Marble Definition and 92 Threads

Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite or dolomite. Marble is typically not foliated, although there are exceptions. In geology, the term marble refers to metamorphosed limestone, but its use in stonemasonry more broadly encompasses unmetamorphosed limestone. Marble is commonly used for sculpture and as a building material.

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  1. S

    Marble experiment (referring to momentum)?

    marbles are kept in a row like OOOOOO when one marble is hit on one side, one marble is displaced from other side ; when two marbles are hit on one side, two marbles are displaced on the other side; and same with three and four marbles ... WHY the same numbers of marbles are displaced as...
  2. C

    What is the oscillation frequency of a marble in a parabolic bowl?

    Homework Statement A marble is oscillating in a parabolic bowl ( y = ax^2 ) Assuming mechanical energy is conserved, and that the oscillation amplitude is small, find the oscillation frequency. (Use the potential energy to find the force acting on the marble as a function of x) Homework...
  3. T

    Optimizing Loop-the-Loop Height for Marble Shoot Tracks

    Homework Statement A popular pastime used to be to construct helter-skelters: tracks along which to roll (without slipping) a ball (a marble say, or ball bearing). I made one that mimics a fairground loop-the-loop (see attached .jpg). If the drop from start to base of the loop is D, and the top...
  4. C

    Rotating a marble in a glass tube ?

    So if i have a marble in a glass tube and i rotate the tube around in a circle . and the marble is at a distance r from the center of rotation . is the reason the marble goes towards the outside of the tube because when the glass tube starts to rotate the marble wants to go tangent to the...
  5. B

    Can a steel ball ( marble ) hover ?

    Hi, my name's Louis-Philippe and I'm a high school student FOND of physics. Unfortunately, I'm not yet a physicist and I can't ( yeah, I tried ) understand half of what's written on wikipedia about it. I'm also kind of an artist and our art teacher gave us carte blanche, so I decided to...
  6. H

    Calculate the time it took the marble to travel from N to P?

    Homework Statement A very small steel marble is shown rolling at a constant speed on a horizontal table. The marble leaves the table at L, falls, and hits the ground at P. This is illustrated in the diagram below which is drawn to scale. Calculate the time it took the marble to travel from N...
  7. L

    Projectile Motion marble Problem

    Homework Statement A marble rolls off a table with a velocity of 1.93 m/s [horiz]. The tabletop is 76.5 cm above the floor. If air resistance is negligible, determine the velocity at impact. -\Deltat has been found in a previous question; =0.395 s -I know the answer is 4.33 m/s [63.5 degrees...
  8. A

    Conservation of energy of a marble problem

    Homework Statement A uniform marble rolls down a symmetric bowl, starting from rest at the top of the left side. The top of each side is a distance h above the bottom of the bowl. The left half of the bowl is rough enough to cause the marble to roll without slipping, but the right half has...
  9. L

    How Do You Calculate the Speed of a Marble Rolling Down an Incline?

    Homework Statement A marble of moment of intertia 2.3 x 10^-8 kg.m^2 rolls down an incline of vertical height 10cm. It's speed at the bottom is: 1.2m/s 1.4m/s 1.2cm/s 1.4cm/s Homework Equations Well this isn't homework, this is just a worked example question we have. Apparently...
  10. 5

    Solving Marble in Container Problem: Find Forces at A, B & C & Between Marbles

    Hi all. I am stuck at this question for quite some time. Not really sure on how to go about solving it. Please help! Thanks in advance. Two uniform 77.4-g marbles 2.23 cm in diameter are stacked as shown in the figure in a container that is 2.70 cm wide. a) Find the force that the...
  11. K

    Energy Loss & Height of Thrown Ball & Marble Fired from Cannon

    1. A ball with a mass of 0.5 kg is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 20 m/s. The ball reaches a maximum height of 15 m. (a) Give the energy loss due to air resistance. (b) What height would the ball have reached without air resistance? (c) What height would the ball have reached on the...
  12. R

    Force of Head Striking a Marble Floow

    Sorry, but my math is a bit rusty but -- Recently while using a wheel chair I fell from a lift banging my head on a marble floor. the lift was 6 feet off the ground, plus adding 4 feet while in a sitting position, the total fall was between 9 and 10 feet. Could someone help me calculate the...
  13. M

    Compute the mass of the marble?

