The question is: my students (K9-12) have received the (sadly) usual routine based Math pseudo-education, before me teaching them.
The best way to curb the tide is to use Math puzzles, to re-ignite their love of Math, lost in kindergarten.
Now, which book would you suggest to fight the battle...
The 2nd axiom of mathematical logic
2) $((P\implies(Q\implies R))\implies((P\implies Q)\implies(P\implies R))$
By using only the deduction theorem
Given the following axioms:
1) ##P\implies(Q\implies P)##
2) ##((P\implies(Q\implies R))\implies((P\implies Q)\implies(P\implies R))## Where ##P,Q,R## are any formulas
3)##(\neg P\implies\neg Q)\implies (Q\implies P)## then prove:
##\{A\implies B,B\implies C\}|- A\implies C##
Without using the...
A book that has really caught my attention recently is Yuri Manin's A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians. I am very interested in the foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic, plus I noticed that it had some chapters on quantum logic, so I started skimming through it...
Hello, all. I am looking for some good books to start becoming invested in mathematical logic, the foundations of the field of mathematics, and also basically in general the philosophical heart of this wide subject which has interested me greatly. Now I have already read Shoenfield and Halmos...
When P -> Q, why is it true when P is false and Q is true, but why is it false when P is true and Q is false?
If I suppose P mean "Jon is a guy" and Q mean "Mary is a girl". When both P and Q are true it does make sense that this proposition is true because Jon is a guy and Mary is a girl...
Homework Statement
There is a triangle with sides $$ 3,3r,3r^2 $$ such that 'r' is a real number strictly greater than the Golden Ratio.
Is this statement true or false...?
Homework Equations
$$Golden \space Ratio = \phi = 1.618... $$
The Attempt at a Solution
Actually I have no clue at all...
I am a CS student and have a very poor understanding of this field of mathematics. I don't properly know the difference in between symbolic logic, first order logic, propositional calculus, model theory and lambda calculus. But, I want to start studying logic formally from the very basic.
I am reading the book Mathematical Logic by Ian Chiswell and Wilfred Hodges (C&H) ... and am currently focused on Chapter 2: Informal Natural Deduction ...
I need help with what C&H call the 'dandah' or more specifically symbols with a dandah through them ...
The relevant text in C&H...
I am reading the book Mathematical Logic by Ian Chiswell and Wilfred Hodges ... and am currently focused on Chapter 2: Informal Natural Deduction ...
I need help with interpreting the notation of an aspect of Exercise 2.1.3 which reads as follows:In the above text after the text: "Possible...
Hello, I want to start learning mathematical logic. I was wondering what would be a good "expansive" mathematical logic book that covers as much material as possible. My school has books by both Ebinghaus (et. al) and Monk. Are these good? I've heard good things about Schoenfield, but I was...
Hello I recently noticed that mathematical logic is related to computer science.
I haven't studied math in university yet I'm not good at math and Since I'm not a native English speaker some English is hard to me.
Is there any good and easy book which describes mathematical logic used in...
I'm looking to write a dissertation in the field of logic (for a philosophy degree).
I'm deeply interested in logic, but whenever I consider the material beyond my courses it becomes pretty daunting. I'm reasonably familiar with:
*First Order Logic
*Set Theory and ZFC
*Cantor's Diagonal...
I want to address this post primarily to people who have already studied mathematical logic, or are currently studying it.
Since a while I've immersed myself in studying some math, and I must say that I started to enjoy pure mathematics. However, sometimes I don't really feel comfortable...
URGENT ! Mathematical Logic and Structures
Hey guys, i need a HUGE favor, i need the resolution for this 5 questions, its a question of end this year my degree or stay one year just with a subject. Please I am begging, who knows the resolution please say me something.
Part 1...
URGENT ! Mathematical Logic and Structures
Hey guys, i need a HUGE favor, i need the resolution for this 5 questions, its a question of end this year my degree or stay one year just with a subject. Please I am begging, who knows the resolution please say me something.
Part 1...
This is a question from my self study of ch.2 of Alfred Tarski's Introduction to Logic
Which of the following implications are true from the perspective of mathematical logic?
a) If a number x (assuming x is an integer) is divisible by 2 or by 6, then it is divisible by 12
b) if 18 is...
Let's say that a treatment A has been proven to have an impact on the levels of B with a given confidence interval.
Let's also say that we know that the treatment C causes the treatment A to be imposed on our sample.
Before the testing on the effects of C has been done, which statistical models...
Homework Statement
Prove the following LEMMA:
For every proposition A[P_{1}, \dots, P_{n}] and any two interpretations v and v', if v(P_{i})=v'(P_{i}) for all i=1, \dots,n, then v^{*}(A)=v'^{*}(A).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Sure this is obviously an...
