Master degree Definition and 90 Threads

A master's degree (from Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. A master's degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor's level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course. Within the area studied, master's graduates are expected to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently.

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  1. N

    Programs Doubts about a master degree after Computer Engineering

    Hi everyone, this year i'll get my Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, i have some doubts about the master course to get; actually my university offers these courses in accordance with my Bachelor Degree: (i'll write only those who catched my interest) - Computer Engineering ...
  2. M

    Programs Masters in physics after geology degree?

    Hi, I'm currently starting a geology degree and I was wondering if it would be possible after graduation to do a masters in physics, more specifically nuclear physics. I've contacted my universities head of physics and he said "geology can be acceptable" however I don't feel like this is a...
  3. C

    Which degree is right for me to have master's in software engineering?

    I've always been fascinated to software's. But my university doesn't provide bachelor in software engineering.There are 2 majors :-Computer Science and Computer Engineering with 143 credit hours each. Which degree would be right for me so that I can follow the software engineering later in my...
  4. C

    Programs US - where to get loan for Masters degree?

    hello, where can i get loan for masters degree. i know some companies like discover give loan for graduate study but I'm curious what better options i have. is it too late to fill fafsa and apply for federal loan?
  5. S

    Should I do my Masters on something more specific than my degree?

    Hi,I am studying mechanical engineering and I am going to apply for my masters in a few months.However, I am wondering if I should do my masters in Advanced Mechanical Engineering or in Fluid mechanics & Power Cycles. What do you think?If I do my masters in something more specific, is this...
  6. O

    Programs Master's Degree in Applied Physics?

    I'm sorry if this has been discussed before. I've searched for a thread about this topic, but I haven't found anything that directly answered my question. I will be studying engineering physics at Ohio State this fall and I'm not entirely sure if I will need graduate school to get the most out...
  7. D

    When should I start working on my Master degree and PhD

    Hello, I am currently doing a coop with a nuclear power company as a mechanical engineer. I was wondering if it is worth it to keep going with my education as far as a masters degree then phd, or will it not make a difference in pay?
  8. 7

    Programs Whats the difference between a masters degree and a graduate certifica

    I understand that a graduate certificate is a lot less involved and expensive than a Masters degree. What would be the difference in holding a masters in mechanical engineering verse a graduate certificate in mechanical engineering? How would the pay offs compare in salary and employability...
  9. N

    Programs Do I need Masters degree in Electrical and Computer science?

    I have done my Undergrad in Electrical Engineering and I have close to 8 Years of work experience in PCB design and mostly in Validation. I have done Signal Integrity and bit of Power Integrity validation for boards. I would like to move towards Signal and Power Integrity field. In that case...
  10. M

    Programs Second master degree in Physics?

    Hi all, I just would like to ask that I took my master degree in physics at Stockholm Uni. Although my research was great (first author of a paper in top ranked journal ),my gpa was terrible. I am not sure but It is something like 2.62(When I convert it via website I applied Phd in...
  11. D

    Programs Which Master's Program is Best for Research in Fluid Mechanics and Catalysis?

    Hi, I recently graduated from my undergraduate degree in chemical engineering. Since then, I have worked some time at a chemical plant and some time at a research center (specialized in materials science). Right now I am thinking of going to grad school, but I am having some trouble in deciding...
  12. N

    Engineering A bachleor's degree in mechanical engineering and a masters in idustri

    I want to become an Industrial Engineer,but for some reason i have to attend a specific college that only offers a masters degree in Industrial. What I want to know if it is a smart move to major in Mechanical engineer with a minor in Business Administration and then get a masters in Industrial...
  13. Rolen

    Programs Phd without the need of a master degree

    Do some of you got a Phd without a Master? I have a professor that only have a phd and 3 posdoc. How this works and how hard it is? And, if you know, what kind of institute or which contry have this kind of program?
  14. G

    Programs Importance of Research for a Masters Degree

    I'm wondering how much undergraduate research really matters when applying for to get into a masters program. Obviously different schools have different requirements. I know that. Try as I might, though, I can't get any research experience. I'm a third year student in a physics-mathematics...
  15. A

    Engineering Master's Degrees: Are Physicists or Engineers more employable?

    So, I've come to the end of my undergraduate education, and am a bit stuck on the next step to take. Quick background: I'm a physics major with a math minor, and have but one semester to go until I graduate in December 2013 (will be done with physics and math by spring 2013 but due to a...
  16. B

    What master's degree should I take?

    I’m studying Industrial Engineering but it seems that I have nothing specific and it’s just about everything. I could say that it’s more mechanics related but we don’t study so specifically like mechanical engineers. That’s why I have some concerns about what these studies are making me. I don’t...
  17. V

    Physics Is physics bachelors degree required to carry out masters in quantum physics?

    Hi I'm currently pursuing electronics and communication degree in India. I'm confused whether to get another bachelors degree in physics or i can directly do my masters. Most of my friends suggested to directly carry masters in any US colleges so that professors would be knowing what i lack and...
  18. I

    Programs Is there any school that I am qualify to apply?No GRE result or Master degree

    Dear all, First of all, thanks for reading this. I've been struggling to get a Phd offer in physics since I've completed my BSc degree.This coming year will be my 3rd years in trying to do and till now I've never been success in doing so. The only reason that I what do have a PhD in physics is...
  19. G

    Programs Doing another masters degree after having a masters degree

    Hello everyone, I'm from Malaysia and I have a B.Sc. in Nuclear Science. A university here is currently having a research collaboration with a my company to develop and qualify my company's Pipeline Automated Ultrasonic Testing Equipment and I'm currently involve in the project by doing...
  20. F

    Admissions Is a master's degree harmful for a us student applying for phd programs?