    Homework Statement The gravitational attraction between a 20 kg cannonball and a marble separated center to center by 30 cm is 1.48 x 10^-10 N. Compute the mass of the marble. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Mc = 20 kg L = 30 cm = 0.3 m. Fg = 1.48 x 10^-10 N Mm =...
  14. M

    Find displacement of marble launched from a spring (Energy), help please

    1. A horizontal spring, of constant 12N/m, is mounted at the edge of a lab bench to shoot marbles at targets on the floor 93.0 cm below. A marble of mass 8.3 x 10^-3 kg is shot from the spring, which is initially compressed a distance of 4.0 cm. How far does the marble travel horizontally...
  15. L

    How Do You Calculate the Optimal Launch Angle for a Marble on a Sloped Track?

    Hey guys, I am wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as to how one would solve this problem, not just to get an answer, but to be able to get an answer for different distances. I have gotten the answer by guess and check, but that is pretty much useless for understanding the...
  16. T

    Circular motion - marble in bowl

    Can anyone please answer this question 1.A glass marble of mass m is moving int a horizontal circle round the inside surface of a smooth hemispherical bowl of radius r. The centre of the circle is at a distance 1/2r below the centre of the bowl. (i) Find the magnitude of the reaction between...
  17. L

    Calculating Red Marble Percentage in Combined Bags

    In bag K, 3/8 of the marbles are red. In bag M, 1/2 of the marbles are red. Bag K has four times as many red marbles as bag M. If the two bags were combined, what is the percentage of red marbles in the bag? My work: Say we had 6 red marbles in bag M. This means that bag K must have 24 red...
  18. M

    Help Needed: Solving a Physics Assignment with Marble and Ramp

    need urgent helllllp! im in year 12 at the moment and our new physics teacher has set us an assignment. it is very deceptively simple he informs us. it reads: does a marble at the top of a ramp convert all of its potential energy up the top, into kinetic energy at the bottom of the ramp...or...
  19. N

    Marble Spinning in Steel Tube: Horizontal Circle or Spiral Down?

    Homework Statement A 10g steel marble is spun so that it rolls at 150rpm around the inside of a vertically oriented steel tube. The tube is 12 cm in diameter. Assume that the rolling friction is small enough for the marble to maintain 150 rpm for several seconds. During this time, will the...
  20. I

    Motion in Two Dimensions of marble

    A small marble rolls horizontally with speed v0 off the top of a platform 2.75 m tall and feels no appreciable air resistance. On the level ground 2.00 m from the base of the platform, there is a gaping hole in the ground. The hole is 1.50 m wide. For what range of marble speeds v0 will the...
  21. S

    Probability of Picking a Black Marble from 2nd Urn

    [b]1. u have 3 urns and there are black and white marbles in each of them. if u picked a black ball..what is the probabilty it was from the second urn Homework Equations [b]3. what i did was that i thought the probailty is 1/3 since there is only 3 marbles..but i aint sure if...
  22. K

    Marble collisions, momentum, velocity

    Homework Statement Marble A, mass 5g moves at a speed of 20 cm/s. It collides with a second marble B, mass 10 g, moving at 10 cm/s in the same direction. After the collision, marble A continues with a speed of 8 cm/s in the same direction. A) Calculate the momentum of each marble before the...
  23. S

    Keep a Marble in Motion for 2 Minutes - Ideas & Your Thoughts

    How can I keep a marble in motion for 2 minutes? I've had 2 suggestions so far: *A simple way would be to put a marble in a bucket and move the bucket so the marble spins along the walls. *Another idea is to have a teeter-totter, using a long plastic tube. Have a string attached to...
  24. R

    Elastic Potential Energy of a marble

    Homework Statement A horizontal spring, of force constant 12 N/m is mounted at the edge of a lab bench to shoot marbles at targets on the floor 93.0 cm below. A marble of mass 8.3 X 10 ^ -3 kg is shot from the spring, which is initially compressed a distance of 4.0 cm. How far does the marble...
  25. T

    Determine max heigh above the ground reached by the marble

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution I've done parts a and b succesfully, but am not sure how to do c. :confused:
  26. B

    Determining Mass & Amount of Marbles in Bags

    I did an experiment with several bags and in each of the bags there were different of amount of marbles. All of the marbles are the same size and the same mass. So I was wondering how can I determine the mass of each marble in the bag and determine the amount of marbles in each of the bags...
  27. H

    The Great Marble Race Physics Project

    The Great Marble Race Physics Project Due: Nov. 13 The project is a display that demonstrates several concepts of mechanics. It will consist of a ball and a series of tubes or track that send the ball through motions that illustrate the physics concepts. At least 6 different concepts will be...
  28. G

