition) is the zero operator?
  4. F

    Are Linear Operators Commutative When They Share Common Eigen Vectors?

    If A & B are linear operators, and AY=aY & BY=bY, what is the relationship between A & B such that e^A*e^B=e^(A+B)?? --where e^x=1+x+x^2/2+x^3/3!+...+x^n/n!
  5. F

    Do Commuting Linear Operators A and B Satisfy the Exponential Property?

    If A & B are linear operators, and AY=aY & BY=bY, what is the relationship between A & B such that e^A*e^B=e^(A+B)?? --where e^x=1+x+x^2/2+x^3/3!+...+x^n/n!
  6. MathematicalPhysicist

    Linear Operators: Proving Determinant Property

    i need to prove the next statement: let S and T be linear operators on a vector space V, then det(SoT)=det(S)det(T). my way is this: let v belong to V, and {e_i} be a basis of V v=e1u1+...+e_nu_n then T(v)=e1T(u1)+...+enT(un)...
  7. J

    Linear Operators, characteristic polyn.

    Hi, I'm a little stuck on this problem. The question is: Let T be a linear operator on a two dimensional vector space V , and suppose that T \neq cI for any scalar c. (here I denotes the identity transformation). Show that if U is any linear operator on V such that UT = TU ...
  8. A

    Linear operators & the uncertainty principle

    Hi, I try to understand the proof for the uncertainty principle for two Hermitian operators A and B in a Hilbert space. My questions are rather general so you don't need to know the specific proof. The first thing I couldn't get into my head was the definition of uncertainty (\Delta...
  9. B

    Proving Linear Operators: Commutator Relationships

    I'm not sure where to start with these proofs. Any suggestions getting started would be appreciated. 1. Show that is A,B are linear operators on a complex vector space V, then their product (or composite) C := AB is also a linear operator on V. 2. Prove the following commutator...
  10. H

    Proving Linear Operators and Matrix Similarity

    1. If I: W-->W is the identity linear operator on W defined by I(w) = w for w in W, prove that the matrix of I repect with to any ordered basis T for W is a nXn I matrix, where dim W= n 2. Let L: W-->W be a linear operator defined by L(w) = bw, where b is a constant. Prove that the...
  11. Oxymoron

    Linear Operators on Hilbert Spaces

    Let U, V, W be inner product spaces. Suppose that T:U\rightarrow V and S:V\rightarrow W are bounded linear operators. Prove that the composition S \circ T:U\rightarrow W is bounded with \|S\circ T\| \leq \|S\|\|T\|