Nature Definition and 729 Threads

  1. Ivan Seeking

    Schrödinger's cat comes closer: Nature
  2. phoenixthoth

    What are some opinions on God's nature and how can we connect with it?

    ultimately i don't know if i can know the properties of God. but i can state some opinions. i fully agree that God has nothing to do with reward or punishment. i don't know for sure if there is a heaven or a hell. i won't know for sure until i go there/die. i've also heard the definition...
  3. phoenixthoth

    Is Reality Multi-Layered and Accessible Through Inner Exploration?

    malai5 suggested to write down "what do i need to know at this time?" and see what floats in. i saw no harm in this so i did. and i began auto-writing. I'm not making a definite claim about the source of this writing except that it is probably something very personal to me. perhaps it is my...
  4. G

    Is Human Nature a Science or Philosophy?

    could someone just explain to me the ideas about human nature? is it a real science thing or just a philosophy? and what characteristics are considered human nature?
  5. R

    Uncovering the Supernatural: Examining God and Nature

    I must ask that you the reader suspend your belief or disbelief for the moment, only for the time it takes to read this post. I am trying to get across a point, a different way of looking at God and nature. Once you have read this with an open thoughtful mind and given it a bit of thought you...
  6. M

    New Theory on the Nature of Light

    You might like to check out this site. It has some interesting ideas.
  7. D

    Wavelength nature of light: magnesium Fluoride

    Hi! In terms of magnesium fluoride what is the minimum thickness of mag fl coating that must be applied to a glass lens to make it non-reflecting for that wavelength? (the index of refraction of magnesium fluoride is intermediate to that of air and glass) 1/2 wavelength out of phase to...
  8. D

    Understanding the Nature of Light: A New Perspective

    [SOLVED] On The Nature Of Light The decision to define a photon as a sub-atomic particle is a difficult one to understand. According to the existing theory there is a different photon for every frequency in the whole of the electro-magnetic spectrum and for every possible combination of...
  9. M

    Is the Missing Antimatter of the Universe Just a Matter of Labeling?

    A colleague has posted an essay on antimatter at [PLAIN][/URL] . It is suggested that the missing antimatter of the universe is not missing at all. In other words there is no baryonic asymmetry and CP violation has been misinterpreted. I think the ideas...
  10. T

    The Mysterious Nature of Clouds: Density, Temperature, and Structure

    What causes the high up cirrus clouds to be ripple shaped and thin, while the lower stratus or cumulo nimbus clouds to be puffy and opaque? Presumably, it must have something to do with atmospheric density and temperature...although how exactly seems uncertain. Also, what causes clouds to...
  11. Ivan Seeking

    Liquorice may tackle SARS: Nature
  12. Ivan Seeking

    Universe can surf the Big Rip; Nature article
  13. M. Gaspar

    Explore the Nature of Spirit - Questions & Answers

    What is "spirit" anyway? The animating force within (all?) living things? The central nature of a person? What are its properties? Its proclivities? Its "powers"? Its "purpose"? Is "spirit" real or imagined? Essential or extraneous? "Perfect" or "evolving"? Eternal or finite...
  14. M

    Is It Possible for Good Intentions to Justify Evil Actions?

    This was discussed quite a bit, on the old PFs, and I'd like to revive the topic. Is it "evil" to sin against a person? If so, then all "heroes" are really "evil", as they must sin against their enemies, in order to achieve their [noble] purpose. However, this raises the question of...
  15. D

    How Does Wavelength Affect Scattering Angle in Light?

    If sunlight of color B is scattered through an angle 16 times greater than sunlight of color A, then the wavelength of color B is? Dx :wink:
  16. D

    How Do You Calculate the Fringe Separation in Young's Double Slit Experiment?

    Hello, A monochromatic light is incident on a Youngs double spilt setup that has a slit separation of 30um. the resultant bridge fringe separation if 2.15cm on a 1.2 m from the double slit. what is the separation between the 3rd order bright fringe and the 0th order bright fringe? I know...
  17. D

    How Does Light's Wave Nature Affect Double Slit Experiment Results?

    Hello, In a double slit experiment the slit separation is 2.0mm and two wavelengths 750nm and 900nm illuminate the slits. A screen placed 2m from the slits. at what distance from the central maximum on the screen will a bright fringe from one pattern first conincide with a bright fringe from...
  18. A

    Yet more on the nature of philosophy

    Yet more on the nature of "philosophy"... It seems to me that a complete idiot who has an idiotic original thought is more a philosopher than an educated person who merely parrots the words of their intellectual superiors. What am I talking about? Occasionally on message boards, or in...
  19. S

    Can a centrifuge be used to induce fusion in ions?

    Can we consruct a centrifuge to accelerate ions and coerce them to fuse into heavier elements? It would have to be a sweeping electric field, because any moving parts would disintegrate from the great velocity they'd invariably have to have. Think fusion could be achieved this way?
  20. M

    Can All Minds Truly Be Products of One Mind?

    Most of us here are familiar with the Lifegazer's Mind idea, so I won't go into any real explanation - unless it becomes necessary; in which case, I think Lifegazer would do a better job than I would anyway. Lifegazer has said that all minds are products of the Mind (or of God; the terms are...
  21. K

    I don't think Telepathy could possibly be electromagnetic in nature

    So, telepathy, eh? If people can send their thoughts to each other, I don't think it could be through any sort of electromagnetic phenomena. Since any electric/magnetic fields people's bodies have around them are negligible, if they exist at all.. I say that because if you've grounded...
  22. D

    Feature of human nature is denial

    It seems to me that key feature of human nature is denial. There are some things that many people just refuse to believe despite all the evidence in the world to back it up. This denial appears to be a result of serious perceived incompatibilities between existing beliefs and new...
  23. Dissident Dan

    The True Nature of the Spleen of Existence

    Follow your spleen, not your mind. Only that can lead to enlightenment. When you open yourself to the wisdom of your spleen, you discove the miracle of the true nature of existence, and can fulfill your divine purpose.
  24. L

    What is the true nature of 'I' in relation to sensations and thoughts?

    I posted this at Mentat's "I think, therefore I am" thread: As I see it, 'thinking' is how existence is assertained - along with 'sensation-of-awareness'. Thus thinking is the source of knowing that 'existence is'. Therefore, it can definitely be claimed that 'thought' is evidence of...
  25. Loren Booda

    The great destroyer: human or nonhuman nature?

    Is human malevolence or natural predation more destructive to life?
  26. S

    What it's like to vanish-QM and the nature of consciousness

    What it's like to vanish--QM and the nature of consciousness I’ve recently been thinking about the familiar Schrödinger’s Cat thought-experiment. Uncertainty at the quantum level essentially dictates that the rhetorical cat considered in the experiment ‘exists’ in a superposition of states. The...
  27. heusdens

    Philosophy of Nature. Time and Space

    V. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE. TIME AND SPACE We now come to philosophy of nature. Here again Herr Dühring has every cause for dissatisfaction with his predecessors. Natural philosophy "sank so low that it became an arid, spurious doggerel founded on ignorance", and "fell to the prostituted...
  28. C

    I had a thought about the nature of anti matter

    suppose that antimatter is not real in the real sense nut still is.what if when a nuclear decay or atom smasher happens and a positron is released,since positrons and electrons annihillate each other when they make contact,what if anti matter is actual the absense of energy not real energy in...
  29. Z

    Nature or Nurture: What Shapes Our Personalities?

    Where do you fall on this one? Do you believe we are programed from birth with our entire personality, do you believe that we start clean, and are the product of environment? Or do you believe it is a combination, and if so, what is the balance? 50/50?