n^n Definition and 1 Threads

The grapheme Ň (minuscule: ň) is a letter in the Czech, Slovak and Turkmen alphabets. It is formed from Latin N with the addition of a caron (háček in Czech and mäkčeň in Slovak) and follows plain N in the alphabet. Ň and ň are at Unicode codepoints U+0147 and U+0148, respectively.

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  1. S

    Prove that the limit as n->infinity of n^n/n! is infinity

    I am self-studying Boas and this is a problem from Ch. 1.2. I have developed what I believe is an answer, but I'm not sure it's adequate. The general approach is to show that for all values of n > 1, n^n grows faster than n!, and therefore that (n^n)/n! approaches infinity as n approaches...