What is Mathematical methods: Definition and 76 Discussions

Mathematical physics refers to the development of mathematical methods for application to problems in physics. The Journal of Mathematical Physics defines the field as "the application of mathematics to problems in physics and the development of mathematical methods suitable for such applications and for the formulation of physical theories".

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  1. Greg Bernhardt

    Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Mary L. Boas

    Author: Mary L. Boas Title: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0471198269/?tag=pfamazon01-20 Prerequisities: Calculus Table of Contents: Infinite Series, Power Series The Geometric Series Definitions and notation Applications of...
  2. B

    My Mathematical Methods in Physics is written to weed out students, help me

    what is a mathematical methods in physics book that you all would recommend? I need One that shows enough steps, explains clearly, etc. At ASU, my mathematical methods in phyiscs book covers the following topics with excruciatingly little detail and cryptic wording/notation, skipping so many...
  3. M

    Advice on a good Mathematical Methods for Physicists Book?

    Advice on a good "Mathematical Methods for Physicists" Book? Hope this is the right area to be posting it in. I've checked out Tai Chow's book with the same title from my school library. There was a pretty brutal Amazon review on it, but overall I find it helpful. Does anyone have...
  4. S

    Book Suggestion on Mathematical Methods

    Greetings, I am an enthusiastic undergraduate university student in physics. In order to increase my mathematical knowledge and skills I would like to study a decent mathematical methods book. I came across two books whose names are: Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by...
  5. L

    Advanced Mathematical Methods Class - Question about Utility

    My school is offering a advanced mathematical methods classes next semester, taught by a supposedly world-renowned professor. Everyone to whom I've spoken, students and faculty alike, says he's an amazing teacher who gives you a unique education. However, here is the course description: My...
  6. fluidistic

    Mathematical methods of Physics, ODE

    Homework Statement For what values of K does the DE xy''-2xy'+(K-3x)y=0 (1) has a bounded solution in (0, \infty)?Homework Equations Not so sure, Frobenius method maybe.The Attempt at a Solution First, I check what happens when x tends to infinity. I see that the DE behaves like \phi ''-2 \phi...
  7. fluidistic

    Mathematical methods of Physics, ODE

    Homework Statement I must find the constant K such that y''-\left ( \frac{1}{4}+\frac{K}{x} \right )y=0 for x>0 has a non trivial solution that is worth 0 when x tends to 0 and when x tends to infinity.Homework Equations Frobenius method.The Attempt at a Solution I proposed a solution of the...
  8. S

    Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (3rd edition)

    Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (3rd edition) by Mary .L. Boas, Does this book has separate solution manual?
  9. R

    Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences

    I have been self studying this book by Mary L.Boas for a while which is a treat to study for its great depth. However, the problem of mine is though I have been able to solve most of the problems of this book, there are some really tough Questions in this book which are very hard to solve. So...
  10. G

    Mathematical methods of physics problem

    Homework Statement Here's the problem. Verify the operator identity x - d/dx = -exp (-x^2 / 2) d /dx exp (-x^2 / 2) Can someone please help me? Thanks :) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  11. A

    Two courses in Mathematical Methods for Physics, or higher mathematics?

    I have a problem. The amount of units I have taken up until now (this coming semester I'll be starting my Junior year) and the amount of time I have left is restricting my options for math courses. I do want to become a physics major and I intend on going to grad school. I have a strong...
  12. N

    Using mathematical methods to trade Forex

    Hello, so I've been in the forex market (currency trading and exchanges) for quite some time, I've done reasonably well, however I was curious as to how perhaps calculus and other mathematical methods could benefit me. Basically, I am a day trader...I wanted to know if there is a way to predict...
  13. P

    Mathematical Methods for Physicists - Arfken

    I don't know where to post this message, excuse me. I am taking the course "Matmematical Methods for Physicists." And my textbook is by Arfken. I wonder anyone here knows online sources that I might benefit for studying. I am in lack for good sources please help.
  14. S

    Mathematical methods for physicists(Numerical problems)

    Homework Statement Show how to find A and B, given A+B and A-B ??
  15. R

    Recommend a book on Mathematical Methods for Physicists

    the book we'll be using, from what i hear, is not very well laid out. The book is written by our professor...and well, the professors review is filled with students saying bad things about his book. Now i have had a free online preview of chapter 1 of the book and it seems all right. Still, i...
  16. B

    Undergraduate or beginning mathematical methods book?

    "Undergraduate" or "beginning" mathematical methods book? Hi everyone, I'd like to know your recommendations for an "introductory" mathematical methods book. I have a book by Frederick Byron and Robert Fuller...that's a good book, but it seems suited for the grad level. I'm looking for the...
  17. F

    Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences

    Hi I'm trying to get an opinion if Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Mary Boas is a good book to learn physics mathematics with a background in Calculus. I've been seeing people like it as a reference book, not so much as a learning tool. Opinions? Thank you
  18. S

    Mathematical methods for physics.

    hi, please do a favour by posting the links of video lectures on mathematical methods for physics, i got one elegant lecture on taylor series (indeed grateful to the professor :) ) frm here http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/the-taylor-series-and-other-mathematical-concepts. i m in...
  19. P

    Understanding Mathematical Methods for VCE Students

    Hey guys, well I am getting into year 10 now and I am sort of stressing over VCE.. ill be doing a unit 1 and 2 subject and i was just thinking about mathematical methods which is a subject. i had a look at a few exam papers online and didn't have a clue what it was about. anyways it'd be...
  20. E

    Which Book Is Best for Self-Studying Mathematical Methods in Physics?

    Lately a book for mathematical methods in physics is discussed on many topics. However, I couldn't find a sufficient answer for my specific problem. I took math. methods course while i was undergrad., I passed it quite successfully. Although, I did enjoy the course, I couldn't learn much on...
  21. C

    Mathematica Best Mathematical Methods Books for Linear Algebra and Quantum Mechanics

    Can anybody recommend some mathematical methods books? I'm particularily interested in linear algebra and anything to do with quantum mechanics formalisms. I've looked at arfken, boas and riley but I can't decide.
  22. J

    Mathematica Mathematical methods for physics textbooks?

    I was looking for a decent, broad-ranged mathematical textbook oriented towards physics students. I'm interested in "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences" by Mary Boas (over Arfken's book) and was wondering if any of you have any advice. [BTW - I only have seriously studied through...
  23. P

    Mathematica Simple but complete mathematical methods book?

    Can anyone recommand a simple but complete mathematical methods book written especially for undergrad physics students?
  24. H

    Mathematica Mathematical Methods by Riley, Hobson, Bence

    This is a great book but I have one complaint. Cambridge forbids access to all of the worked solutions unless you are an instructor of a math course. Now the Cambridge website does say this but the website of the merchant I bought the text and solutions manual from does not mention this at all...
  25. E

    Mathematica Mathematical methods of String Theory

    Wasn't really sure where to put this question as it is not really an academic or career question and since it about String Theory, I thought I should put it here. I was wondered what type of math I need to know to read an introductory course on string theory. I'm going through a mathematical...
  26. C

    Mathematica Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 2nd Edition

    Is this book something a high school student could understand? I have no experience with calculus...