What is monolog: Definition and 1 Discussions

A Monolog is a Single Telephone Line Call Logging Device manufactured by British Telecom in the UK. The reason for connecting Monolog to a telephone line is to collect independent call and charging data to help resolve customer queries or complaints.
Monolog is usually connected to a customer's line at the telephone exchange although it is possible to monitor the line at the customer's premises.
Monolog is based on the Mitsubishi M50734SP-10 8-bit processor that uses an enhanced 6502 instruction set. The unit comprises two boards: a digital board that contains EPROM and RAM for storage of call records and an analogue board that provides the necessary interface components to the monitored telephone line.
Monolog is powered via four AA rechargeable batteries which are trickle charged at approximately 2 mA from a control line. This control line is also used for remote connection to the unit for the purposes of data retrieval.

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  1. DaTario

    I How (un)reasonable is graphic linear regression in a monolog graphic?

    Hi All, Consider two different data sets whose contexts are not related. One is ploted in a linear graphic and the other in a monolog graphic. Both data sets end up looking the same in each graphic. How (un)reasonable is to proceed to a graphic method of linear regression in a monolog graphic...