    Calculate Marble Velocity at Angle Theta in a Smooth Pipe

    These are tough for me. How do I go about setting up an algebraic equation to solve for the velocity of a marble at Angle theta? Q: A marble spins in a vertical plane around the inside of a smooth, 20--diameter horizontal pipe. The marble's speed at the bottom of the circle is 3.0 m/s. The...
  29. G

    Hydrochloric Acid & Marble Chips (CaCO3)

    Hello. I am looking for some results of the experiment. The results should be the loss in weight of the marble chips with the Acid at different strengths ( 2M, 1M, 0.5M, 0.25M and 0.25M). Thanks.
  30. D

    Conditional probability marble question

    Q. A box contains three blue marbles, five red marbles, and four white marbles. If one marble is drawn at random, find: a) P(blue|not white) b) P(not red|not white) The answer for both a) and b) is 3/8. However right now I don't even understand the question. part a) wants possibility of...
  31. S

    Calculating Initial Height for Marble to Roll Along Loop-the-Loop Track

    A small solid marble of mass m and radius r will roll without slipping along A loop-the-loop track, if it was released from rest somewhere on the straight section of track from what initial height h above the bottom of the track must the marble be released so that it is on the verge of leaving...
  32. J

    Spring fired marble distance needed

    OK, this one comes out of the mechanical conservation of energy section. A spring loaded cannon is compressed 1.1cm and shot off a the edge of a horizontal table. The marble lands 1.93m from the table. How far would you have to compress the spring to make the marble land 2.20m from the...
  33. B

    What Are Some Creative Ways to Launch a Marble with Precision and Consistency?

    Hey everyone, I am in need of a little brainstorming help for a project Basically we have to design and build a marble-launching device that will accurately launch a marble within a 4 - 9 m range. This project is all about consistency and reliability so we have to be able to hit the same spot...
  34. B

    Marble gun - how far to compress string

    Hi, Please , take a look at this problem: A child is trying to shoot a marble of mass m in order to hit the center of a box using a spring loaded marble gun. The marble gun is fixed on a table and shoots the marble horizontally from the edge of the table. The edge of the table is a height h...
  35. L

    Launching marble upwards - Find speed

    I cannot work out how to get this question answered. Question: A student launches a marble vertically upwards so that it reaches a maximum height of 40m above it's release height. Calculate: a).The speed of the marble when it is launched. b). The speed of the marble at the halfway...
  36. U

    Why Does a Marble Fall Faster in a Pool Than in a Narrow Tube?

    Can anyone give me an explanation of why a marble dropped into a swimming pool will fall faster than if you drop a marble into a water filled tube with a diameter only slightly larger than the marble itself (presume it doesn't touch the walls of the tube). It's something to do with how quickly...
  37. D

    How High Must a Marble Track Be to Complete a Loop-the-Loop?

    A marble rolls down a track and around a loop-the-loop of radius R. The marble has mass m and radius r. What minimum height h must the track have for the marble to make it around the loop-the-loop without falling off? I'm stumped - I'm assuming I need to use energy for this problem, but how...
  38. J

    Roller Coaster Calculation Errors: Round Marble vs. Sliding

    Hi we're doing a project in class where we make roller coasters and we test them out by sending a marble down them. As a bonus question my teacher asked why there would be an error in the calculations we do (finding speed at different locations of the roller coaster) if we're using a...
  39. A

    How can I use physics to explain the jump on my marble roller coaster?

    In my 11th grade physics class we had to design and make a marble roller coaster. Now we have to write a paper explaining how one aspect of our coaster works. I chose to do the jump, but I really have no idea how to explain how this works using physics. Can someone please help me? Also you can...
  40. D

    Steel Marble Bouncing: Steel vs. Glass Plate Comparison

    if you dropped a steel marble onto a steel plate and then dropped a steel marble onto a glass plate which would you expect to bounce higher?
  41. C

    Calculating Height of Rolling Marble

    A marble of mass M and radius R rolls without slipping down the track on the left from a height h1. The marble then goes up the frictionless track on the right to a height h2 where h2<h1 . Find h2. I don't know how to think of this one, any hints please?
  42. tandoorichicken

    Glass marble is dropped down an elevator shaft

    A glass marble is dropped down an elevator shaft and hits a thick glass plate on top of an elevatior that is descending at a speed of 2.0 m/s. The marble hits the glass plate 3.0 m below the point from which it was dropped. If the collision is elastic how high will the marble rise, relative to...