What branches of mathematical logic are there? I've taken formal logic (that is, the logic where one has various operators, like conjunction, disjunction, etc). What other fields of logic should I take to become better at mathematical logic? Which fields of logic are the most useful and essential?
I was wondering where the best place to study logic at postgraduate level in the UK. As far as I know it's Manchester but I could be wrong?
Thanks for any help
I've been trying to decide on a mathematical logic textbook to teach myself a bit. I'm taking a course on it next semester, but I have never had a logic course before (I've had some CS courses though and proof-y math courses). I'm also taking a modal logic course the semester after math logic...
Theorem : let A be a set of formulas, a be a formula
For all A and all a,
Every interpretation which is a model of A is also a model of a iff
not (Sat A) U {~a}
Every interpretation which is a model of A is also a model of a
iff(1) there is no interpretation which is a model of A but...
I would like to know about a good introductory book on mathematical logic. It should start from set theory , include ZFC axioms and also touch on Godel's theorems.
"Mathematical Logic" by Cori and Lascar: Incomplete proof of Lemma 1.9?
I have a question on the book "Mathematical Logic: Propositional calculus, Boolean Algebras, predicate calculus" by Rene Cori and Daniel Lascar.
Proof of Lemma 1.9 given on...
I have a question on the textbook "Mathematical Logic: Propositional calculus, Boolean Algebras, predicate calculus" by Rene Cori and Daniel Lascar.
This is not about an exercise but about the conceptual content of the book. So I did not post this in the "Coursework and Homework questions"...
I recently read about the unexpected hanging problem and I was so surprised that logic actually failed in determining the solution!:( Is this just an isolated exception, or are there more paradoxes like this? And more importantly, why does logic fail? Isn't there any way around this? I just...
I'm reading Y. Manin's" and I've been having some difficulties. So...
Mathematical logic-- need some suggestion
I'm planning to start self-study of mathematical logic and axiomatic set theory. In fact I have already started and but facing a lot of problems to grasp the conception and formalism used there. After studying Hilbert's program and Godel 's...
This from Alonzo Church's Mathematical Logic, been stuck on it for a week =(.
Homework Statement
14.3 Present a Formal Proof: p \Rightarrow (q \Rightarrow r) \Rightarrow ((p \Rightarrow q) \Rightarrow r)Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
A truth table has shown that the previous...
Sorry to have two threads up at the top of the Science Book Discussion forum, but I couldn't find a thread for this. I'm interested in learning some mathematical logic. Here are the books I'm considering, please tell me what you think of them or suggest better alternatives.
Mathematical Logic...
Homework Statement
1.Assume the language has equality and a two-place predicate symbol. Given two structures (N;<) and (R;<), find a sentence true in one structure and false in the other. Can these two structures be elementarily equivalent? Can they be isomorphic? Why or why not?
I cannot find any sort of comprehensive list of top schools in mathematical logic. It seems that U Wisconsin should be good, though I don't know if that is the case now that Barwise has passed. UC Berkeley is clearly a good school for logic. All of the places that show up are in Europe. I would...
I'm trying to find a good book on Symbolic, Pure, Mathematical Logic. Anyone know such a book? I'd prefer it have no mention to number theory, set theory, etc. since I have books on those already and I find that they detract value from the books since it's just less time spent on the main topics.
I am more precisely looking for a book on mathematical logic which presupposes only minimal exposure to set theory. Preferably something which includes an introductory chapter delineating relevant set theoretic principals.
I am familiar with only basic set theory. More precisely this means...
Mathematical Logic: "For all" and "There exists"
I need to show that
\vdash (\forall x)(A \rightarrow (B \equiv C)) \rightarrow ((\forall x)(A \rightarrow B) \equiv (\forall x)(A \rightarrow C))
My question to you, how does the (\forall x) affect this equation? If they weren't there, I...
I am looking for excellent mathematical logic books that start from the beginning and go to the (what we think is) the end.
Hopefully something with lots of editions so I can pick up a 2nd edition for 3 bucks on Amazon used.
What are your recommedations, all I could find in the local library is Introduction to Mathematical Logic by Mendelson, it is dated 1963, is that still ok? Is there any more state-of-the-art book on mathematical logic? I am interested in self-learning of mathematical logic. I would like to know...
"Mathematical Logic" by Joseph R. Shoenfield
I started reading this book an Amazon, and I can't stop. Has anyone else read it? Is there some reason I haven't seen anyone recommend it? -because it's absolutely amazing so far.
Hi everybody,
I am looking for books about Logic and Set Theory. In particular, I am looking for not very advanced books. What are axioms, how do theorems connect to the axioms, how are we sure that some methods of proving give always correct and general results-these are some of the questions...