I know that linear control theory, in the form ##\dot{x}=Ax+Bu##, ##\dot{u}=Cx+Du##, can be put in the form of a matrix Riccati equation. But is there really an advantage to doing so?
In the picture, there is a problem where the t is in units of square root(l/g), and V in square root(gl)
I am wondering
1. What it means when time is in units other than time? Does it mean that when solving I have to take time/squareroot(l/g)
2. How did they get square root(l/g).
Thank you...
I'm currently working on combining energy storage systems like flywheels and batteries to balance consumption/regeneration. I've been looking at using an optimal control scheme so that a cost function can be tailored to our wishes.
I'm curious about what other people in this field have been...
Homework Statement
I was wondering if I can get some help on a Linear Regulator Problem for an Optimal Control Problem. Given a state equation and performance measure I am trying to solve using the Riccati equation on MATLAB. This is a sample example I got from a book Optimal Control Donald...
I'm working on a wheel loader task and my mission is to optimize the feul consumbtion and controlling the slipp using a appropriate optimal control method. All data is from the tires and I have to by some method tell the motor how much it has to give to machine to drive.
Anyone suggest a...
Dear all,
I am investigating a Transient Optimal Heating Problem with distributed control and Dirichlet condition. The following are the mathematical expression of the problem:
Where Ω is the domain,
Γ is the boundary,
y is the temperature distribution,
I am working with a code that minimizes the objective functional value in an optimal control problem. It takes $A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4$ (the balancing factors for various components of the objective functional) as inputs, and then outputs the values of the state variables, control...
Although this could fall under engineering, I thought the Diff Eq forum was the most relevant. Let me know if I should post elsewhere.
I have a fairly basic system for which I'm trying to find a minimum-time optimal control policy. I know there are many ways to do this numerically, but since...
Dear all,
I am building an arm with 2 joints(elbow, shoulder) and want to optimally control it to a particular position(wirst). The examples I saw so far(e.g. acrobot) have a target control signal u(t_f) which becomes zero when reaching the target x_{target} in the final time step t_f.
In my...
I have a lot of questions, if you know something in one of them or more I will glad if you can write a replay
I search after researches or others things that are correlated between optimal control and autonomous vehicles it can be things like how to calculate the shortest way, the rapid way...
I'm trying to pick up optimal control by self study. At the moment I'm working on linear quadratic regulator and trying to reproduce the result publish in this paper.
Curtis and Beard, Successive collocation: An approximation to optimal nonlinear control, Proceedings of the American Control...
Hi guys, I could use some help on the proof of a verification theorem for the following optimal control problem
Hi all,
I have an optimal control problem and to solve it, after starting with the initial control 'u',I have to integrate the state equation x'=f(x(t),u(t),t) forward in time then integrate the adjoint equation PSI'=G(x(t),u(t),PSI(t),t) backward in time. I want to implement all of that by 4th...