What is Matlab programming: Definition and 68 Discussions

MATLAB (an abbreviation of "matrix laboratory") is a proprietary multi-paradigm programming language and numeric computing environment developed by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages.
Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numeric computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine allowing access to symbolic computing abilities. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based design for dynamic and embedded systems.
As of 2020, MATLAB has more than 4 million users worldwide. MATLAB users come from various backgrounds of engineering, science, and economics.

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  1. D

    Resultant pedal force (FRESULTANT) Force tangential to the crank arm

    %% part 1 clear all; close all; clc; torq_crPK = zeros(10,1); ang_tqPK = zeros(10,1); ang_powPK = zeros(10,1); torq_crDS = zeros(10,1); torq_crUS = zeros(10,1); WD = zeros(10,1); WDpos = zeros(10,1); WDneg = zeros(10,1);%% INPUT VARIABLES for i=1:10 % cyclist number % read in the...
  2. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.1: Basics of Programming using MATLAB

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.1: Basics of Programming using MATLAB

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  3. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.2: Array Operations in MATLAB

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.2: Array Operations in MATLAB

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  4. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.3: Loops and Execution Control

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.3: Loops and Execution Control

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  5. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.3a: Tutorial: Using Arrays

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.3a: Tutorial: Using Arrays

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  6. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.4: MATLAB Files -- Scripts and Functions

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.4: MATLAB Files -- Scripts and Functions

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  7. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.5: Plotting and Output

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 1.5: Plotting and Output

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  8. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.1: Errors in Numerical Computation

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.1: Errors in Numerical Computation

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  9. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.2: Truncation Errors and Taylors Series

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.2: Truncation Errors and Taylors Series

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  10. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.3: Round-Off Errors; and Iterative Methods

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.3: Round-Off Errors; and Iterative Methods

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  11. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.4: Step-wise Methods and Error Propagation

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 2.4: Step-wise Methods and Error Propagation

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  12. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.1: Differentiation in Single Variable

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.1: Differentiation in Single Variable

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  13. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.2: Higher Order Differentiation Formulae

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.2: Higher Order Differentiation Formulae

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  14. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.3: Partial Differentials

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.3: Partial Differentials

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  15. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.4: Numerical Integration

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.4: Numerical Integration

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  16. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.5: Multiple Applications of Integration Formulae

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.5: Multiple Applications of Integration Formulae

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  17. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.6: In-Build MATLAB Integration Functions

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 3.6: In-Build MATLAB Integration Functions

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  18. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.1: Basics of Linear Algebra

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.1: Basics of Linear Algebra

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  19. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.2: Gauss Elimination and Back-Substitution

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.2: Gauss Elimination and Back-Substitution

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  20. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.3: LU Decomposition and Partial Pivoting

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.3: LU Decomposition and Partial Pivoting

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  21. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.4: Gauss Siedel Method

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.4: Gauss Siedel Method

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  22. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.4a: Tutorial

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.4a: Tutorial

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  23. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.5: Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 4.5: Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  24. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.1: Nonlinear Equations in Single Variable

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.1: Nonlinear Equations in Single Variable

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  25. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.2: Using MATLAB command fzero

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.2: Using MATLAB command fzero

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  26. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.3: Fixed Point Iteration in Single Variable

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.3: Fixed Point Iteration in Single Variable

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  27. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.4: Newton-Raphson (single variable)

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.4: Newton-Raphson (single variable)

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  28. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.5: Using MATLAB command fsolve (multi-variable)

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.5: Using MATLAB command fsolve (multi-variable)

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  29. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.6: Newton-Raphson (multi Variable)

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 5.6: Newton-Raphson (multi Variable)

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  30. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.1: Introduction

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.1: Introduction

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  31. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.2: Linear Least Squares Regression

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.2: Linear Least Squares Regression

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  32. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.3: Nonlinear and Functional Regression

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.3: Nonlinear and Functional Regression

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  33. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.4: Interpolation Functions in MATLAB

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.4: Interpolation Functions in MATLAB

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  34. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.1: Introduction and Euler's Method

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.1: Introduction and Euler's Method

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  35. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.2: Runge-Kutta (RK-2) method

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.2: Runge-Kutta (RK-2) method

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  36. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.3: MATLAB ode45 algorithm

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.3: MATLAB ode45 algorithm

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  37. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.4: Higher order Runge-Kutta Methods

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.4: Higher order Runge-Kutta Methods

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  38. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.5: Error Analysis

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 7.5: Error Analysis

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  39. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.1: Multi-Variable ODE

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.1: Multi-Variable ODE

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  40. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.2: Stiff Systems & Solution using ode15s

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.2: Stiff Systems & Solution using ode15s

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  41. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.3: Method of Lines for transient PDEs

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.3: Method of Lines for transient PDEs

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  42. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.4: A Final Example

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 8.4: A Final Example

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  43. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.4a: Tutorial: How to do linear and nonlinear regression

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Lecture 6.4a: Tutorial: How to do linear and nonlinear regression

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  44. MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Course Introduction

    MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by Niket Kaisare (NPTEL):- Course Introduction

    Cpoyright reserved to Prof. Kaisare and NPTEL, Govt. of India. Course website: http://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/103106118/ Syllabus and other info: http://www.nptel.ac.in/syllabus/103106118/
  45. Cassius1n

    MATLAB Does anyone had this plotting problem with MATLAB?

    I have finsihed my work on an orbit propagator in MATLAB and now I'm trying to simulate the orbit with the help of the main script. tspan=[0 :860]; Position and velocity y0(1,1)= 743322.3616 ; y0(2,1)= -6346021.219 ...
  46. C

    MATLAB function within function handle output

    Homework Statement MATLAB The funciton "rockdynamicstage" outputs a matrix 4 by x, where x is somthing around 300( varies). The funciton "rockdynamicstage" is within the funciton handle "sim" with an input of gama0. (PayMass,Masstages,Massfrac,Thstage,IspStage,ChangeTstage) ar parameters that...
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    Extract Matrix Elements in Circular Manner

    Lets say I have a matrix A=rand(31,51). How can I extract its elements from its center (say row = 15, column = 26) in circular manner. I want to have a matrix that displays only those elements of 'A' which are inside a circle with its center at A(15,26). Radius of circle can be any number say 5...
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