    I am currently a us student in undergraduate math and physics, doing well in courses, having taken graduate courses in both areas, and have finished degree requirements for both math and physics during my second year in undergrad, but I stayed for one more year anyway. So, now, its my third...
  21. S

    Programs Does one commonly get a masters degree before a phd

    If you were getting a PhD in either pure math or physics, with the intention of becoming a professor, does one first need to get a masters degree before their PhD, is it different for the two fields?
  22. B

    Job opportunities with a Physics Masters

    Hi. I'm thinking of getting into computational science / scientific computing. If anyone here works in the industry and would like to tell me about their work (now or in the past) I'd appreciate it. Even if you don't work in the field, but have a computational science related degree, I'd love...
  23. F

    Programs EE Program vs Physics (Masters degree)

    Hi everyone. Recently, I started a MS program (terminal) in applied physics. I'm noticing my desire for physics really isn't there. The core coursework (classical mechanics, math physics) thus far isn't too interesting, thus I'm not doing that well. The honest reason for going is that it...
  24. T

    Programs Will my degree transfer to a masters in physics

    i am currently enrolled in engineering physics and want to be an experimental physicist.
  25. N

    Jobs/Careers with Bachelors in Math Physics

    I'm finishing up my bachelors in Mathematical Physics in april, and haven't done much planning beyond that. I was hoping some people here might have some suggestions for what sorts of jobs might be appropriate for someone in my situation? The only thing I know is that I won't be going to grad...
  26. A

    General relativity for a master degree?

    What aspects of general relativity one could study for a master degree?
  27. A

    Physics What is the annual salary for a Physicist with a degree or Master's degree?

    Hi, I will be starting college (grade 11 and 12 in the UK) in September 2012. I am very interested in Physics and Maths. I have always showed brilliance in those two subjects even in my early childhood. So I am planning to go for a Physics Master's Degree. I have a lot of family to support and I...
  28. K

    Programs Do you need a masters degree in Physics to be a Professor?

    Will not having a masters degree lower my chances to be a professor in physics.
  29. N

    Programs Physics PhD in USA with a Master's Degree?

    Normally students in America start a PhD degree after their undergrad, since there the so-called "Master level education" is glued together to the "Doctorate" (correct me if I'm wrong!). So what is the usual track for students from Europe who have done their Master degrees in Europe but would...
  30. G

    Does how long you took to earn your degree matter? Masters Worth it?

    Would a employer care how long it took me to earn my bachelors? When hiring managers look at my resume the are able to tell how long it took me to earn my degree. Some people finish their degree in 3 years, some 4, some 5. Does it matter? If I took 5 years to earn my degree and took only...
  31. J

    Master in Physics vs. Bachelors in Engineering?

    I am doing a BS in chemistry and I enjoy the subject alot. I find the graduate level classes, based on their academic descriptions, to be subjects I'd really like to learn just for the experience of knowing these subjects. When I graduate I should have a 3.3 CGPA with B's in most of my chemistry...
  32. M

    Choosing the Right Master Degree for an Electronics Engineer

    I am an Electronics Engineer and is heavily troubling my mind for one year already what master degree to pick up,i know i have to make a wise choice.This is how i define wise choice: 1.A master degree should be a respected degree(obviously and the university) to a strict employer's eye.A...
  33. S

    Focus on LED lighting technology, which Master degree?

    Wish to focus on LED lighting technology, Mainly high powered LEDs to illuminate areas such as indoor and outdoor areas. Which masters area should I take into consideration? Should I consider getting a P.E.? Main things to consider when designing actual light fixtures; Optics Heat...
  34. I

    Programs What Are the Entry Requirements for a UK Master's Degree in Physics?

    Hi! It's first time I write. I'm an Italian Undergraduate in Physics, I'm about to get my first three years-degree in Italy(laurea triennale) in Physics, general-theoretical curriculm, within a few months(3,4). I'm planning to apply in a UK University for a one-year MSc or MPhil.Obviously, my...
  35. S

    What to choose for my master degree?

    There something that I don't know when I was first in the college such as double major maybe a bad idea, since we can not work for both. And shifting major took time...Now I'm going to graduate in BS electrical engineering next semester. Now I consider going to master's degree. After 3...
  36. S

    Deciding: Master Degree or Work? | Fresh Grad Help

    I need help please?!:confused: If you are a feresher like me and you have opportunity to study master degree, you will go for that or you will search for work?:shy:
  37. S

    Programs Master degree in Electrical Engineering or MBA?

    Hello every body, I really need advise!please help me?!:confused: I am just graduated in biomedical engineering with bachelore degree, there is two field which i can get scholarship to study for master degree, which are Electrical Engineering and MBA. in Electrical Engineering I can...
  38. hagopbul

    Programs Apply for a master degree at the INSA de lyon

    i want to apply for a master degree at the INSA de lyon [nanotechnology] i want to know is INSA is a high quality institute or not or i apply for a polytechnic Best
  39. L

    Physics Physicist (master degree) working in a large city's hospital?

    Is there appealing work for a physicist in a hospital that doesn't involve routine scans, etc? When I'm done with my study, i'll have completed two additional government courses that officially allow one to not only work with, but operate a laboratory containing radioactive sources.
  40. S

    Programs What is the syllabus for a B.Sc. (Hons) Physics program in the US?

    This year I'll join B.Sc.(Hons) Physics. Its a 3 year course. I've heard that for doing a master degree in US requires 4 years of study. Will I be able to do master deg in US.